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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. Thanks guys, he is a fighter- that's for sure! Good news today is that he is stable. The swelling has stopped and it's just a case of a waiting game for the fluid to leave. His heart is being constantly checked so they are covering all bases. I honestly can sleep at night knowing he really is in good hands. Barb sounded more peaceful when we spoke last night (we don't live near any family) and I could tell from her voice that Del had an ok day. Slept very soundly last night. Thanks again guys, it really does help having somewhere to get it off my chest, and your support for Del Boy is just amazing!
  2. Used to love this, was so pleased when I learned to click my fingers and join in.
  3. Sorry, me again. If I see a picture, from the web, I press copy. When I come here I then touch my pad screen, choose select but nothing happens. I'm doing something wrong but have no idea what it is. My device is an Air Pad if that helps (the freebie that Lee won ;) )
  4. Good thinking Leanna, something I have never watched. Radio, goes without saying! So....if you hadn't have watched Survivor..grin, what would you have said.
  5. Life can feel too much sometimes can't it Marti? Stop the ride, I wanna get off. I can understand you feeling as you do, who wouldn't? Get your microphone out and belt out the Four Non Blondes Classic- What's Going On?. How pleased and proud of yourself that in the middle of all this you have stayed true to yourself, a non smoker- I never doubted you would ;) keep singing my lovely, the song will change sooner than you think.
  6. Wow! Isn't New Zealand beautiful? Takes my breath away, love looking at beautiful views like that. So.... You can take five things on a dessert island, what would they be? (Good luck with the exam btw)
  7. It must be able to see through I bet Action, mind you I have absolutely no idea and just guessing. It never occurred to me to have one, didn't realise you could. I will leave it I think as my chest and lungs feel fabulous and have not so much as coughed since last June. I can understand it being useful though if you are worried, if the worry is causing mental unrest.
  8. Congratulations, never doubted you for a minute! I hope you enjoy your 7 month land mark and have a fabulous evening, if you're in work today.
  9. Oh I forgot a very important one! The kissing, proper kissing not the quick peck because I taste like an ashtray. Oh and that my garage no longer stinks.
  10. Thank you Sue. Hopefully today is a great day, a day where the retained fluid starts to leave his body.
  11. Just rang Barb, good news! No bleeding on the brain so Del has not had a stroke. They are of the thinking that the fluids and strong medication he has had have caused this. Barb agrees as his family doctor never gives him strong antibiotics due to it knocking his kidneys out. So...good news on that score. He has been given medication to flush out the fluid retentation and take the swelling down. The camera on the lungs has been cancelled today while they concentrate on sorting this current issue out. He's in good hands, so that's something at least. We obviously all feel relieved and less stressy now.
  12. Barb didn't ring last night so I'm taking no news as good news. Will ring her after 9:30am and see what's what.
  13. Thank you so much guys, honestly. I honestly can't believe it, he looked fine on Saturday. Will let you know when I know. Thanks again guys, I keep the old 'don't worry guys' face on in front of the family but as you can imagine, feel sick with worry. Gonna switch off and keep myself busy while I wait for news xx
  14. Just had seriously crap news for Del. The strong antibiotics given, to help kill the pneumonia has set his kidneys off. He has had problems with his kidneys since his last lot of chemo, over ten years ago. So the kidneys are faulting, retaining water and has swelled up like a balloon. Barb noticed that hiss peach is extremely slurred, told the nurse- she got the doctor. Waiting on results, as we speak to rule out that he has not had a mini stroke. I am just in shock that someone can have so much bad luck, furious for him and just gutted. Sorry that I keep letting off steam here, I know everyone has their own worries. Just need to vent or I'll start crying and am scared I won't stop.
  15. 1. I did it, I actually broke free! 2. I have no more self shame 3. I have solved the cash flow problems 4. I have the Heart age of a 40 year old (nearly 45) keeping my heart nice and young. Good thread Apeezy :)
  16. And I think that's the thing, always make sure that you never have a pack around you. Then if the crap does hit the fan, and you do get a moment of madness then there are none to smoke. By the time you go out to purchase the crave would have gone anyway. I do know what you mean about being over joyed that you have not got a pack on you, and that it's huge ;) quite a feeling isn't it?
  17. Like you say Sarge, certainaly not something one wants to hear. You may be pleased to hear that since I stopped I had full checks and my heart was aged at 40 years old, am not far off 45. Very lucky escape my end no doubt. I just wish I could have facial skin of a 20 year old, then I've cracked it! ;)
  18. No sadly they don't Doreen. Thank goodness you still have two dancing feet!
  19. Jackie, how's things? How did it go at the doctors? Thinking of you xx
  20. Well done, you must be over the moon.
  21. Last question today, I promise ;) So what was your goal, what did you hang onto when you have rough days/spells? Mine was money, I was running of of spare cash fast! I didn't really want to stop but knew it would get to a point of going over drawn at the bank, so that gave me no choice. I look back now and really do wish my goal was about things I have benefited from, my improved health, the peace of mind I now have, the pride I know have. But at the time it really was just about being a bit broke. I know some say "ah but yes, once the money builds you feel you can afford to buy a few packs, and the cycle begins again" but that didn't happen for me. My goal kept me going, the fact I wasn't spending nearly £70 a week of family money on my self, how selfish of me when I look at it from this side. Over to you....
  22. Just shows how different we all are doesn't it? When I think about it I would NEVER drink if I was low on cigarettes, never! I always linked the two. Yet would happily smoke if there was no drink in the house. I have never, in my life, had a smoker free hang over-ever. I wonder if I'll experience that on my holiday? ;)
  23. Oh as sure as eggs are eggs Tracey, no question about it. Video? Ha ha ha... Why not ;)

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