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Dee last won the day on August 22 2017

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    Long Island, NY
  • Interests
    Drawing/hiking/anything related to the ocean.
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  1. Just popped in for a quick hello, as I type this it is my last day at this desk in this office... it is a happy and sad time all at once. I begin my new job on Tuesday after 10 years here. My best friend and co-worker will be leaving for Florida at the end of the month with the office. Once I am settled back in you will see more of me again. Oh Mom's PET scan was good she is still dealing with the side effects from the immune therapy but we are off to a good start for 2018!
  2. I work in finance and what dollar amount is required for retirement is dependent on how you normally live. I see clients with millions saying they don't have enough and others who maybe have 250k-500k feel they are fine. My boyfriend and his brothers live very frugal they vacation and such but the focus on no debt. Bob's brother retired at 50 (granted he had no wife or children but lives a modest life.) The rest of the brothers worked to have no mortgages before 60. So it all really depends on what you need.
  3. Dropped by to catch up. Still getting used to the new site. And missing you guys. Life has been a whirlwind good and bad. My son starts the policy academy in January that is exciting as this has been his goal. Mom has been pretty sick from her Immunotherapy, because she has had a bad reaction they have postponed her PET scan until after the New Year. Packing up the NY office for my boss. I landed a new job which literally fell into my lap. I start Jan. 15th. I am excited but sad as I have been here 10 years and my best friend and work partner is going to Florida with the new office. This has been very hard time but trying to be her cheerleader as she is literally picking up at 55 years old to try a new life. The coworker and my old smoking partner (the one with stage four cancer) died suddenly from a fall two weeks ago. I know in my heart that may have been a blessing as there wasn't any current treatment for her she was doing experimental trials. So good and bad life is moving along. 2018 will be bringing lots of change. So what is everyone expecting the New Year to bring. Other than clean air from not smoking LOL.
  4. Yes and you will find you sometimes dream of smoking or others smoking around you. It is normal
  5. I need a hug feeling stressed and cranky and down right bitchy :( not like myself at all.....
  6. Sorry you are having such a rough time and you are way to young to be chronically sick you didn't specify what you suffer from. Are you illness heredity? Maybe you can find a support group for your illness sometimes just knowing their are other people who suffer the same disease helps. This is a good place to chat and come for support keep NOT smoking it will get better.
  7. Dee


    Just my two cents people can SUCK! out there sometimes don't let them get to you LOL
  8. Dee


    Hello Abby. I think it will always be a thought that pops up from time to time. My sister at one point had over 15 years and every now and again she would it smell someone smoking or be out drinking and the thought would cross her mind. I remember being surprised after so long she would get the urge she said it was more of just a thought.
  9. I can't imagine people smoking that much after a drinking night and 10 smokes couldn't breath. I do know people though that smoked that much. Glad we are free of that addiction.
  10. I one of the Pall Mall models who had one of these in the end.
  11. I been MIA my boss is relocating to Florida and I can't go. So been interviewing and helping pack up the office. Hoping for some inspiration for the new year. I am not sweating it though all will work out.. It is just sad been here 10 years work with my best friend who is moving to Florida and now loosing her and possible my job.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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