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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. Many Congratulations to you, hope you have a fabulous day and treat yourself :)
  2. How's everyone getting on? I wrote out my Stone Of Life ;)
  3. This is wonderful news Ross, so pleased to read this xx :)
  4. sharonsiff

    3 days

    This is fantastic news Evelyn, so pleased for you.
  5. I understand....rofl...;) I love this book so much Babs. Lee has started to read bits and pieces over the last few days too....it all helps ;) Still laughing ;)
  6. A very Happy Birthday to you, a happy smoke free one :)
  7. Oh I'm sure he will and even more exciting that he's a train virgin!
  8. How fabulous LB, what a fabulous gift....excited for you!
  9. Hope you all have a brilliant time Laura, what an exciting adventure for your friends...wow! Will you keep in visual contact via Skype?
  10. Hope you feel better soon Doreen.
  11. The best thing you can do it to purchase the book Juan, seriously I can't recommend it enough. http://www.chimpparadox.co.uk/http://www.chimpparadox.co.uk/ It all boils down to what 'your chimp' is saying, what it searches for in your thinking brain 'computer'. I have no idea what gremlins you have in your brain Juan, what thoughts your chimp looks for and finds when you get this feeling of 'fear' you get at the thought of life without cigarettes so that's why it would benefit you to read the book. It will help you to work through, sort through the bad/destructive info in your mind that is allowing your fear (chimp) to hijack your rational and truthful human thinking. It teaches you to replace gremlins with autopilots, it teaches you mental steps to deal with instant and chronic stress. You have nothing to lose by reading it Juan and everything to gain ;) If you make a purchase Juan there is a thread going on the book forum, I would gladly chat about each chapter with you in fact would like that very much :) sorry the other link was faulty, try this one http://www.chimpparadox.co.uk/
  12. I'm glad you saw my post Juan, as I said please just invest the 7 minutes, it could be the 'ahhhhh, that's it, that's how I feel!' First minute is about cycling so just bare with it :) I hope you feedback your thoughts after watching it, if not no matter, but I hope you do.
  13. If you're scared of life without your cigarettes Juan then maybe you are being emotionally hijacked by your chimp/nicodemon/insert whatever name you fancy? Watch this video Juan and if this 'sounds' like you then the good news is there is a tool out there to help you help yourself. Warning the video is 7 minutes long, try and watch it all Juan. It will help you understand if the 'psychological addiction' is causing you your fear.
  14. Hi Laura Glad that you're doing ok :) With regards to tomorrow, 2 choices. Will going threaten your quit? Do you think being around alchohol will weaken your resolve, do you trust yourself? If not reconsider going as it would be a real shame to put yourself in a position that could jeopardise your quit. OR....if you are of the solid mindest that life goes on, nothing will jeopardise this quitbthen go with a plan of how you will deal being in that environment and not smoking. Only you know you and which choice guarantees success. :)
  15. Evelyn....have just literally read this! ....and thought it really might help you. AMP- the power of electricity Being able to move on can be seen as a three part process (after an event you wish hadn't happed, you smoking again) This is the power of electricty, AMP- A: Accept- in order to accept something unpleasant, it helps to get it off your chest. Expressing the emotions that the unpleasantness made you feel, as many times as needed. Bottling emotions is the worse thing you can do because it will come back and attack you and others. So you've done that about your last failed quit :) M- Move on- decide when you think you have excersised your emotions enough and want to move on. Don't stop till you are ready to move on. When ready, ask yourself what you want to do now. You have two choices: stay where you are and keep the same problem alive or cut your losses and form a new plan and go forward. It is, as ever, your choice.....You announced you've started a new quit so M seems sorted :) P: Plan- this is CRITICAL to moving on. You can't move on without a plan, otherwise you will just return to the same problem, with the same emotions and the same situation all over again. The plan will take you forward and out of the cycle of trying to accept something that seems unpalatable. The plan must address how you will alter your emotions as practical issues. So if you have a plan already Evelyn then fabulous, if not, maybe having on might prove the key to your freedom forever? Just thought of you as I read it ...think AMP :)
  16. Stay close, if you need to vent then vent, if you want to burst into a song because you feel happy sing. Whatever....just stay closexx
  17. The penny dropped for me in a different way. I was forced to change to vaping (financial reasons) and weeks in the cigarette withdrawal kicked in, holy crap...so poorly. A vetran vaper pointed out to me (as I was kicking off that vaping was a pile of crap!) That the only reason I was having this physical crap going on was because I had smoked, not because I wasn't now smoking, and the penny dropped. Gritted my teeth, reseached the crap added to cigs and knew I would never allow myself to smoke again. That then changed to never even wanting to smoke again, to sorting out getting to zero nicotine (walk in the part compared to cigarette withdrawal) and knowing I don't even need to vape again. Different segments but solid in every segment....happy days.
  18. See ya tomorrow Evelyn, I hope you have things that make you feel happy to do today.... Dr Who...giggle....enjoy whatever you do xx
  19. I am made up for you! I knew you'd do it, balls of steel. Congratulations Julie...sweetpea lotion Julie :)
  20. A year will be plesant for me, be nice to reflect back on how I started (forced, gritted teeth) to the peace and calm of my mind now. Might even treat myself to a Cinzano and lemonade ;)
  21. I can remember well being 100% adamant that I would never smoke again, ever!....then the mental battles would come which would cause me both confusion and frustration. I turned to Allen Carr and I got his concept but sadly the mental side was not quite there. If this is you, and the mental battle is confusing invest the next 7 minutes watching this, it explains it and might put your mind at more ease. http://youtu.be/kpSndWuUNcM
  22. A sense of peace that it's over, done, and not something I have to do or ever worry about doing again-mental freedom, priceless to me.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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