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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. DJ Exactly the same my end. Doctor has suggested I go on tablets, but, instead I am reading this book http://www.chimpparadox.co.uk/and already I can see a huge difference in the way I deal with my thinking. It can help you sort out the 'crap/gremlins/untruths in your mind and replace them with helpful autopilots. Might be just up your street?
  2. Remember: the person that you want to be is the person that you really are. Steve Peters

  3. Daily pleasure; tonight it's an hour of Simon Baker in The Mentalist. Lovely....just lovely.

    1. Nancy


      I love it, too!

    2. sharonsiff


      It's my favourite show Nancy, was dreading the 'post Red John' but love the new direction. He is just so handsome...good enough to eat ;)

  4. Wore flip flop all day, blistered my little shoe due to old trainers? No matter, so didn't run in flip flops so instead went for a 30 minute power walk instead. Slap, slap, slap went the flip flop. Crossed my mind to just run on the spot but I needed to get outside, had been stuck in folks houses ironing for 6 hours...prescription fresh air :)
  5. Look after you first Evelyn, the rest will fall into place.
  6. Oh Marti....I argued with myself so much at first it's a wonder I didn't report myself for domestic abuse! Just total crapsvile time, at the time ;) Confused and frustrated was an understatement. Had it not been for the fact my periods had stopped, at that time, I would have swore I was on, everyday!.... lol
  7. How's everyone getting on with it? I'm dying to discuss it but not sure were folk are up to.
  8. I am so made up for you Action, I suspect that you will never forget the 'moment' that you remembered you hadn't give smoking a second thought. :)
  9. Hello Anna and a great big welcome to you :)
  10. Hiya Laura, a very warm welcome to you :)
  11. I can't stress enough how a quit buddy can help, it can feel really lonely without one at the time where you could do with a friend. So grab your partner by the hand I say.... am sure it must make all the difference.
  12. That's true Jenny, we all have our own minds and wiring. There are folk who have a completely different mind set to me and are no doubt just as comfortable, as you say as long as we all are, or get comfortable. Get your sort yer weight out head on Mrs ;), if that's your goal. I'm sure you'll find the key to sorting that.
  13. I think this post is so true Jenny. In only ten months after stopping, I myself, can see a complete turnaround in my think7ng. How ironic that 'Jonny's' post would have set my teeth on edge ten months ago, yet are now the ones I nod to and completely relate to. Just goes to show, once your brain starts to rebalance you see things ever so differently.
  14. They must have 'really' loved us to kiss us ;) The smell.... ;) I iron for people, part-time, and I remember getting a 'huge' wiff of an armpit on a gentleman's shirt. Swallow the heave/gag..still get a wiff of his ironing now and then. Eeeewwww
  15. So sorry Amy. Like you say read Allen Carr's book, follow the instructions. The good thing is it seems that when we feel truly dreadful, after an act, it's because we are acting against what is the 'real us/person' that we are. So the real 'you' is, it seems, a smoke free one so that's good news for you. Use the book to remove the mental chains you have currently.
  16. Soozie, so gutted for you mate. So was it like an automatic pilot that you lit up? Not judging, just trying to help you to get to the bottom of it. Was it like that natural feeling like when you make a coffee, something you do without thinking, with your eyes closed?
  17. I am so pleased for my friend. She has 'untold' thoughts and beliefs that are making her so poorly, both mentally and physically. I was talking to her about this book today, she did a google search and saw her snooker hero 'Ronnie O Sullivan' had wrote a review. She had a mini omg...this must be brliiant, excited wiggle your bum and dance moment, then hit purchase. I am over the moon for her. I have told her there is self work to do too but it's almost enjoyable self work. I had to giggle though...if it's good enough for her snooker hero is good enough for her...love it...lol ;)
  18. I agree, but, it really does depend on the canvas of the mind folk start with. I really think 'that' is the key to mental freedom of most things. Sorting out the 'gremlins' and understanding self mind management. I'm doing it and loving it ;)
  19. Ringing home when you go on holiday/vacation ;)
  20. Tracey, you'll march on through the rest of your life a non smoker...I have no doubt about it ;) Jonny, you know I do get exactly what you mean about the confidence, and once you know you that you can't unlearn what you know about yourself. I feel exactly the same way. I know these key words will mean 'Jack' to folk but I can see my thoughts of smoking were 'gremlins' in my minds computer-reference point, and that gremlins are destructible, but removable :) I had removed them completely and replaced them with auto pilots-the whole truth, nothing but the truth first about me, then my smoking addiction I had. Unless someone held a gun to me head I would never smoke again, same as I wouldn't put my hand in a deep fat fryer, it's just something I would dream of doing. I have obviously lots still to learn about me, my many other gremlins, but the smoking one has been removed and replaced with a sense of inner peace that it's gone. I have a strong 'hunch' that if folk (serial quitters)studied both 'the mind' and nicotine addiction it would be of invaluable help to them, I really do as it seems clear to me now that it would have released me years ago, still..better late than never ;)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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