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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. That's brilliant news Gio, sounds like you're one who going to find it very much smooth sailing, which is brilliant.
  2. My childhood crush, Mr David Cassidy
  3. Oh I will, for sure ;) Lots of dancing, laughing and singing.... Heaven
  4. Apeezy's post made me think of this question. It has mine, 100% I used to relish a very small Baileys every single night, it was an event that I looked forward to around 10pm everyday. Lee and I don't go out drinking but would host street get togethers and enjoy a beer, or for me a cocktail or two. When I stopped smoking last June I stopped drinking, just sadly didn't trust myself from past history. At first I moaped about it, sighed and puffed in my mind around 10pm but knew it was the best thing to do. Over a year on and I don't drink or even think about having one. Yes, sometimes I might get excited and think oh I'll have a cocktail on Saturday night, or a Baileys watching Breaking bad, but I never actually do. It's not that I'm scared now that it will give me a crave, I have had say two Baileys since Christmas and not even a thought to smoke crossed my mind. No, it's as though I killed two birds with one stone in that quitting smoking has in effect lead to me quitting my old drinking habits. How is it for everyone else? Are you the same, or do you drink as you would as a smoker...or more ;) ?
  5. Great news John, rinse and repeat ;) See ya again in a months time ;)
  6. Hello and a very warm welcome to Quit Train. Best decision you've ever made....
  7. And used to love cuddling up to my nanny to watch this, again fabulous theme tune.
  8. I used to love the Banana Slips intro, like a rave dancing song before it's time. I loved the theme tune of this, fabulous memory of childhood days
  9. Yes, it is Chrys- the largest of the seven islands I think.
  10. I must go Tracey but can't wait to see what else you post in the meantime. Looking forward to more of the same.
  11. You sound mentally in a great place, solid foundation. Great to read. So sorry to hear about your mother in law, terrible news. Hope as a family that you are all getting through this together. ((Hugs)))
  12. So glad that you're out of the woods.
  13. Tiswas!! Compost corner!! Oh Tracey, loved it! You remember Spit The Dog... Rofl...
  14. I have soooo many, I will no doubt be back. For now it's this. I would pretend I was Black Beauty as the intro came on, and canter in slow motion around the living room. Fabulous show.
  15. Mine too! Lol My manager, at Boots lived next door but one to Stu. Never got me his autograph though...the swine!
  16. Can you imagine in Bakon sees this video... Rofl. No doubt he will say that the announcer is Burrito doing an accent ;)
  17. Tracey beat me to it..lol Oh yes, the shannigans will be posted ;)
  18. Lol... Oh Nancy, I really don't know what you'll make of this.... http://youtu.be/xWksoZx0324 A saying I used to use as a kid due to my TV idol, Stu Fancis.
  19. Guys, I am so excited I could honestly crush a grape! Two years ago we met a fabulous crowd while in Tenerife. We met people from different areas of England and a lovely couple from Holland. Well, we have all stayed in touch and had them round our for meet ups. Seemingly the whole gang is looking to join us next August when we go back to Tenerife! Oh my life! I am soooo excited! Don't get me wrong I have visited some fabulous countries, seen some breath taking sites in my many years of travel but for me this will be the best holiday ever. People made that holiday for me and I'm as excited about us all being together again for two weeks as I am about actually having a holiday, after two years. Exciting times.....
  20. Be lovely to cyber meet you, and hear your story on how you got to this point.
  21. Life goes on, as Tracey says, and have a plan. I stopped drinking altogether only because my past attempts taught me I have no self control in my quit, when I have a drink. That's me and you are you. You know your self, and your limits so as long as you are within your limit range I'm sure you'll enjoy your evening with your friends. Have fun and just remember to have a plan, just in case.
  22. My kinda woman. It looks fabulous there, one I have considered too. Other one suits me more as I can then Minnie mooch around the Broadwalk area. I look forward to a full trip report!
  23. Lovely looking lady Jimmy.
  24. Rain, rain go away! Come again another day

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Still winning

      Still winning

      Aw no. It looks dry tomoz according to forecast so you know. xx

    3. sharonsiff


      Fingers crossed Marti. This is why I don't go on a real holiday in this beautiful country, don't trust the weather.

    4. Still winning

      Still winning

      True enough, crazy summers. x

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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