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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. I know what you mean as I felt downbeat many a day. It just all comes together....it really does. You are 8 months already..just wow!
  2. Guys.....I have finally finished finishing touches to my living room (less curtains). I have just painted over my 17 year old mahogany furniture to fit in with my newly painted walls, and new sofa. I am just loving tjis painting furniture lark! I am hitting the dining room on Saturday...can't wait. It obviously might not be your cup of tea but just wanted to show you. I have loved it because it has given me a huge sense of purpose instead of just doing the usual mumsy and wifey stuff, something that I want to do rather than just doing because I have to. A sense of self really. What with my painting and my patio pots I feel like a new wowan..lol
  3. Hello Chani...and welcome. What a fabulous avatar!...which beach are you having fun on?
  4. Hello Jeanne and a very warm welcome to you. Post away and yap away I say ;) So glad you found the fabulous people here. Just take it a day at a time......xx
  5. I was thinking today that this time last year I felt in a right tiswas. I had stopped smoking cigarettes and it felt bleak as I was a 'ran out of smoking money person'. I look at myself now and think wow, I did it, I really did it. I had to trust that it would feel better, be less of an unpleasant time. Granted not everyone has an unpleasant time but some do. I write this just in case there are folk out there who are not finding it easy, are finding it shyte. It is worth it, it honest to goodness is. No matter what mental health issues it throws up or physical issues just crack on, head down and trust that a year later you will be writing a post like this. A year on you experience mental peace of mind (no doubt a lot sooner than an actual year) the peace of mind is just priceless....so please, just trust.
  6. Hiya HAT....I often wondered how you were getting on so it's good to see you check in.
  7. He does but sadly no wins..........yet.......lol.
  8. They are back from Brazil and my daughter can't stop crying because she is not there anymore..lol...seriously had the time of their lives. Although England played pants they still loved the fact that they had actual bums on eeats, and were there. They had what seems like a million trips they were taken on and ate like kings/queens. They are now huge fans of Brazil and said they are the most friendly and easy going race they have met to date (have meet many nationalities) So glad that they are home but am so glad that Lee won this fabulous prize. His lastest prize..lol...he predicted the nil nil draw on Tuesday night on a West Ham twitter page comp. Has won a signed West Ham football. Am just waiting, praying and hoping with all my heart that he can soon win a non football prize ;) ....I should be so lucky.
  9. sharonsiff


    Not great to hear about your bag being stolen, swines, at least you got it back I suppose. Yes Tracey &Sharon tour...LMAO...we'll show em how it's done ;) Hope you had a lovely day on the beach today. Hope you have a lovely evening too and check in tomorrow Judith with an update on lilo situation, watching paella mak7ng-anything. Are you nipping to Puerto Morgan and doing the Yellow Submarine experience? Loved it there, fab food and a beautiful place although could be overly built up now 23 years on? Looking forward to my 'Wish You Were Here' update tomorrow Judith....enjoy the rest of your fabulous sunkissed day xx You now none smoking warrior you ;), just fabulous.
  10. sharonsiff


    Oh my giggdygodfathers Judith ;), I stayed there, twice!...loved it! Remember going to a fab Italian resturant up around there, Picasos or something like that. It was self catering or b&b when I used to go (over 20 years ago) but I'm sure my uncle said it's all inclusive now. The views are cracking aren't they? We used to use the lifts in the fellow apartments to get down to central life life, is there a mini bus now? I hear you about Siam Park...OMG, amazing and the best waterpark ever! I found the slides like rollercoaster rides. Oh I'm well jell you're at the Riosol, but made up for you. Like you I can't be doing with cold pools, no thanks! Bathwater warm or you can forget it..lol. Enjoy your time on the lilo and sangria mate and keep posting Judith, this is right up my street. Not having a holiday myself so can enjoy enjoying reading about yours xx When's the karaoke night? ;)
  11. I know Wiley was considering watching the movie Bad Grandpa but am not sure he got round to it? He has a knack of posting picture that make me cry with laughter, will never forget one he posted of a train full of troll dolls....just a comedy genius at times.
  12. Thanks Pippa will be strange being home alone but pleasant too, in a way ;)
  13. sharonsiff


    Tracey....how exciting, a dip in the pool and hopefully a cocktail to follow. So glad you're enjoying yourself and glad the ciggy smoking folk are turning your stomach...just such a crazy thing to do ;) If you get over the pants connection and get back on tell me where abouts in Gran Canaria are you staying? Are you hitting the waterpark near Mas Palomas? Are you enjoying the fab canary pototo dish? Can't remember the name of the dish...red colour, garlic, chilli and other herbs. Do a Judith Charmers 'Wish You Were Here' report if you can, would love that ;)
  14. From her profile picture she seems very well groomed and can imagine she conducts her dress code as if she is attending a red carpet function...and why not, if you've got it flaunt it I say.
  15. http://youtu.be/XvqZwAR6Uio ;)
  16. He was/is a butcher? Loves darts and goes to Lakeside to watch darts matches. A true cockney as he was born within Bow Bells.
  17. I hoped by some miracle I would finally stick to a quit, then finally realised it was all down to me. Past failures were always a lack of self confidence that I could actually do it, so would cut out the waiting till I failed and would light up. The difference this time was just a case of 'no more, enough really is enough' of the self imposed torture of another failure.
  18. Fingers crossed that this works.
  19. Thanks both, here Doreen....it will be you very soon xx
  20. It really is a dream come true for them Doreen, am made up for them. I have a picture in my photo downloads, of a feature our local paper has done on the story, but no matter how I try I can't work out how to upload it...am totally pants when it comes to techno stuff.
  21. I know Ross, in the excitment I tried to reopen my twitface account, sadly I can't remember my log in...still no matter will let Lee win me a prize ;) Lovely to be back although my pine table and six chairs are getting a Siffy make over next week...lots to do, busy bee ;)
  22. Oh yes, very much and I adore the late Larry Grayson...shut that door ;) Not keen on both currants and raisins, just yuck to me so Christmas day desserts are something I avoid. Remind me (visually) of dead bugs...just will not allow them in my mouth..lol
  23. So lovely to see a picture of you Doreen...congrats on 10 months you've got this ;) xx
  24. Not me, but Lee and our Megan. Lee won the world Adidas prize on Twitter, I know, can't believe it! They are so excited as they fly out on Tuesday and are there till Saturday night. They have trips planned each day (organised and paid for by Adidas) and are staying in a 5 star boutique hotel!...lucky swines. The prize is worth 15 thousand pounds and I still can't believe out of all the people in the world who retweeted to win the grand prize that my Lee won. Our Lucy didn't fancy it, not a football fan, so instead she is off to a school trip over the weekend (next week) and is doing all sorts of wonderful things. Exciting times for the Siffords....I'm home alone but at least I can play my Rick Astley CD full blast without facial moaning from the rest of the Siffs...happy days ;)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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