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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. -18
  2. Yeah. that weird pulmonary condition would be called 'smoking' by most folk.
  3. -11
  4. -8
  5. Two things: - seasonal triggers persist for a full year. Not all the time but occasionally as the seasons change and you start doing you haven't done yet as a non-smoker. That's why it's recommended that you hang in here for a full year so you have somewhere to voice what's happening to you. - You are developing new daily routines and methods of coping with life's issues without cigarettes. You need to repeat these new daily routines and coping methods over and over again before your brain doesn't automatically remind you that you should be having a smoke. It's a long, boring process but it WILL work for you! Both of you, @Linda & @AceWhite are largely over the really tough daily grind of quitting. Now it's more of a stay on guard and practice your new, non-smoking, daily routines situation. Put up with the odd down day because you know that you will have more and more really great days ahead!
  6. Not only do the cigarettes stink but I was amazed at how badly I stank after having a smoke back when I was a smoker! Hey! There's tons of benefits to quitting so be on the look out for them as you continue along the tracks to Freedomville! Welcome and Great Start with your quit
  7. -6
  8. -7
  9. -6
  10. You'll soon know what's going on with your lungs if you're seeing a pulmonologist. Regardless of what the result of that examination is, quitting is the absolute best thing you can do to preserve the health of your lungs in future. Even more so if there's an damage already present! Quitting is stressful because you are reprograming your entire daily routines and learning new coping skills at the same time. Those changes you are making will become your new normal soon enough if you simply stick with the program. That's the way it works for all of us. No one gets a free pass. Hard work and NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) is what will get you to life long freedom.
  11. Nicotine addiction runs every aspect of your life 24-7 when you smoke. Everything is planned around your smoking routine! That's why freedom from your addiction is so precious Taking back your own life!
  12. -3
  13. Yippee Whee ......now it's Three for Steven D! Great job man Keep placing 1 foot in front of the other to move forward.
  14. -3
  15. -3 Watch it girlies! Don't get ahead of yourselves! I can remember a time when you were praising the sticks winning streak
  16. "Not sure why anniversaries are so difficult." Loss of a loved one are just like that, It's tough - no question about that but at the same time, you have now started a journey that will include many anniversaries that you can celebrate with joy and renewed commitment to a healthier future for YOU! Quitting is a journey ; just as life is. There'll be ups and downs but when you have a goal in your sights and your have truly committed to it, you can't fail! Welcome to a place where support is given freely and knowledge is the key to your own freedom from nicotine slavery. Take full advantage
  17. Sweet! 1st month done is the best!!! Carry on to freedom.
  18. Why is it that every kid that has ever had their picture taken with Santa has that 'deer in the headlights' look on their face? What the hell was really going on during those 'Santa visits'? No wonder I'm traumatized
  19. Huge congrats Gus! 2 Months has allowed you to build a fabulous quit foundation and I see in you an unbreakable commitment that will see you through to a life long quit! Keep putting one foot in front of the other and you will reach your destination!
  20. 4

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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