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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. This made me laugh....brilliant..lol Yes EB a Bolton lass through and through....no r in bath where I come from ;) She secretly wanted to be a Spice Girl, laugh yer head off spice. She went to Wembly stadium on Sunday and screamed and danced with the other 80,000 teenagers to 1D. She danced all night to the best songs ever...lol...but at 44 felt it the next day ;)
  2. You can do it Gabby, I promise. I too put myself 'mentally' in the -don't think I will ever manage to do this category. Use failed quits to spur you on, no matter how you feel both mentally or physically, use them-stick two fingers up to them and just don't smoke-no matter what. I found using the million faliures helpful this time round by each time I craved I just told myself 'been there, done that too many times before and it never ends well. I won't lie Gabby I found the first three months dreadful-but-the way I feel now, a year on is just beautifully priceless and worth every crappy time I went through. Shoulders back, head down and crack on Gabby-eyes on the prize, you can do this xx
  3. Thanks ever so much guys it just goes to show you must never quit 'quitting' smoking. I am absolutely over the moon that I cracked on and made it happen xx
  4. Progress, just brilliant. You'll soon recall that you have gone a whole week without thinking about cigs, then months.
  5. Thank goodness you didn't Melody! I imagine you would have felt as sick as a dog had you had one, just terrible. So glad you didn't risk your beautiful freedom xx
  6. A week will turn into months and before you know it a year Brittany. Head down, crack on a day at a time....you will be so glad you did xx
  7. Thank goodness you didn't take him up on the crappy offer....good choice Jackie and you never know you might influence him to stop too, hopefully.
  8. Great job Marti, you have cracked on and am so proud of you xxx
  9. So pleased and proud of you Ross....you're the man xx
  10. Thanks ever so much guys, am over the moon to be free...in fact a record my nanny used to play (when I was a kid) seems a fitting way to celebrate both the physical and mental freedom ;) http://youtu.be/To48HBVk4wA
  11. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday, hope you have a great day xx
  12. Going to my beach hut Painting New Girl (the tv show) My new sofa
  13. I've missed wishing you a fab time Tracey....but I hope you have a wonderful break in the sunshine xx
  14. Aww Marti, how lovely of you to post this xx Sorry I don't check in much but am in Linda Baker mode (changing rooms) and have sacked time on tinternet as I can't juggle both. A year tomorrow, omg! Honestly can't believe it to be honest. Never thought I would ever crack the stop smoking lark ever, with so many failed attempts under my belt. Am made up and will treat myself to a Baileys nightcap tomorrow and maybe a pair of living room curtains....he he he.
  15. Checking in, just so busy remodeling the house/painting haven't been on line for a while. Still smoke/vape free and happy.
  16. Passing through...will catch up tomorrow. Hope everyone is ok xxx

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      Was just thinking of you. Look forward to seeing you soon :)

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    4. Jenny


      Miss you !!!

  17. Glad you didn't Rob...ruddy memories!
  18. Trish...you can do this girl. Shout if you need to vent xx
  19. Two Chocolate combos today..... Chocolate & Cardamom: Like a puppeteers black velvet curtain, dark chocolate is the perfect smooth background for cardamom to show off its colours. Use cardamom in sufficient quantities and you can pick out its enigmatic citrus, eucalyptus and warm, woody floral quantities. She finds adding a pinch of ground cardamom can make even the most ordinary dark chocolate taste expensive. This tart is spectacularly delicious and very quick to make but needs a couple of hours in the fridge to set. Prepare and bake a 23cm sweet pastry case. Slit open 10 cardamom pods, grindbup the contents with a mortar and pestle, add 300mls double cream in a pan and scald. Remove from the heat and add 200g dark chocolate, broken into pieces, and 25g unsalted butter. Stir until melted and well mixed. When cooled a little (don't let it set), pour into the pastry case and place in the fridge for two or three hours. When hardened, sift a little cocoa powder over it and serve with a modest dollop of creme fraiche. Chocolate & Strawberry (or strawberries in big knickers/panties) Not all it's cracked up to be. Strawberry's heart-like shape and colour have seen it unimaginatively match-made with that default love token, chocolate. But doesn't a strawberry dipped in chocolate just look like a fruit wearing big knickers? And aren't they the sort of thing asset-strippers feed to call girls in cream coloured hotel rooms? I'd take chocolate and hazelnut over these two any day....again, love her humour.
  20. Not really, I tend to laugh at most things. It takes a lot but when I lose it I lose it ;) I think 13 years working with the general public stops you getting too wound up really, and not to take life too seriously.
  21. It seems I embarrass them quite often Paul ;) shame....he he he They do listen to fashion advise, when they ask for it. They are very comfortable in their style tbh but at times they will say 'mum, does this go well with this' Mind you Paul the fashion is very different nowadays, not my cup of tea at times.
  22. It was a delicious combo Leanne, the girls liked it too!..shock, horror...lol I can not seem to post a picture for love nor money using this ipad, given up..;)
  23. That's good that the videos are helping. I read you have purchased The Chimp, I'd be surprised if that doesn't help you too. Head down, crack on...NOPE.
  24. Just seen this, fabulous...do not smoke...no matter what....simple as that ;) you are now day 1 to the rest of your life, brilliant news :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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