Action...if the concept is good enough for LFC... ;)....Lee desperately wants his beloved West Ham to employ away, let you chimp free.
It does later teach us how to manage the chimp.
Having been drugged up to the eyeballs for the last 30 years (300 shots per day) all this is new to me, I obviously just got on with life's ups and downs Stu, knew no different. When I read key points, like this...
The golden rule is that whenever you have feelings, thoughts or behaviours that you do not want or welcome, then you are being hijacked by your chimp.
The very simple question, therefore, is to begin with 'Do I want....' and then finish the sentence. For example: 'Do I want these feelings?" Or 'Do I want these thoughts?' Or 'Do I want to be behaving this way?' If the answer is 'no' then you are in chimp mode and if the answer is 'yes' then you are in Human mode.
That in itself has already helped me understand that the chimp is hijacking me, and I now need to manage it.
I also foundbit very interesting that the chimp, the limbic part of the brain, is only black or white. It mentions children and I could relate to that, I can already see when my girls have a spat it is chimp v chimp. be honest my own chimp got involved too!
Reading on....reading on... ;)