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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. I believe these are what she's referring to Abby. Interesting Series, each about an hour long.
  2. Are those people in the movie or just random people you know that you're naming to confuse me more than I normally am?
  3. Your description seems familiar now. Humm ........ maybe I saw it and just don't remember? The warden would likely agree with that theory
  4. We've been under an 'Emergency Stay At Home' order so long now that I can't remember when it was instituted. Feels like an emotional weight on your shoulders after awhile, even when you don't realize it all the time. Our vaccination roll out was slow in starting but we are now rolling along pretty well and that seems to be making a huge difference in new case numbers and hospitalizations. The current 'Emergency Order' expired today and they did not extend it however, nothing is allowed to open so there's really not many places to go. Technically, yesterday, we were breaking the law with our little outing. Today, it would be allowed. Good thing we didn't get busted and sent to the crowbar hotel - lol. They are going to start opening some things up in 2 weeks. Very slowly and gradually because the last thing anybody here wants is a 4th lockdown. There does seem to be hope here now. I just hope there are no variants out there coming our way that the vaccines aren't capable of fighting. I'm sure your situation there will improve at some point. I think once it does, things will move fairly quickly toward normalcy in most things. I don't envy you quitting during these times for sure but on all fronts, you life will be much, much better in the very near future. Now that's something to lift your spirits and something to celebrate
  5. I've never heard of that movie, lol.
  6. This is why it's so vitally important to quit as soon as you have a mind to do so! What greater reason could you want to have to motivate you to keep moving forward with your quit?
  7. These are the things you will realize later on in your quit. The real gems that you didn't even expect to find when you started out. Dealing with life's issues becomes easier and more direct, instead of hiding behind a cloud of deadly smoke while contemplating things. That and just being free from having your life controlled 24/7 by a senseless addiction. Holy cow! What were we thinking all those years?
  8. -4
  9. The mental health benefit for us today was huge I firmly believe we acted responsibly. We were outdoors the whole time. We were not in close to anyone, aside from the wife paying for the mood enhancer stuff - lol. We came home, had a BBQ and drank some of Wayne's finest . All in all, it was a great day!
  10. Kind of surprised at how open the US is, given the fact they're still up there in case counts/population but if you're fully vaccinated then you should not have any serious concerns. I'm not sure what I will do once I'm fully vaccinated and they remove restrictions here. Wear a mask or not?? I think I'll have issues dinning indoors for quite a while. You're correct .... quitting has probably increased your anxiety in the early days. The good news though is that learning to deal with your anxieties without smokes will be one of the greatest benefits of you quitting somewhere down the road!
  11. Being the oneth of the month today, the Warden & I said 'F' it today!! Tired of Stay at Home Orders! Been months now only going to the food store and for walks around the block so we decided we'd go for for a completely 'non-essential' drive today Stopped at the Wayne Gretsky Winery & Distillery in Niagara on the Lake (wine country) & picked up a little good cheer for later on. Lots of Grape vines in these parts. Far as the eye can see! Then, off to have a look see at the water falls just down the road a bit. There's normally tons of people there but the place was deserted Looked at the American side first(border is closed so you can't go there) ................... Then the Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side ........................ Could get closer today cuz no people ................ If you're in a canoe or kayak and you need to bail out, this branch is your last hope before you go over the edge Not sure if would hold you though. Doesn't look all that sturdy That current is moving really fast at this point!
  12. -16
  13. -13
  14. -13
  15. -11
  16. -9
  17. 1
  18. -16
  19. -16
  20. Where's my refund -14
  21. It's a helpless feeling isn't it Jillar? Knowing how it's possible for anyone to quit if they truly want to and understanding that those with COPD are just hastening the progression of their disease by continuing to smoke There's just some si*t ya can't change no matter how much you'd like to. Sad; very sad
  22. Odd how we keep doing sh*t that isn't good for us but ...... NOPE! No longer!!
  23. Fantastic milestone my friend! 5 Years Hope you have a Hoppy Day
  24. Know that you have done the best thing you could by quitting smoking and it's important to let others know the reality of long term smoking. If your story isn't motivation for others to quit & stay quit then I don't know what is Unfortunately, as you stated in your post about the Facebook group, some just don't heed the message no matter how or where it's delivered. This is how insidious this addition is! We are all invincible .... until we aren't!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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