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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. I have made a list of all the shows you recommend and I am looking forward to finding, and getting into them. If you think of anymore don't hesitate to let me know ;) I struggled too with the new doctor. My problem was this- grumpy and cranky is fine, in fact it can be extremely humorous to me but I never felt any underlying humour... So he just comes across as a grumpy old man, with no warmth. The end of the Christmas special has me warming to him, slightly... So fingers crossed next season they warm him up slightly. If I want to watch cold, grumpy people I have a few relatives I could skype :) don't need to see it, by choice, on my TV.
  2. Good stuff! I hope you treat yourself to something nice today xx
  3. You've made a mental and physical start now Wendy.. Good stuff ;) Report how you feel every day, if you can. No doubt it will keep you on track and no doubt inspire a lurker. Xx
  4. The good news is it only lasted fours days when I had this happen. I was in the same boat, still using nicotine, yet had an extremely uncomfortable bout of quitters flu through the chemical smoke detox. The even better news... As I always think there is good news... Is that once your body gets over this you will never, ever!, have to ever do this again... And feel like this again. Try and make yourself as comfortable as you can, drift in and out of sleep if you can. Just think in a few days you will be over the chemical detox and as pleased as punch. Xx
  5. This is fabulous news.. Job well done Gabby :)
  6. This sounds exciting but unfortunately my girls have a friend over and have committed myself to a few games of Uno. Hope you all have a great time and inbetween the rounds of games I will try to pop it... Would be lovely to actually live chat to you good folk xx
  7. I love the banter between Carl and Ricky, just my twisted sense of humour... ;) I use to enjoy when Carl would make reference to his partner, Suzzane. He is a great TV personality and I think it's taking too long for them to make a new series. Yes the lady who plays the mum, in The Middle, does a fantastic job. I go from relating to her and then bursting out laughing at the situations she ends up in... Good chemistry with the gentleman who plays hubby too. It just works doesn't it? Dr Who Christmas special was very enjoyable. It made me feel like I can now finally connect to this Dr as he displayed traits of both kindness and regret. I won't say too much more just in case you haven't seen it yet. Although Matt was a great Dr and I was sad to see him go my favourite was David Tennant. I enjoyed the Rose Tyler love story very much then he took me in a different direction with the comedy of having Catherine Tate (love her!) and her grandad. I often watch the repeats when I'm ironing over the weekend. I forgot another fabulous show from the BBC.. The Royle Family... Hilarious!
  8. Hiya Oneistoo and welcome. So sorry I don't know where the picture is, I think I know the one you mean but my scatty mind just can't place where it is. Hopefully you or someone else will find it soon.
  9. It's normal Evelyn and keeping very busy, getting a sweat on, speeds up it not becoming the new normal. I tell you something else that helped me no end, just changed everything... I get up and write down everything I want to achieve that day. I keep it realistic and plan plenty of things. Crossing off each task as it's done kills two birds with one stone as it keeps me on track and keeps me completely focused.. And happy hormones flood my body when I cross off a job done. Can't recommend it enough :)
  10. Try and do a little extra excersise each day... Does help. Even if it means walking up and down stairs constantly while your favourite song is playing. Surprising how getting a sweat on boosts your energy. Well done on day 5 :)
  11. I was 13, school bus and was allowed to sit on the back seat with the older kids. Took one to fit in... what a very silly Billy! So I tolerated the coughing and dizzy feeling for a week or two then was hooked, all to fit in.
  12. What I like, very much, about this post is that if someone (like me) had read Allen Carr numerous times but still felt the urge it shows you that you're ok and it can be perfectly normal. I wish I'd have had this post to read many years ago as I would have cracked on, head down, instead of thinking well I must be a special snowflake who can't quit because I still don't feel that peace and excitement that I thought was a given. This deserves to be pinned if you ask me.
  13. Lee has had a few weather warning via text, from the Met office ( he works for UK power net work) so it does seem that it is very likely. Keep safe guys....
  14. I haven't seen Grim so will look out for that one DD. Modern Family... The best! I love it how they, every so often, talk or look directly at the camera. Like you it is so hard for me to pick a favourite as they are all so well acted. Gloria really does make me laugh so much though and so is so damm beautiful! We love that in our house and look forward to 8:30pm Monday when it's on. Have heard about The Big Bang theory and it's something I think would appeal to us very much. We enjoy The Middle, what with Sue Heck and Brick, so we'll acted. In the UK I recommend The Office Gavin & Stacey Out Numbered They are my all time favourite ones... All BBC Derek I loved that too. Have you ever watched Carl Pilkington on Idiot Abroad? He is from my neck of the woods and I know people like him! ..lol. He you haven't seen him check him out... Bloody brilliant! One of my favourites used to be Will & Grace... I was gutted when that finished. Not a lot on our end tonight and nothing on the planner till all my favourite crime shows come back so I think it will be the Dr Who Christmas special for us. Just remembered another BBC must watch, if you can get it, Happy Valley...omg! Seriously it was brilliant and I think it has been nominated for an award.
  15. Oh yes DD I've seen him before and know who you mean now... Oh you lucky thing! Although have just checked the planner and we have lift off next Tuesday, here in the UK... Can't wait!
  16. Great choice Laura post every single day if you can, I really think it will help you. We're all rooting for you xx
  17. Well, having a complete rethink over the Mac 217 brush after watching this video. Our Lucy told me lots of bloggers where raving about Zoeva brushes so I investigated... And after watching this video I'm glad I did! This video I found extremely helpful in not only making me aware of what brushes I would be best to purchase but that this brand is a quarter of the price. If you are interested in brushes this really is worth the 11 minutes of your time guys... http://sharonthemakeupartist.com/zoeva-luxe-makeup-brush-review-stand-mac/
  18. Quick made dinner tonight as I have got to take Megz out football training. Made a Bang Bang chicken and special fried rice so I could use the rest of the spring onions up.
  19. Thanks Scott very kind of you. I can recommend a fabulous chilli, I warn you it is a 3 hour cook but you must trust me it is worth it... Restaurant quality Scott, you have my word and is the only one I will make now. I don't make the corn bread or soak the kidney beans... I use tinned, but I do knock up the spiced butter and follow the rest of the recipe to the letter http://www.channel4.com/programmes/how-to-cook-like-heston/articles/all/chilli-con-carne-with-cornbread-muffins-recipe
  20. I haven't Nancy but checked out Mac V Sephora on Google and Sephora sounds as good as Mac. We don't have that brand over here. Evelyn a haircut, nail varnish.. Fancy bubble bath anything! Just nice we can share info on products that we now enjoy spending our money on xx
  21. I laughed at that picture DD... Good one ;) which one do you want to be..lol The chilling versions of songs are as good as the plot in my opinion, I look forward now to what song they will use. I am still thinking over the last episode I watched, Crazy For You.. You must let me know your thoughts when you catch up. I agree about quality shows being cancelled for crap TV... Annoys me too! I still can't believe V was pulled, I really can't. I tell you what else I enjoy DD si coms. Oh I love a good laugh and throughly enjoy a 30 minute sitcom. I enjoy lots from your side of the pond but also enjoy two Australian ones too. Kath & Kim and The Moody's... Literally laugh out loud in our house. Do you enjoy comedy and have you watched any British sitcoms?

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