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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. Have a wonderful trip Gem, the weather here is great at the moment. It's a wonderful feeling...sorta seals the quit doesn't it? So pleased for you.
  2. I very strongly suspect so and am going to face up to it, and make an appointment at the doctors tomorrow. I watched a tv show last night and it started to play on my mind. She had took herself off her anti depressants and her doctor made a quick reference to symptoms she might get. I'll not list them but will say I had every single one when I stopped smoking, even though I'd switched to a nicotine device. It played on my mind for most of the day today and I just did a quiz (NHS) and it strongly suggests I make an appointment with my doctor. So I will, I want to discuss the daily fatigue, the emptiness, and lots of other things I feel every couple of days or so. I personally am convinced that the MAOI's added were masking over this. I am not fed up to have stopped smoking, quite the opposite I'm over joyed and would never in a million years fall into the trap again. I am not even fed up because of life, life is good, just empty...feel flat inside every couple of days. Something isn't right and I have suspected it for months, and months but couldn't put my finger on it. I only share this incase it has happened to others as it would be good to talk. I feel better tbh as I can see an end to this cycle now...fingers crossed...and even if the test is wrong, and my research is wrong I can at least then let it go and just accept that I am now someone who suffers from daily fatigue and emptiness. I'll post tomorrow how I get on.
  3. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, have a great one :)
  4. Like MQ said...I believe in you, too. You remind me of a strong willed smoker Tiffany (pg 162 Onlyway book) you are so strong willed in the sense you are still holding onto smoking, as a pleasure, a cuddle after a hard days graft, even though your education tells you smoking is none of these things, the opposite. He goes onto to say ....I know many other smokers that cannot understand why they are so strong-willed in other areas, and see less strong willed people stop using any hassle, yet themselves find it impossible to do so. You only require willpower to stop if part of your brain is tempted to smoke a cigarette. The schizophrenia is causing parts of your brain to pull against each other, once we remove the need or desire to smoke, the whole brain, be it concious or subconscious will be pulling in the same direction and you will have no need to exercise willpower, whether you be the weakest (who he says find it easier to stop) or strongest willed smoker. My method Will work for you...he says. So, as you say re read the book, question it, trust it Tiffany. You remind me of myself when I smoked, a strong willed smoking who mentally fought tooth and nail to the concept of smoking being pleasurable for me, my emotional crutch. I believe in you Tiffany, cause I'm as stubborn as a mule mentally and even I, finally, got my moment of revelation that I can happliy never smoke again albiet it took months, before the flash came, but it came and it can for you as I'm no special snowflake...a buffoon maybe ;) , but no snowflake. Hope you have a great day.
  5. Brilliant Soozie....knew you would, woman on a mission ;)
  6. Great to hear she's ok....and not got the toothpicks out.
  7. Good morning to you both, how's things? How are you feeling?
  8. Well done for walking away LB, you rose above that one beautifully. Amazing what the fellow smokers said isn't it? Mind you I've no doubt I said exactly the same myself to others in the past. Isn't it an eye opener when you look at it from the other side?
  9. Great to read this Marti....hopefully she will find tomorrow a tad easier...day by day. Nearly over today, soon be day three for her. Do you feel she's making this her sticky quit Marti? oh I laughed at your treat day on the other thread...ouch...lol...have your eyes stopped streaming yet ;)
  10. You sound in a very good place alreay IADT, good attitude. Like others have said post away, no doubt there will always be someone around. You sound excited....you know what to do ;)
  11. IADI....hubby, and I, have just started the box set of this last week. Next one for us is Season 2, episode 1. We are really enjoying this, I miss Dexter very much so this fills the gap nicely for me, till the box set runs out. I haven't seen Waking Dead yet so might give that a whirl once we finish BB.
  12. So sorry about your friend Beacon, hope she sees this terrible scare as the one to stop her smoking. You sound extremely solid in your quit and who knows, she might follow you into a haapy smoke free life? Let's hope so.
  13. So pleased for you Amber...very well done and congratulations. :)
  14. Many congratulations to you :)
  15. In my best singing voice....... Thank you very much! Thank you very much! That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for me It sounds a bit bizarre But things the way they are I feel as if another life's begun for me And if I had a cannon I would fire it To add a sort of celebration touch But since I left my cannon at home I'll simply have to say Thank you very, very, very much! source: http://www.lyricsondemand.com/
  16. Hello Rob...phew...pictures too..lol...gone all red... ;)
  17. Sorry I missed this earlier Julie... JB..rofl..oh they would not be pleased...lol Sounds like you have memory making parents too...I can imagine that concert was spectacular.
  18. Reem!....Essex for brilliant.... Sharonsiff checking in :)
  19. Do you guys dress up? I love to see folk going dressed up, really going with the theme. wow at your friend, good for him I say...great to have something to look forward to.
  20. I bet we would....although I first want to see Jersey Boys, if I could. Third time...wow...you must love it. I did Les Mis three times so I totally get that pull...15th of May, won't be long...excited for you.

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