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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. -2
  2. Nine years is amazing! I'm sure being a nonsmoker seems to be just normal now but celebrating the fact that you put in the work all those years ago and quit never gets old
  3. Oh Boy! Blue Jays creamed Boston tonight; 28-5 Including an inside the park grand slam home run! Clearly was NOT Boston's night
  4. Agreed! Freedom from slavery to nicotine is the absolute best. In my case, this is something that wasn't even on my radar when I first quit. It was an added bonus that I only realized after I'd been quit for awhile. Turns out it was by far and away the best benefit I experienced after I quit! I expect that's pretty common as we tend not to realize just how much control smoking has over our daily lives when we're still smoking?
  5. -1
  6. Oh wow! Never thought I'd see the day that the counting game died Back in the day .... it was always #1!
  7. Nope! Not on my Anniversary. The wife would give me a slap if I did!
  8. I really like travelling now so much more that when I smoked. Good lord, an overseas flight was sheer agony when I was a smoker! Upon arrival at destination, I would have walked over shards of broken glass & hot coals to get out to the 'smoking area'. Now -no big deal.
  9. You just gotta dress for the weather. That's what I do!
  10. Yes! Long time, no see ! @Lin-quitting - glad to see you're still with us 'quitters' and it's a NOPE for me too!
  11. OO
  12. Congrats on 9 Years Nancy! Wow! Double digits next year
  13. Chocolate cake Mmmmmm! Small rewards are important along the way Always reward good behavior!
  14. Three
  15. For: @jillar; @Doreensfree & @Boo In honor of the now defunct 'Babe Of The Day' thread; a special NOPE!
  16. I'm not here as I'm walking the cat
  17. Yup! Day 3 is the worst for many, many quitters (not day 1). I had pretty bad brain fog too OC and I also took a few days off work because I just couldn't function. It was still tough when I went back but I did manage to get things worked out. As others have said; "you're doing great" so celebrate that each day in some small way AND .... you have a new family (us)! Of course half of us are certifiably insane but hey; isn't that the case with most families
  18. Boo was forever damaged after that
  19. There are some tough battles along the way; no question but. anyone can make it through those times with a strong commitment to be free from nicotine's control. You are not only battling addiction withdrawal but more significantly over the longer term you are restructuring your entire daily life to exclude cigarettes. That's what takes the longest time - finding and becoming comfortable with your 'new lifestyle' that doesn't include smoking!
  20. So you’ve been eating hot dogs and McChickens all your life, but you won’t take the vaccine because you don’t know what’s in it?
  21. Sometimes the universe puts you in the same situation, just to see if you're still a dumb-ass!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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