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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. Tiff I never labelled myself and addict, and never will. I totally understand where you are coming from. I'm never going to smoke again because I honestly don't want to, not because I'm an addict watching my back, keeping my defences up. Doesn't even enter my mind to reach, or want a cigarette. I was addicted to cigarettes, I changed that...went through what needs to be done...and am no longer addicted to anything. You continue to do what is working for you. You may well have failed, in the past, but that was due to reaching for a cig. This time don't reach, as you've not been doing on difficult days, and one day it just won't even enter your mind to reach. I'll go as far as saying you won't even feel like you were ever a smoker.
  2. Fabulous...enjoy the rest of your day x
  3. It will end, although I know that's not much comfort in the hear and now. You do have the strength..the very fact that you put finger to keypad, and posted. You could have easily not..and just smoked and thought well I don't have the strength. Limbo is crap..no doubt about it..not great, however, just keep doing what you're doing, have moan if it helps, keep posting and keep up this rinse and repeat. With regards to your anxiety and breathing..have you had your bloods checked recently? I only ask as my daughter has anxiety (and actual panic attacks) finally they agreed to test her blood..thyroid problems, on meds, helping a lot. Don't forget tomorrow's update Mrs..or one later if you feel the need. Getting late in the UK so switching off..
  4. Knew you would be..wink. Rinse and repeat.
  5. How's today Tiff...where's your head at today?
  6. You know the drill...ignore the thoughts, expect them but ignore..you've been there done that and know how it ends. You just know that you can continue doing what you are doing, each day, no worries about forever...that just seems to happen all by itself in time.
  7. Fabulous... keep doing what you're doing.
  8. Exactly..healthier ones. Like you I didn't feel in the slightest bit depressed as a smoker, so can be quite shocking when it raises its ugly head cant it? So glad today is feeling like a good day, that's brilliant. On a crappy day (you know what I mean) just look back where you wrote today was a good day, it might help you see that there are plenty of good ones and the crap day won't be the norm every day. That helped me an awful lot, gave me hope.
  9. I know folk poo poo it Tiff but have you considered that your anxiety, and strong feelings, are down to the lack of other crap in cigarette smoke? My doctor confirmed this when I went to see him, as I felt mentally poorly. I was vaping (with nicotine) at the time so could not understand why the nicotine wasn't hitting the spot. He explained, in detail, what was in cig smoke and that it had been acting as an anti depressant for years. Feel fine now, of course, as that was three years ago. Just saying that for some people's chemical make up that stopping smoking is like coming off anti depressants cold turkey, which can obviously be done, but not a particularly pleasant experience. Might explain why you feel as you do. Glad you got another day under your belt.
  10. Exactly...no matter what. Proud of you..head down crack on.
  11. First off you're not some Whitney ass bitch. Smoking does do something....stops the craving...for about twenty mins, maybe forty if you're lucky. Mind you know that. You're body/mind will be like this a while, part of the process, you've really just got to trust that it does stop...it just does, no warning it's just you remember you've not craved or reach for one. It's crappy, well I thought it was, just totally pants! Yet, and I know I can say this only because I'm on the other side now, I'm glad I did it no matter how horrid I found it. Takes time...no quick fix (unfortunately) so just check in, each day, update us on how things are that day...you're really not alone. One day..in time...you really honestly will feel like you can't even imagine you smoked in the first place..trust me, you will. We now you might see folk, on tv reaching for one..and mentally drooling...you'll one day look and think yuck..oh my goodness, I did that...you honestly just see the whole sorry thing for what it is. As I say...time..and let's face it you've got all the time in the world, worth every minute for that mental moment of freedom. I'm sticking with reading your updates...so keep posting.
  12. Silly if you go Tiff, all that does is rinse and repeat other attempts..that failed. If coming on her brings you down, because it reminds you (not that I imagine you need anything to remind you) that you're feeling off..then just keep saying I feel off today, not a great day. I had a horrid time, and as you know I was vaping..at least had that. Me and another bloke started a blog like thread where we checked in, every single day, with the highs/lows..and everything else. OMG you will never know how that stopped me just nipping out and buying cigs..I cried sometimes while checking in, pure frustration of how my body/mind felt. It saved me if I'm honest..it's was like a Bridget Jones type diary..helped others too, lots joined in. I could just imagine a Tiffany Jones type diary...wink.
  13. Brilliant update Tiff...so true....like you say face today like a champ.
  14. Exactly... can do seven you can do a million and seven. Proud of you..head down...crack on xx
  15. To be fair lots of vapers vape nicotine free... I know plenty. Those people vape nicotine free due to breaking their day up, or after a meal. I am pro vaping as a tool, it worked for me, but only works if you take cigs completely off the table.
  16. I couldn't get past just thinking I won't smoke today..forever..no chance! I missed, romanced and that happened most days... I knew the truth, had read enough..lord had read my Alan Carr book till my eyes bled. Knew, it was lies...still romanced. So I just thought just a day..I'll do today...time passed of course and I got to over five months and I felt different, not so much romancing..more a passing thought that wasn't as uncomfortable. I'll be four years this June and I can't remember the last time I craved or romanced a cig....it's as though I never even smoked. Sounds crazy, I know, but it's the truth. Just think a day at a time if it helps...it can work. Obviously much less painful if you stop romancing, missing and wanting, but when that doesn't happen just promise yourself NOPE today...tomorrow's another day.
  17. Tiff.. it's crap in that one minute you think got this...the next you think, crap I haven't. You have if you just accept that those feeling do not last forever...of course, very intense when experiencing them, but they do go. If I had just trusted that they do go, I didn't, I honestly could have cracked it on my first attempt..instead of what felt like the million. Time management...did exactly the same, again that feeling goes too..in time. You can get through any discomfort...as crap as it feels, if you do then you will look back and think thank goodness I did! I do now, repeatedly...so can you.
  18. Of course you can do it. The discomfort..hell yes, crap! However if you just push through, which you are more than capable of, you'll only ever have to do it once. Plus you only have this damm discomfort because you started smoking in the first place..head down, crack on.
  19. I lost another 31/2lbs, last weigh in, and I have to say I'm eating more than I've ever eaten. It's funny as I went on the low carb Atkins..not an ounce lost! Started on this, which allows carbs, and losing each week. Yet I'm sure there are many who have had the opposite happen, for them, low carbs they lose..low fat/sugar the gain. Tonight I made the Chinese take away version of salt and pepper chicken...seriously, can't believe I can eat so well (obviously eating the right stuff) and lose weight. Have you looked into slimming world Bakon?
  20. Took me around five months I think. I never knew from day one, thought I was just going through the motions of pervious attempts. Once I got to five I thought this will be my first Christmas, smoke free, and I knew it was going to be smoke free....and it was.
  21. How's it going Bakon, only just got back and seen this.... Like you I'm shifting the bacon too...want a size smaller bikini next holiday, I'm doing Slimming World and have to say I really love it.
  22. Happy to chuck on 32,822...with pleasure.
  23. Been away awhile, sorry to see that you're starting again...but...at least this time you know what not to do..smoke. You're in good company, have no doubt that you can do this...and never smoke ever again.
  24. Thank you Doreen, I'm on FB, are you? Be nice to keep up to date with you xx Reminds me of another unexpected benefit! Can spend more time on my addiction I will never overcome, my addiction to Tenerife and spending lots of time on the Tenerife FB page.
  25. The mental peace, that it was finally over, and I knew this was finally it and would never have to do it again. The current mental peace, three years on, that I would no more want to smoke than I would stick my fingers in a deep fat fryer. Given me an enormous sense on mental peace, finally.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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