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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 18
  2. I lived in the Valley for 11 months a long time ago and always wanted to go there but never did. Used to pile my surfboard into my TR3 and head down Topanga Canyon to surf at Malibu. Those were the days
  3. That thought you have can soon turn into 'Those poor addicts, still smoking. I'm so glad I'm no longer chained to my addiction!' I'm serious, This is how I was looking at other smokers within months of quitting. I think it kind of goes like this: romancing smoking will lead you back to it. Realizing that smoking never did one good thing for you will reaffirm your passion for quitting and set you free forever!
  4. 13
  5. 11
  6. 12
  7. 11
  8. Welcome to Quit Train GB! As Jillar said, we've all struggled greatly when trying to quit. This is a very powerful addiction you're dealing with but it IS beatable! I'm sorry to hear of your medical issues but you know 2 things are true: 1. A large causation factor was your smoking. 2. You can't change what's happened in the past but quitting will give you the absolute best chance at improving your quality of life going forward! I would recommend you stick around this site and soak up all the information about quitting that there is here ... and there's a lot! You will also get a lot of non-judgmental support here from other quitters. It really is a very tight knit quitters community here and we really do 'get it'. Look at quitting only day to day or even hour to hour in the early days. It makes things less overwhelming. Everyone here has either quit successfully or is in the process of doing that so you have come to the right place. Take back control of your life GetBack!
  9. Same here Barb63! I was climbing the walls and going out of my mind the first while when I quit. I thought having a smoke would end that feeling and it was VERY tempting but I also knew if I did not only would I have to do the hard withdrawal over again next time I quit but I might just decide not to quit again which would have been deadly for me. So I gritted my teeth and powered through the tough times and yes, in fact, it DID get easier after a while - not immediately but after a while I noticed it was not always as intense so hang in there. It'll be no different for you. I just passed my 4th year being quit (Jan 2017) and I don't ever desire a smoke these days. Haven't for years. Do I even have thoughts about smoking or as Jillar said "mild triggers" .... sure I do occasionally but they are laughable at this point. If someone told me tomorrow I had only two weeks to live, would I start smoking again? No I wouldn't because I no longer need to feed my addiction and gaining that freedom ... taking back MY life is very important to me and I would never want to give that up again - never!!
  10. 8
  11. 8 Chicks aren't paying attention cuz they're out ballin'; drifting their Vettes
  12. Congrats on 3 months - 1/4 year quit!
  13. 6
  14. 6
  15. 11 Hey D!
  16. 11
  17. I agree. Stopping and starting is a losing proposition! Perpetual hard withdrawal - Yikes! You're five days in. That first week (hell week) is the worst but it's also where we learn our coping skills that will carry us through the months to come so look at it as your learning curve. I think we all pretty much had to drag ourselves kicking and sometimes screaming through those early quit days so you're in good company. You're getting through the really tough part now though so carry on because although there will be ups and downs, it will continue to improve overall. Stay the course Robbie
  18. 9
  19. 3
  20. Why do announcers covering a golf game being played in southeast USA (Georgia) speak in soft tones with an English accent. Seems to me it would be like importing someone from Texas to announce a soccer match in England So, going for a beer on the back patio instead. Nice evening out
  21. 3 Geez!
  22. Hi Barb! You'll have a lot of support here and there's endless information to look at. It really is the best overall quit smoking site you'll find.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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