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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Pretty sure I could change that dislike of shrimp for ya
  2. -14
  3. Just what the Doctor ordered. Friends, sun & fun - enjoy!
  4. Yay!! Congratulations Katgirl That all important 1st month is done. Now you can put all the tools and strategies you learned in that first month to work for your 2nd month.
  5. Actually, the gardens here are all the wife's doing. She's the green thumb talent. I just keep her well fed
  6. -12
  7. -12
  8. -12
  9. Big Congrats on making it to the 1 year mark of your quit, That is indeed a special milestone. I remember reaching that mark myself. Celebrate your hard work and carry on protecting that beautiful quit!
  10. -14
  11. No @jillar; we have a new wheelbarrow so I can still haul all kinds of stuff
  12. That was the idea. The 10 year old wheelbarrow just sort of died out there so we 'repurposed' it in the corner of the yard!
  13. Been hot & humid here too with some good rain just at the right times Gardens are lovin' it!
  14. -14
  15. -12 we're almost winning now. This should be a walk in the park!
  16. Great work Nana!! You're right. It takes an unwavering commitment and lots of hard work to succeed but it's doable & well worth it in the end Proud and Happy you made it to your 1 year anniversary!
  17. -12
  18. Just to clarify, you're not saying you've actually done this yourself, right?
  19. Don't worry about being judged here Steven. There are a couple of members here who may take the tough love approach but that is not a judgement. Think of it as a slap in the face to make you pause and take stock of what you are doing and how you're approaching things. The more you're involved here, the stronger your focus will be on your own quit. Doesn't even matter what you have to add to a post - just dive in. Even if your contribution is; good job! or I agree, or I feel your pain .... doesn't matter the content, What matters is that you're involved frequently. It WILL help Steven!
  20. Congrats on 5 months. That's almost a half year
  21. Actually I had zero reaction to my first shot, not even the sore arm. Hoping for a repeat performance this time . I have heard reports indicating people have generally suffered greater reactions after the 2nd shot. Not sure if that true or not.
  22. Yes @Lilley no cost for the vaccine (but they'll tax us for it later ) No two heads or extra boobs so far, just a slight swollen feeling around my head.

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