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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. -6
  2. Why has it taken me over 1/2 a century to realize that Casper the friendly ghost is really just Richie Rich with no clothes on and no hair
  3. Rewards are good! They reinforce your good quit behavior! Set your milestones or goals and reward yourself accordingly. Keep checking out the forum too! Lots of good stuff that will educate you about the lies & realities of smoking & quitting. There's a video page too that addresses just about every single issue surrounding smoking & quitting. Need a little extra motivation? Get mad at the tobacco industry by watching the three episodes of Tobacco Wars. Lots of stuff for you here on this site
  4. Welcome aboard - barf-bags for nervous travelers are over there in the corner if needed Seriously though, quitting is ultra simple. Only one rule: N.O.P.E. (Not One Puff Ever). maintain that rule as your junkie brain tries to convince you otherwise & you'll come out the other side as a proud quitter! You'll get lots of expert knowledge here as well as support from other quitters
  5. -4
  6. I love Fart & Poo stuff. So childish .... LOL
  7. I'm going #1 (well; not literally in the way you think I thought ).
  8. I got distracted and have not been doing my part here lately but @Mac#23 has held the fort admirably Where are we now? 5
  9. Congrats Yoda!! 11 is no small feat. You're just a month away from that very significant 1 year mark when you will have faced all your seasonal triggers and beaten them. There'll be a party - that's for sure!! Best start picking out your swimsuit cuz there's an awesome pool on the Lido Deck
  10. Some days I just bite off more than I can chew
  11. I'm wearing my tiara again, even after therapy
  12. There's no such thing as failure unless you give up trying!
  13. Don't sweat it FM! You'll do fine as long as you're committed to quit no matter what the nicodemon throws at you and besides, you have a whole bunch of big-time quitters around this place who will be more than happy to give support, advice and anything other than a payday loan Check out the Games page .... you may find you need a little mindless entertainment if your sleep patterns get screwed up in the early days of your quit.
  14. Oh boy ..... it's going to sound like we're piling on here a bit because I too went cold turkey. (trust me, it's not a plot against your choice of NRT product). A couple of things I would say though is: 1. Ask your Dr. or Pharmacist about the use of Nicotine gum, even if you're not buying it from them or - research recommended usage on the internet. The company who makes the gum you are buying may have it's own website. 2. Don't focus too much on what you are using to help you with the physical aspects of nicotine withdrawal because if you do, it will give your junkie brain (yes, we all have one of those!) ammunition to shift blame should you fail in your initial quit attempt. Take OWNERSHIP of this quit because in the end it's YOU and only you that determines the outcome - commitment is the key to quitting! Not patches, gums, lozenges or nico-sprays. Those only help reduce the physical side effects of quitting a bit for a short period of time. The real heavy lifting is restructuring your daily life so that you become completely comfortable as a non-smoker! That's where it's at and that just takes time & patience. Your anxiousness about your approaching quit date is completely normal! It will evaporate instantly once you actually quit
  15. Hey! .............wait a minute here ...............
  16. -5
  17. I remember the first time I smelled that stink of stale tobacco smoke on someone who walked past me just after having a smoke. I almost fell over it was so pronounced, and my sniffer ain't that good either. I thought to myself; is that what I smelled like to others after having a smoke? I was embarrassed & humiliated at that realization Since then when I hear someone say; "I'm a secret smoker. Even my family doesn't know" , it cracks me up because clearly, that's not even possible!
  18. -2
  19. Nine years is amazing! I'm sure being a nonsmoker seems to be just normal now but celebrating the fact that you put in the work all those years ago and quit never gets old
  20. Oh Boy! Blue Jays creamed Boston tonight; 28-5 Including an inside the park grand slam home run! Clearly was NOT Boston's night
  21. Agreed! Freedom from slavery to nicotine is the absolute best. In my case, this is something that wasn't even on my radar when I first quit. It was an added bonus that I only realized after I'd been quit for awhile. Turns out it was by far and away the best benefit I experienced after I quit! I expect that's pretty common as we tend not to realize just how much control smoking has over our daily lives when we're still smoking?
  22. -1
  23. Oh wow! Never thought I'd see the day that the counting game died Back in the day .... it was always #1!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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