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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Nope! Anyone for Pizza in Bequia? (Small Island of the coast of St. Vincent & the Grenadines)
  2. Good for you making a decision to quit altogether! Putting anything in your lungs, other than fresh air, is dangerous long term; IMO. Wondering what level of nicotine is in the Vape juice you're using, as it's adjustable and the higher values are higher than what's in cigarettes I believe. Also, just seeing people who vape, they seem to take a drag or two then go about their business but then a minute later they're back at it. Seems to me it's easy to vape a lot more than if you were smoking cigarettes? Maybe I'm wrong on that but that's what I see often. Make that unwavering commitment to yourself then get at it! You can & will do anything you really set your mind to. We're here to help in any way we can, even if that's just moral support and pointers on what's happening as you travel through your quit process. As already pointed out, there's a treasure trove of information all over this site. It's the very best place you could be so ... come here often as it'll become your safe place full of people who get what you're going through. You'll find everyone here super nice & helpful; no bad actors in our home and you're now part of our non-smoking family so let's get this done
  3. YEP! It's Chicksand 18
  4. Congrats @Genecanuck!! That 1st month is always the hardest to get through and now, it's done & dusted! Still more work to do of course but you've kept a steady hand on not smoking so far - no reason not to keep that up going forward. Be sure to take some time today and treat yourself. Rewards along the way for a job well done are important!
  5. Thought it would have been warmer up there in our nation's capitol, with all that hot air coming from the Federal Legislature
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  11. Nope! The name of the large Catamaran in your pic today @Cbdave
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  13. WOW! That's some bad-ass flooding @johnny5 Was wondering who puts all those sand bags along the shoreline that were in some photos? Is that up to the homeowners to buy and place them or is it some sort of Emergency Agency that would do that when a bad storm is expected? So sad to see water up so far along the wall of a house in one picture. You just know it's gonna be hugely expensive and take months if not a year or more to get it done cuz all the trades will be overloaded for a long time! And once that water gets up to the level of the engine of your car ... it's toast Between flooding and wildfire events these past few years, the insurance industry is buckling and beginning to just plain not offer certain coverages any longer - sad
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  16. Still sunny; hot & humid today without much breese; in fact none! September 16th; go figure
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  18. I'm sensing a pattern here; thanks to Cbdave Nope! Famous Canadian Sailing Scooner-Bluenose II; Leaving it's slip in the early morning mist of Lunenburg; Nova Scotia
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  20. Funny story; about 6 years ago the wife & I flew from L.A. to Tahiti via: Air Tahiti Nui. Once we were on the plane I said to the wife; "Hey look! There's still ashtrays on the arm rests on this plane. Wonder how old it is
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  22. I just remember how gross they were and how I was always embarrassed to go into one because it was all glassed in with a huge suction thing trying to suck all the smoke out of the cubicle. Good God!!! What were we thinking? Power of addiction I suppose and that always got a work out when flying. The fear of not being able to light up for hours Freedom tastes a whole lot better than a smoke ever did
  23. OMG! Do they still have those in some airports I remember going into one of those somewhere many years ago when I was still a smoker and even then, they were unbearable!!
  24. Welcome to the Train @Asphodelian! You've hit the nail on the head with your thoughts on what quitting the smokes will do for you in terms of your life. Think of it as Freedom! Don't be too concerned about how you'll adjust to life without smokes, you will do that just as we all did. We all used smoking as an excuse at times not to get involved with our lives but I can assure you, life is GREAT without the smokes Don't fear it; embrace the opportunity. You'll be forever grateful you did Quitting is much about mindset. Focus on the positives ahead and leave the smokey past behind! You CAN do it

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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