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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. I agree, you honestly can. It might be a shi**y witty or an easy peasy detox but either way we are here to support you, we honestly are. Have walked in your current shoes. Please post, pretty please.
  2. Hi Julie, congratulations to a job well done :)
  3. Fantastic news Aine, you did it, knew you would. :)
  4. Bakon, hope all goes well on Wednesday and will think of you both and send good vibes over the pond. Oh I laughed (always do) at the though of you sitting in the car park, with a beer watching the Wishes firework display. I have a addicted to the Mouse problem...grin. I too am extremely tempted to re visit and put myself through the aggravation of fine dining, expensive cocktails and to stay in the Disney Beach Club resort, for two weeks. Mind you Bakon, if your doing the car park version I might be tempted to ask can I sit and join you, will save thousands- will bring beer and proper crisps (potato chips) from the UK. I won't even speak so there's no confusion. Maybe for my 50th in 6 years ;)
  5. I could be wrong, often am I know! But.... With Burrito I think it might be that double edged sword. His posts ooze that he is a Womack & Womack quit (solid as a rock) and I suspect that sometimes when you turn that corner you get on with real day to day events. Made up for him and it's fabulous if I'm right on that, for him- peace of mind, priceless! But... Not good for us! Like a free trip to the comedy club when those two get going, comedy genus at times. Mind you Ross he could have took a wrong turn on the golf range! Oh no! Could be anywhere!
  6. I nearly put Shiny Disco Balls Action, then remembered Bakon will see it... Lol
  7. Just added mine here Susana, just over 13 thousand... And puke, just yuck.
  8. So happy and excited for you! Just shows never say never! You took on the challenge of becoming smoke free and are happier than ever, priceless. Hope you have a wonderful day and treat yourself to a celebration treat.
  9. Thanks Nancy! Xxx I have been there a few times as well! My naughty speed reading habit and not wearing my glasses doesn't help. Thanks ever so much xx
  10. Guys, I want to change my beach hut days are coming title, above my avatar, but I have looked and looked and can't work out where I go to change it. Need guidance :(
  11. This place is fabulous place to be. I personally am so grateful to it being here and if I knew any smokers ready to commit to a quit I would not hesitate in sending them here. In fact, next time I go to my doctor for my heart and BP check I am going to ask him to seriously consider passing your web address to the lady who runs the stop smoking clinic there, I never see her now ;) or I would give it to her myself.
  12. I agree Paul, just wait and let the human take over. Loving your BBQ avatar!
  13. Knowing this now Action, wise after the event..lol. I can see now my reading and research got my chimp to agree so the mind games stopped. Mind you, it wasn't overnight! Was months and months of chipping away and reading my topic of interest. I hope this post helps folk, I really do. At least help them realise that they are not crazy.
  14. Hiya Apeezy and congratulations on your two weeks (already!) of freedom. Jump in and it look forward to your posts.
  15. I still say I'm going to the garage for a vape! I mean I'm going for a bottle of milk out the fridge, or an ice lolly for someone. My mouth just operates before I give it time to express my intentions, as you all say, old habits ;) everyone in the house laughs. Thankfully it's no skin off my nose now and I laugh at it myself.
  16. Me too Leanna, even when I stopped I still forgot to eat! Old silly habits. Doreen thank goodness we don't waste our money, time and Heath anymore! Re investing my savings on a trip down memory lane next year ;) Tenerife booked!
  17. Our fabulous Leanna celebrates two years free today! Many congratulations on making that fabulous decision two years ago and never looking back. You really do rock!!!
  18. Tracey I'm over the moon that your mindset is now on an even keel. At least now you have the seed of logical planted that's strong, and helpful if any more emotional envy thoughts come your way. You rock!
  19. I read way back and thoughts it might be useful to those who end up in a relapse, or in fear of giving quitting another crack. Bear in mind Dr Steve Peters calls the limbic part the 'chimp' and the 'human' is the frontal. Hope this helps in understand why it's not about will power. All information goes to the chimp first. The process is always the same as you go about your daily routines: in every situation and action, all input goes through your chimp first. The chimp then decides if there is anything to worry about. If there is no concern then the chimp goes to sleep and hands over to the human. So I personally see now how my craves just stopped, I often say went to sleep because they did. If the chimp is concerned, then it will hold on to the blood supply in the brain and will make it's own decisions on what is going on. The human and chimp both think in the here and now and both interpret as they happen. The human interprets things a calm and logical manner. The chimp interprets things in an emotional manner. The chimp and the human can work effectively together. The chimp with its instincts and drives can keep us safe and healthy. It can tell us when to eat and sleep, and warn us of danger and how to deal with it, or when there is something it would like to engage with to fulfil its own desires. ( smoking ) It is the norm for most of us to run on emotion throughout our day and there is nothing wrong with this. Problems arise when the chimp gives us a suggestion that is not appropriate and we then allow it to control us and don't know how to stop the chimp from dominating us. Why can't we take the power off the chimp and make decisions? The simple answer is that the chimp is more powerful and acts more quickly than the human. A real chimpanzee has five times the strength of a human. In the same way, you can think of your emotional inner chimp as having five times your strength. There- fore, you must learn to manage the chimp if you are to be the person that you want to be. A non smoker ;) It is no use trying to control a chimp with willpower. I call this 'arm- wrestling the chimp'. We all learn at about the age of three that will power in not a very good way to do most things. It only works when the chimp is asleep, indifferent or agrees. When the chimp has a different agenda then willpower goes out of the window. So we must learn different ways to deal with the chimp. I can see for myself that both time and patience gave my logical brain (human) the tools it needed to work effectively with my chimp. So obviously my chimp lost the constant here and now need to light up a cigarette, which obviously gave me the much needed peace I cherish. You find your own ways obviously, many use education, some NrT, some just saying NOPE is enough, we are all different. I just wrote this out as I thought it might prove helpful to those out there who get frustrated with the constant inner mind wars that go on, instead of feeling weak I hope it helps you understand what is actually going on. The book is The Chimp Paradox, by Dr Steve Peters. Not a stop smoking book, more of a control the inner thoughts book.
  20. Hi Marti It depends on your plans really Marti. We went for two weeks and it was park visit everyday, less one pool rest day. We purchased our tickets before we went as the UK sells the two weeks park tickets, works out cheaper to but in advance you see. Some rides are very popular so the FAst pass can save a couple of hours queuing, very handy. I'd check with your sister on what the plans are. I planned everything in advance, a year before, you see. Only because that's my character and I knew I couldn't find the thousands again to revisit if we missed a ride. I am ride mad you see and sadly would have wound me up. Many do just turn up and go with the flow and have a fabulous time. I will though recommend two site I used to be on almost 24/7 Www.touringplans.com Great site full of handy info. The best one though is www.thedibb.co.uk That one is full of people who travel there almost every year! There are fabulous forums full of help on every aspect. It's an amazing site and I recommend it to any Brit travelling to Orlando. I still go on periodically and read people's trip reports, it allows me the holiday 'in my mind' without the expense ;) Have a look at some of the fabulous trip reports.... You will be so excited!
  21. Fabulous Marti, what a fabulous treat you have to look forward to! Also, days not spoiled checking the park maps for the points to stop and top up the crappy smoke levels. Just brilliant really, as free as a bird to enjoy the rides, parades and character meets. Have you pre booked any meets yet using the new fast pass system? And pre booked your fast pass for rides before you go? Or are you a turn up and just go with the flow type?
  22. It honestly is immense Action, we all feel light as a feather. Del looked like Del, beautiful treat to my eyes.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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