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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. I have just spoke to him on the phone and bless him, he is just so made up to be home. He can't get over all the colours around him, the flowers in the garden, the colours in the rooms. He is relishing everything that we all likely take for granted...just so fabulous that he is finally home. His white platelets dropped from 100 to 2! He was black and blue everywhere and swelled up. His lymph node, under his arm had swollen. Seemingly, and hopefully it was all due to an infection from hell that he couldn't fight himself due to previous chemo affecting his immunity to infections. He has had numerous platelet transfusions and now the level is starting to rise on its own...so it's looking good. The enlarged lymph node had a biopsy done and that type of cancer hadn't come back again, thank bloody goodness. I am just so pleased for him, and then all the family that it is looking good. Could cry with relief really, pleased to read Mrs Bakon is ok too....ruddy cancer!
  2. I am so very pleased for you Tiff, you really do seem to have mentally turned a corner. You can read till your eyes bleed that it gets better, more normal (as it does) but nothing beats actually 'feeling it for yourself' does it? Cements the quit really, becomes a Womak quit....solid as a rock. This is just brilliant for you as I said made up for you xx
  3. I see blue Action...lol... Seriously though, love it absolutely love it! This is the type of interior design that floats my boat just beautiful. You both must feel like king and queen of your castle.
  4. Am pleased to say my FIL is finally home! It has been a truly stressful time for Del and Barb but thankfully it seems that cancer is not back, as first suspected. Will get the final ruling out of bone or bone marrow cancer on Thursday....so please keep your fingers crossed. All this has taught me a very important lesson, life really is too short to be stressing and fussing over crap. Enjoy your health and your ability to laugh.....I know I do and will.
  5. This really is fabulous news Bakon....much love to both of you from over the pond xx
  6. So many fabulous congratulations threads and it would take me an age to respond to all so I hope you don't mind but am going to do it as one, here.... Many congratulations to all you fabulous quitters who have just had a celebration, won't be long till you're celebrating again xx
  7. Congratulations, brilliant news to come back to,
  8. Congratulations MQ, moved from my circle of trust to the circle of stopped for life, really pleased for you xx
  9. Many congratulations to you Doreen, so sorry I missed the actual day so please accept my belated congratulations. I never doubted you, could feel it in my bones that you had it in the bag. You must be as pleased as punch xx
  10. Sorry if I've missed a celebration. ..family illness...probably not going to be around much for a week or two so congratulations in advance to all you fab quitters xxx

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nicole Diver

      Nicole Diver

      Sending positive vibes! We'll be here when you get back.

    3. action


      Take care Sharon - will be thinking of you!!

    4. SueBeDoo


      Look after yourself and hope for a speedy recovery for whoever is ill xx

  11. That really was funny too. I have had to re watch it Markus as I was laughing at scenes so much that I missed other one liners. I just love it when he drives into and destroys the penguin, outside the restaurant, and point blank refuses to repair it. Are you a bad grandpa Markus ?..... ;)
  12. Lee's latest win on Twitter...not one but two ipad airs 32gb! I can not believe his luck at times. A competion run from the electricity company Eon...guys, get entering competitions, seriously!

    1. SueBeDoo


      Wow that's fab, make sure he keeps entering comps, this is his year, delighted for you, could keep them up for Christmas pressies if they are for the kids, or maybe mammy and daddy should treat themselves to them!!!

    2. action


      That's amazing.... Going to have to get a twitter account lol

  13. Many congratulations to you Paul, I knew you would reach and year and have no doubt you will be free for the rest of your fantastic life xx
  14. I know what you mean to be honest, as I feel the same in a round about way. This could just be me, and I appreciate that completely....but.... having both smoked (13 years) the vaped (6months) I honestly believe that if pharmaceutical nicotine, just nicotine and not the added extras in tobacco smoke, was only available via a drip then no one would bother. None tobacco smoke type nicotine is in itself not very rewarding. Too many vapers are whizzing down to zero for it to be this ' highly addictive' substance it's claimed to be, me included and I'm not Super Siff ;). So just pharmaceutical nicotine then habit as more and more are easily breaking the habit of using nicotine. Many go onto continue the habit of vaping with zero nicotine liquid. Nicotine in the chemical stew that is tobacco smoke then addiction, no doubt about it in my mind. Added anti depressants (MAOI's) in the chemical stew make sure we are addicted, till we grit our teeth and say no more and work through the quit. I often ask myself am I a nicotine addict, really? I would say I was a tobacco smoke addict as I felt the urge so many times (in the first 5 months) to have a cig and put myself out of detox misery. But a none tobacco smoke addict, just nicotine via a drip- then no
  15. Hi Susana.... First things first from my research I disagree that pharmaceutical nicotine is making the quit harder for you in the long run. It contains no anti depressants (MAOI's) and in itself is not very rewarding, if it was then why do folk keep getting cravings while using it? I'd bet my last pound it's because it's not a 'nicotine chemical cocktail' info on this out there on google..... Is it helping you? I suspect it's taking off the edge as you are not ready to commit to stopping using the gum, then don't stop using the gum Susana. Do whatever it is you have to do to get to each camp point (day, week or month) and only think of dumping the pharmaceutical nicotine when you know the thought of doing so does not fill you with dread and fear. I imagine the day you wrote this you were having 3 minute cravings with a 2 minute break and then another type of day? If I'm right then this is, as you may already know, the chemical cocktail your body is used to leaving. Seriously, a day at a time and deal with ditching the gum when you know the thought of it doesn't fill you with dread.
  16. Big congrats to you Joe xx
  17. Very well done Marti's mum, brilliant news.
  18. Eight fabulous months for the fabulous Tracy.... This song goes out to you.....
  19. You are doing fabulous Susans, you really are. I just read this in my book and thought of you! Tip for crap days : If you see your journey as climbing a mountain, break the climb down into realistic camps (day to day, or week to week) . When you reach a camp always 'look back' to see how far you have come ; try not to look up the mountain as this may dishearten you. If you look up, only look to the next camp. That's from The Chimp Paradox Susana and I thought it might assist you, mentally, on your climb. Your dream is to climb the mountain (a final sticky quit) so you goal ( camp) can be day to day or hour to hour. I think you're doing fabulous Susana.... a day at a time, look no further for now ;)
  20. Haven't researched Frozen yet.... shower, tv and bed soon. But before I go..... does she like beauty and makeovers? Not games I know but the could do Frozen colour (not sure on the colours from the movie) nail make over, Frozen key colour Loom bands, Frozen colour eyemake overs.... before the grand sing along or dance to the soundtrack of the movie. Meanwhile frozen theme colour cupcakes on the buffet- or decorate your own cupcake, they do fabulous one cup cake boxes (pack of six for a pound) in the £1 shop. So they can make one to eat now and one to take home- massive time filler. Must go shower Marti, hope you get some good ideas from other, I'm sure you will.
  21. What a fabulous idea Marti, I bet she'll be overjoyed! Frozen isn't something I know much about tbh, my two are 14, not far off 15. I love creative projects so will do some research on the movie and if I get any grand flahes of ideas I'll let you know. Do they like karaoke? Would they sing or be too embarrassed? Just you can normally get karaoke versions of the songs from youtube. That might not be your thing though?
  22. It's gotta be the Siffmobile bakon.... tough, strong and won't let ya down. Plus can withstand a 'hard' hit ;)
  23. If you are of the thinking that you are never going to be able to quit, jump aboard as many of us thought that too. Plus..... if you don't give it a go you'll never know ;)
  24. Across the sea, directly actually as you are Holland? I am Essex coast we are pancakes too. Just had another crazy storm.... sweating buckets our end too.....

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