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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. I'll say we do Babs...with bells on ;)
  2. When I get a whiff it smells like a chemical cocktail to me....worse though on people, smells like stale chemicals. Our poor families put up with that, bet it used to turn their stomach.
  3. Ten years ago I have a fabulous quit going and I blew it :( So embarrassed about this but feel comfortable here, to share. My doctor recommended I try Zyban, so I did. I'll be honest I went two weeks using it (at the start point) than normal but my doctor was fine, was just glad I was trying again. Woke up one day, about four weeks in and just didn't want to smoke! Could. Not. Believe. It! The run up had been smoked less and it started to leave a talcum powder feel to my mouth, hard to explain, just strange and totally pants. So cracked on, got on with my life...no cravings not a single withdrawal....just unbelievable. Four weeks in and I was so sure I would never even fancy a cig again I bought ten, to have one, to prove to myself I was right to think this. Well you can imagine the rest....it tasted pants, took three pulls and put it out..but the damage, for me, was done. :( Started to think...well be a waste to waste the other 9, paid good money, they are not cheap. The rest is history....what a fool....to this day I still can't believe I even thought to test my theory. Thankfully, this sticky quit is different, I have no reason to test myself and just overjoyed that I am where I am in my quit....solid both mentally and physically. Like I say never have just one...never test yourself....been there, done that and sadly got the t shirt.
  4. Dear Sharon You are kidding right! Like you REALLY want to go through both physical and mental detox again...get real! If you're reading this I am very sad as I don't know what could possibly have happened for you to contemplate sending yourself back to the prison of smoking. Go pop your favourite records on...go have a dance...just, whatever you do don't smoke you buffoon.... Love Sharon xx
  5. So Action...Liverpool won West Ham...my family are gutted I bet you're celebrating....lol

    1. action


      LOL me and Doreen are having a party :)

    2. sharonsiff


      Tut....rofl...put my family off their tea...giggle. I did think of you both though, did make me chuckle.

  6. This really is the most friendly, helpful and none judgemental forum you will find guys....seriously. If you've quit and are finding it tricky jump in....if you are thinking about quiting, jump in...talk it through with everyone....you'll be glad you did ;)
  7. Thanks Leah....will give it a go after dinner....non egg dinner ;)
  8. No....didn't work, no matter I'll keep practising.
  9. I love to cross stitch Disney characters and here is one of my favourites, two beautiful dogs. Fingers crossed it works. http://www.4freeimagehost.com/show.php?i=PUSH4c6096aae91a.jpg
  10. Oh Julie I love your photos...post more! Loving all but especially the bathroom, the colour, the clean lines....heaven to my eyes...just beautiful.
  11. Classic, dancing heaven
  12. I'm made up for you too. ;)
  13. Many congratulations to you :)
  14. Very powerful story Joe, really enjoyed reading that. Am so pleased for you as you come across very solid in your quit.
  15. Brilliant post...as you say no more excuses, folk will ALWAYS find an excuse to smoke....stop looking, start quitting.
  16. Soozie....forgot to say...laughed my head off at the Peter/Steve scene. Hebmakes me laugh so much does Steve. Another thing, it might help it might not? I know folk find it easy, almost unnoticeable, when they stop the cigs. Not everyone does do they? It can be crap, the size of elephant poo crap to be going through physical withdrawal. Enough to test the patience of a saint quite frankly. So if it is crossing your mind to smoke, as it will here and there, just say to yourself am I really going to do this again? That helped me no end....I used the elephant crap times as my ammunition , knew I had battle to do with myself...and won. As will you....I can feel it in my water. Scream on here everyday if you need to....whatever you need to do just do it...just don't smoke ;)
  17. So glad you didn't smoke....the fact you didn't just speaks for itself....you really do want to quit more than you want to smoke...great foundation Soozie. The tempting, crappy go one have one, start tomorrow thoughts do and will get less and less...seriously I swear on that. Be proud that you didn't follow the instruction, you thought be didn't act. Head down, crack on....eyes on the prize and I hope you never, ever, feel silly or weak after posting help me....don't you dare Mrs ;) So enjoy your music...am thinking Born To Handjive Baby...how low can you go, how low can you go...what a tune! Off to carry on prepping the wardrobe.....catch you later...♡
  18. You're doing fabulous Marti, just fabulous :)
  19. Oh my goodness I remember this too! Flying to Florida, 9 and a half hours not smoking...longest flight ever! I am so looking forward to not standing outside the airport next year, rush smoking 3, packing them in....I mean why did we do that! It will be a totally different experience for me, like you had Christina, looking forward to not dreading check in and worrying about the hours I would have had to have lasted. I too remember smoking in the cinema, how did folk see the movie through the haze? Makes me shudder when I look back.
  20. Smoking is hateful to the nose, harmful to the brain, and dangerous to the lungs-King James I
  21. Oh I loved him Evelyn, although I think Matt Smith is fabulous, but I loved David as The Doctor. Do you think you will ever watch his episodes?
  22. Welcome Bob....looking forward to reading you and many congratulations on your successful quit.
  23. Fantastic work, many congratulations to you :)
  24. Morning campers....NOPE all the way from a damp Essex.

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