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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. Glad you got through it Rowly, and a very happy Belated Birthday to you :) Smoke free one, even better ;)
  2. Congratulations Craig, hope you are well.
  3. I'm not saying you will for one minute...but....whatever you do don't envy them. I suspect my past failed attempts, around smokers, have been due to the envy. You don't envy them, you don't smoke so have a wonderful family time together :)
  4. 100% behind you Evelyn. Your quit and you know what you need to do to make it a successful quit. Very sensible choice, bad choice would have been to have smoked.
  5. I am normally one in this life too EB....a nutty one ;) In answer to you Sarge yes, mental illness is a disease. Have I got the disease, my doctor will be the one to decide. It will be interesting as, as EB said, when folk (me in this case) are full of energy and feeling upbeat and have been for 44 years, you have a good baseline, when things change inside you it alerts you, so you can take action. My change inself has nothing to do with the stresses and strains of being human, have had 44 years of practise of dealing with tragedy and joy....all part of life. The point is something is very off key in my usual human self, so, operation let's get to the bottom of it. Of course it might just be that my body chemistry has changed, with age maybe? If it is then fine, not a lot I can do but if it's not, and there is more to it then I will accept the doctors help in getting me back to my full time old cocker spaniel self.
  6. I'm so glad for her that she's feeling less fatigue Action...lol @ the chatting her up comment.
  7. Fabulous! What smells have you got burning....I am a scented candle maniac!
  8. Brilliant attitude, your doing a fabulous NOPE....as IADI....great work guys :)
  9. Food for me maybe, if no one minds.
  10. Good stuff Juan...day 3 already, brilliant to read.
  11. Thank you very much, very kind of you Marti and lovely to hear your symptoms are now all sorted out.
  12. Laughed at the 1D reference....;) That's good then for your wife Stu, so at least they have a plan to get to the bottom of what's behind her symptoms. I hope the HRT sorts things out , but, if it doesn't as least they have a plan b. Mine could well be menapousal as August my monthlys stopped and night sweats happened, just at the time the fatigue, weightloss and flat days started. It could be pure coincidence that stopping smoking and that starting was at the same time. My nightsweats stopped and periods came back in December....so all back to normal there. Maybe the other symptoms I still have are pre menopausal?...be great to find out and get things back to normal.
  13. Thank you for the hug Action, it was lovely. I do feel for you as when I think about it now Lee has said to me a few times, what's wrong, is it me? I always drew a blank in my answer. As it wasn't him, or anything...if that makes sense...it just was (or is when I get a day of it. So glad your wife has less episodes Action, must be a relief for you both. Did she get trrible fatigue Action? I just come over all drained that I must have 40 winks...no matter what. I will obviously just say to anyone reading I am in no way blaming this on stopping smoking, or should it be used by a reader as an excuse to stop. If anything make it more of a carrot to get you to stop....as you never know what the crap in cigarettes could be hiding and at least then you can get to the bottom of it, and sort it out with the health professionals....in a way that removes the risk of cancer etc.
  14. Thank you very much Tiffany and I hope your doctor has helped you get your anxiety under control.
  15. I sure do Action...rofl...My goodness...just so wrong yet hilarious! Oh and the beauty pageant scene...cried Action...streaming tears of laughter. So, so funny.
  16. So funny Wiley...they go fishing (I won't spoil it) and catch something that looks like your Avatar's twin. You will see what I mean when you watch it ;)
  17. Oh Babs....so wrong...but SO funny!...I laughed so much my belly hurt. If you watch it, check in and tell me what you thought. We can re laugh together ;)
  18. Your quit Amy, you do what you gotta due....anything but smoke. ;) We are all here.....
  19. I watched this last night, oh my life! I cried laughing at times and missed half of it laughing, I'm sure. Not sure if it's everyones cup of tea, my parents would be totally offended, but I laughed so hard it hurt. Has anyone else seen it?
  20. Hi Evelyn so glad you didn't....stay strong, we are all right here for you ((((Evelyn))))
  21. Thank you very much Jackie. He is a fabulous doctor and I have faith he will get to the bottom of my symptoms and advice and help. It's strange, I have smoked since I was 13 so have no memory of myself, my mental health before that. I feel a huge sense of hope that I have finally admitted to myself that something is off, not right and just want to get to the bottom of it. I hear you about the stigma reguarding mental health. My uncle Andrew and hubby's Uncle Steve both suffer from schizophrenia...people can be very cruel and judgemental. So sad.
  22. Hiya Lynn I'm not on it now, haven't been since January. That's the thing you see....I just assumed it was the fact I was still using nicotine that 'might' have been the reason for the symptoms. Sadly I feel just the same as I did when all these symptoms kicked in last July...no better, no worse...just the same. He knew I had quit smoking, I saw him in October (my 40th check up 3 years late) I didn't mention any of this then but will remind him I quit last June.
  23. Thank you Babs that really is lovely and helps a lot....more than you know ♡
  24. Hiya guys and thanks very much for the support. Rob I stopped using nicotine mid January. I felt no different coming off that than I did while using it. The symptoms I have had since June are the same as before quitting just the nicotine. It's not even everyday I feel like this, just whooosh and comes from nowhere. I can go to bed as happy as a lark (I'm a happy soul) then wake up the next day as flat as a pancake....yet nothing has happened to burst my mood...just a flat totally empty feeling. It could be pre menapouse? That's why I'm not burying my head in the sand anymore and will face up to it, and get the doctor to help me. It's like today not a thing is wrong in my world...nothing...yet it's one of those crappy days where I feel numb and detached. Yet not sad...just flat and detached. If I think about maybe that's why when I quit using zyban (10 years ago) I didn't get a single withdrawl symptom, not one. I know it might sound crazy but it makes me feel my body treated nicotine like water, neither here nor there, but the other crap in the cigarettes where what caused problems when they stopped being replenished. Thanks again...thanks for listening/reading....can't wait to chat to my doctor now.
  25. Great news....look forward to reading about your journey.

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