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Everything posted by Dee

  1. Very helpful post. It does seem non-smokers don't get it. You tell them "you quit" they are like great they figure ok you quit all good now.... If only it worked that way. My boyfriend like my Dad was one of those that smoked or didn't it didn't really bother them growing up Dad might smoke for a year and then not for 10 etc. He hasn't smoked now in so long it is hard to remember he ever did. My boyfriend was the same way went 20 years smoked one then stopped and didn't pick it up again. Oh how wonderful that would be! I don't think they understand what it is like for the rest of us. I mentioned to my boyfriend that some days the urge is so strong and he's "well you quit you don't smoke now". It makes me want to strangle him LOL.
  2. YEAH Congrats....
  3. Dee

    Lent begins

    Approaching the season of Lent again at least this year I won't need to add giving up cigarettes to the list. How ironic I considered this a sacrifice when I was smoking just goes to show how brain washed you become as a smoker. I will however be giving up sweets and dessert and that should help with the couple extra pounds I gained since quitting. I look forward to this time of year not just for the giving up of things but for adding things that are meaningful during Lent. I think sometimes that is more purposeful then giving something up. Working on some ways to give back to society this year but I have 24 hours left to think on it. I know I owe a platelet donation so maybe that will be a good start for the season not a favorite act but definitely necessary! Will pray on this.
  4. So very touching and personal thank you for sharing because it is very important for us all to understand the end results of this evil habit. Will keep you in my prayers.
  5. NOPE :-)
  6. Dee

    Saturday blues

  7. prayer
  8. The smell of banana bread in the oven :-) or pine trees
  9. YEAH that is good news
  10. That made me hungry :)
  11. It is always amazing when you leave an addiction behind and have the clarity to see it for what it is. Very refreshing thank you for sharing that insight.
  12. Dee

    Saturday blues

    Was not quite sure how to make a blog but I think this might work. So Saturday I found myself fondly missing smoking. It was a strange trigger as most people wouldn't agree but the cigarettes I miss the most are the ones after a heavy workout and yes I smoked after heavy exercise, also after serious hiking trips or kayaking adventures. When I was totally exhausted and exhilarated I enjoyed those the most. Saturday the weather was absolutely beautiful hit the gym for an intense full body work out then went home cleaned the entire house two floors, did a few loads of wash then stopped and felt lost. Normally at this point it would be time to go and sit out side in the sunshine and relax for a bit and yes normally a cigarette would be involved. I went through the whole mental processes of reminding myself you are a non-smoker and yes I am happy I am a non-smoker. Somehow the afternoon felt anticlimactic without the aaaaahhh moment. I tried drinking water, sucking on a mint, taking deep breaths finally I just went and took a shower but it really felt that the day was incomplete. Thankfully Sunday rolled around and off to church which always makes the weekend complete and exercise in the fresh air. I definitely feel that Saturdays are the hardest the good thing is I can exhaust myself to the point the day is over. Now it is Monday and my mind is clear again and so is my resolve. :-)
  13. Happy Monday and NOPE NOPE NOPE
  14. NOPE :-)
  15. Welcome aboard. I didn't do much preparation other than getting Chantix from my doctor. The triggers was my Mom being diagnosed with a second type of lung cancer after she went through treatment a year prior. Watching her go through chemo and radiation has helped keep me determined. And at this point it is so freeing to not feel the pull of the nicotine addition during the day. That NEED is gone and that it AMAZING....
  16. Great Job!
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. Happy Hump Day! :D
  19. Welcome it is great that you found this site. It has helped me to come and read and browse to supplement smoking breaks. I am a good sleeper so have nothing helpful sorry. I do tend to work out at night as by the time I leave work from sitting all day I am full of energy sometimes to much so LOL.
  20. That is amazing and so nice that you took the time to pop back in so Thank you. :)
  21. Well Hello DeeDee Welcome aboard
  22. I like this site much more than some of the other support boards just figured I would pass that on. Happy Friday

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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