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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. I would say yes, and for me it has been life changing tbh. I feel far more comfortable in my thinking, understand myself a hell of a lot more. My husband and teenage daughter are reading it too....I'm a fan for sure.
  2. Great track Annael, one I haven't heard before. This was on in the car today, really love this....check out the beautiful cocker spaniel at the start....heart meltingly beautiful.
  3. Evelyn, I have no doubt that the messages have set your emotions on red alert....I hope I'm wrong of course. If I'm right though...don't go...you're right no-one understands what's going on in your head, or anyones head for that matter. The thing is you can do this you know Evelyn, I suspect you think you can't? You can though, you really can. Might it be an idea to check in with the doctor in the sense of a stop smoking appointment? Get some professional support and post on here how it's going? Choice is yours, as ever, but if you were my daughter I would direct you down that route to assist your quit. As they know what medication you are on and how best to assist in supporting you.
  4. I have an annoying habit that when I see people they have a look of someone famous, or a celebrity. I watch XIII (thirteen) and the lead man reminds me of MQ and today, enjoying myself watching old dance floor tracks on youtube and I found our very own Soberjulie! http://youtu.be/vyIAfEqA220 Do you think any of us remind you of a celebirty of famous person?
  5. You've given me an idea here Beth, I clean part-time. Mind you it might slow me down as if it gets to a shocking/juicy bit I might stop, freeze with my mouth wide open....rofl. I might give it a go though and give my Abba/David Cassidy tracks a break ;)
  6. Although, any excuse to play this track...he, he, and dance.....:) http://youtu.be/G3DHFgy7NEw
  7. Guys!....loved the feel good musical songs, made my day. Annael...a spoonful of sugar..rofl..creased up! Good one ;) Painted my daughter's room today so...I saw a white wall and I want it painted duck egg blue, however Mick does a far better version than me ;)
  8. Glad you've got things planned Laura, get a sweat on and get the blood flowing....it really does help. Spring cleaned my end last week, I was ruthless....6 binliners later....lol ;) Enjoy....I know I did.
  9. I'm only 5'2" and a bit ;) I wish if I wasn't taller that instead I had wings. Could fly and reach things in the top kitchen cupboards. Like you Doreen I can't reach...hopping on a chair every five minutes. So wings....I wish for wings (pink with white polkadot)
  10. I get what you mean Tiffany. I saw someone vape the otherday and for a split second I thought...mmmm..I'm not even talking about nicotine as if it was me it would be no nicotine, but just the event of doing it. So yes I know what you mean that sometimes it's not even for the drug 'nicotine' but just the event. I didn't of course, well past that now, but the feeling of why not did come over me for a split second....then went ;)
  11. I hope you stay Evelyn. The thing is your not quitting quitting and that in itself could be a reason to stay. One of these times you will...xx
  12. I wish I taller, just 2 inches, top shelf in supermarkets are a pain!
  13. Two episodes of Person Of Interest on the planner, doesn't get much better than that.

  14. Brisk 30 minute walk, osteoarthritis in my spine is playing up so no running till it stops hurting so much. The walking does the job.
  15. I treated myself to Clarins face products still love the site of them on my dressing table, gives me a warm glow.
  16. Even if only for today NOPE eh Amy ;) Deal with tomorrow, tomorrow is my motto.
  17. Laura, I felt exactly the same (as I'm sure others did) so can relate. Laura did you know that they add MAOI's to cigarettes? Lots of smokers are self medicating on antidepressants and don't even realise! I'm not saying that is what has happened to you, I'm not a doctor, but the low mood 'might' be due to the lack of MAOI's? I let this go on for ten months and have found the answer. Make lists of tasks I need to do, started running (not far ;)) and brisk walking. It really does help release the feel good hormones that I no longer produced myself without the crappy cigarettes. A book I am reading has also been my saviour and has stopped me turning to actual anti depressants- The Chimp Paradox, is helping me understand (in a very simple way) how the mind works. You might however, fingers crossed, feel the low mood fatigue feeling lifts real soon, your brain chemistry might adjust quick smart on it's own. So...I understand this message might be extreme but I only posted it to help you see it can and does lift either on it's own or by doing what you need to do to help it along. Hope it helps.
  18. This is a good link guys, well worth a read http://www.achoice2live.com/every-hurt-is-a-heal-the-quitters-flu/
  19. Laura, I can totally understand how you feel, been there..got the t shirt. It will pass, you have my word, but you can do a few things to help ease the physical detox. I know you feel tired, lack motivation, low mood even? Go for a brisk walk, make yourself, or put on your favourite music and dance up a sweat. It really does help lift the feeling. Also make yourself a realistic list of things you need to do that day, get them on paper and out of your head. Ask yourself the million dollar question...would you do the tasks by the end of the day for a million quid? If yes then crack on, otherwise it's just an excuse not to do them. As crappy as it feels you really will feel better 'getting on' and work through the tired feeling. I know as I have had to do the exact thing and it really does help. Sending you ((((hugs))))....crack on with a realistic list, cross each task off with a huge smile...job done.
  20. So many booms today! No matter I will list them then dance it out... 6p off each liter of petrol Full weeks food shop done Paint all present and correct for tomorrow's painting project Managed to walk past a gondual end adverting half price coffee machines , yet walked on past- no impulse purchase made! Going to check out Marti's kiss channel So many booms!....time to dance
  21. Aww it won't load for me Annael :( Try again. I love a musical mood, my family are not as keen mind you, say I'm having one of my Mary Poppins turns...rofl
  22. Same age as me Amy, how on earth did we get away with it? I imagine you have no memory of being a non smoker? I didn't and that, looking back, was a lot of my mental problem with it all. It can be a 'fear' of who the hell am I as a non smoker, how the hell do I go about day to day as a non smoker. I couldn't imagine it, hence the fear, hence kept on puffing away. Please just trust me that you will soon adjust to going about day-to-day, to just getting on with living as a non smoker. There are so many benefits but I won't list them, you have no doubt read them a million times anyway. If it's fear Amy just face the ruddy fear, you have my word that you soon adjust to the new improved you. So if it's that you 'can't imagine' just plant new thoughts that you 'can imagine' see yourself happy and free- cause if you keep to NOPE you soon will be- you have my word. Of course the physical and mental detox doesn't make folk feel 'happy' but it really doesn't last forever- I promise.
  23. Loving the musical theme Annael... Love this....what fistycuffs?...lol
  24. Will help me through my housework today...full blast. Young folk having the time of their lives...love it!
  25. Brilliant news Colleen, congratulations....hope you treat yourself to some cheddar cheese to celebrate :)

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