Ten years ago I have a fabulous quit going and I blew it :(
So embarrassed about this but feel comfortable here, to share. My doctor recommended I try Zyban, so I did. I'll be honest I went two weeks using it (at the start point) than normal but my doctor was fine, was just glad I was trying again. Woke up one day, about four weeks in and just didn't want to smoke!
Could. Not. Believe. It!
The run up had been smoked less and it started to leave a talcum powder feel to my mouth, hard to explain, just strange and totally pants.
So cracked on, got on with my life...no cravings not a single withdrawal....just unbelievable.
Four weeks in and I was so sure I would never even fancy a cig again I bought ten, to have one, to prove to myself I was right to think this. Well you can imagine the rest....it tasted pants, took three pulls and put it out..but the damage, for me, was done. :(
Started to think...well be a waste to waste the other 9, paid good money, they are not cheap.
The rest is history....what a fool....to this day I still can't believe I even thought to test my theory.
Thankfully, this sticky quit is different, I have no reason to test myself and just overjoyed that I am where I am in my quit....solid both mentally and physically.
Like I say never have just one...never test yourself....been there, done that and sadly got the t shirt.