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Blog Entries posted by sammie

  1. sammie
    I havent really been on much as ive had a lot of stuff goin on. Some good. Some bad and some truely ugly! But... im still smoke free and stil declaring to myself on a daily basis to keep up NOPE. So im now on day 23 and i can honestly say that nothing has felt as good as this achievement in a very long time. Im findin the strength to change other aspects on my life, so i initially started this to quit smoking, but all of a sudden im findin alot of my life is changin for the better and i didnt even realise or expect it. I didnt realise just how much smoking controlled my life and wat i did/how i spent my days. Im truely feelin the benefits and am finding that actually, im coping alot better than i did wen i was smoking... lots of positives have come out of this. I NEVER want to go back....
  2. sammie
    So not been online for a few days.... admit it.... i bet lots of u had thought i had given in!!!??? Lol sorry guys! Im still goin strong! Day 14 today and still feelin extremely strong in my quit! Ive been sooooo busy this week that i just havent had time to come online or post anything. But im stil here and as strong as ever! Yay!! Much love to u guys xxx
  3. sammie
    So im on day 11 now. The last few days have been some of the worst in my life but im stil feeling very strong in my quit! I no that if i can get thru the last few days (which i have) then i can get thru anything without smoking. Its so true. A situation or problem will not change if u give in and smoke. I now no i can deal with anything whilst bein smoke free and yes, i now no i AM free!
  4. sammie
    So day 6 has arrived...
    Cant believe a week has nearly passed. I am a non smoker and i LOVE it!! Am also loving the fact that im not craving food as a substitute! I do feel slightly more agitated/restless, but im puttin that to good use with housework etc may the force be with me lol ;-)
    Happy NOPE day guys x
  5. sammie
    im LOVING this site! i check in a few times a day and someone has always left an encouraging comment etc and it just spurs me on. so far im on day 4 and im doing cold turkey< so far it dont really feel like that! to be able to even just get this far feels amazing! i know its only 4 days, i know i have a long way to go, but im celebrating EVERY min that passes cos thats money i have saved, some of my life expectancy is improving and i dont smell like an ashtray everytime my daughter wants a hug! inside im having a party and i cant stop smiling! there is sooo much more to quitting than just money and physical health, its great for your mental health too!
  6. sammie
    Ok. Ive just woke up, logged on and see all u lovely peoples comments on my post and blog and im more revving to go than ever. I didnt think typin out a few words could be so theraputic! So i apoligise now if u get bored of me lol right then, lets get this day started and see wat it brings!
  7. sammie
    So here is my first blog entry! So day 2 is practically over and i have survived the cravings so far. Am kinda feeling powerful right now as have had a couple of horrible cravings etc earlier but i dealt with it and i won! Sam 1-0 Nicotine! Go me woohoo! Am ready to face day 3 tomoro, bring it on man! Bring. It. On!! This site has been amazing so far. Didnt realise just how theraputic it would be to submit posts etc but it really is! Thanks marti for showin me the way! Much love and strength to everyone, but also to myself! Excited for the future xx

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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