I'm actually feeling much better now on day 5 of my Covid journey
Here's some take-aways I have so far from having contracted the strain of this virus that I got ( whatever variant that was?). And remember .... I'm an X-smoker just like the rest of you who smoked for decades and damaged my poor lungs way more than I ever wanted to.
1. There's no way to tell where or even when I actually got the virus. I'm pretty careful with masking and social distancing and hand washing since the onset of Covid yet still ....... I got the virus somehow/somewhere. It's a balance of living life vs staying safe at all costs and clearly, there was a bullet in the chamber for me after 2.5 years of dodging this thing.
2. It's NOT like a cold and it's NOT like the flu. It shares a few symptoms with those illnesses but somehow, Covid feels very different. I clearly had a mild case and I never felt it was affecting my lungs. More of an upper airways thing (throat & nose).
3. The brain fog I had was real and a little concerning. It scares me to not feel I'm in control of my focus and motor functions. I was not in control for at least two days or so (good thing I wasn't driving).
4. The fatigue I experienced was fairly mild - not like being knocked on your a*s as the flu tends to do. It was fleeting and came on me suddenly, without warning at times. Sleep was not in large chunks but in small bites.
5. I did not experience many symptoms that others experience like, fever and debilitating headaches. I suppose I was lucky in that regard. I was not sick to my stomach and ate regularly although in lesser volume. I kept hydrated throughout.
6. The coughing was unrelenting at times and unproductive mostly but sometimes producing a bit of clear mucus.
7. My biggest beef with having Covid is that I completely lost all sense of taste and smell! This still persists even though I am feeling pretty decent now and other symptoms are weakening. I had heard this was a very common symptom but I promise you; you can never understand just how profoundly this affects your daily routine until you experience it. I know I did not comprehend what effect that would have on me. Suddenly, mealtime is a disappointment - something to be avoided. Unfulfilling best describes it! Eating become merely a life sustaining function without the joy of mouthwatering flavours. Textures, temperature & spices are all you can hope to experience. I long for the return of taste more than anything at this point. Texture & sustenance is not enough!
Not sure why I wrote this down because it just my experience but perhaps it will serve some purpose in illustrating what some aspects of a Covid experience might be like for others?