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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. Will do Colleen.. Nearly my bedtime so I'll write it out tomorrow, after work.
  2. Just to add... I spent the last 2 weeks of my 7 months Vaping as nicotine free so trust me when I say just a very good old deep breath really does feel as good, you can feel the happy hormones flushing through your brain... Especially if you hold in for up to 10 seconds and release every so slowly.. Just beautiful really.
  3. Jen, even our Lucy has started blogging.. ;) http://lucysifford.blogspot.co.uk/2015/01/drugstore-end-foundations.html
  4. It's yummy and very quick and easy Colleen. It's from my Hairy Bikers Great Curries book, if anyone wants the recipe let me know..I'll write it out.
  5. Jen.. Wow! It's he talented! Mind you as are you. Oh but your daughter, what a beautiful happy looking child...could cyber squeeze her gorgeous cheeks. Then you must get to and follow your make up dream Jen. Get blogging, get YouTube tutorials out there. Do it, do it, do it...in my chanting singing voice ;) I am always checking out beauty blogs and you tube, as are millions of other people. Who knows Jen it could get you some work and people might pay you to do make overs. You don't know if you don't try xx I for one will follow you, and my daughter... Xx
  6. JC don't! I'm an ex vaper so can speak from personal experience. I switched from cigs to vaping purely through hubby nagging, over me smoking. Look, if you have a no nicotine Vape you will still be going through withdrawal, hell you still go through withdrawal with nicotine in the juice...trust me! All you would be doing is literally using the pen to act out the in hale, hand to mouth then deep breath out. That's all.... You can do this without a vape pen, get a straw and use that if you feel it would help. I know of people who do vape nicotine free liquid, their choice of course, but you have already stopped the cigs, what's the point in going backwards now? The worst is over, yes some days it will feel Shyte, but, you have to trust us when we say that it does with time and patience start to get much, much easier. So bottom line... If you vape or not your body is still going to have to detox and readjust to not having those damm chemicals from cigs in you, just get it over with... You would be silly if you did, get a straw and deep breath, I mean REALLY deep breath...it works xx
  7. Colleen, yes please to the pork and mustard recipe... Lee and I would enjoy that. Teriyaki sounds a fabulous flavour to use... Yum! Might pick up some steaks next shop, if they are on offer. So damm expensive now, Especially for four people. I made a tasty Vietnamese chicken with noodles tonight. I love this recipe as it so very easy yet bursting with flavour
  8. Wow.. Just wow that you said that Jenn! Our Lucy is aiming to get in the medical field too but also is fabulous at make up, and dreams of doing the make up in movies. Are you an excellent artist too? I haven't made a purchase yet, still thinking over what I want to spend my £30 on. I spent years handing over nearly £9 a day for cigs, without batting an eye. Now I actually have cash to spend I am far more mindful.. At last!
  9. Brilliant! This is the one Evelyn.. Can feel it in my bones xx
  10. Fabulous, congratulations Rooster :)
  11. Currently raining in Essex with threat of strong winds and snow to hit the UK tomorrow! But... Not my coastal area, fingers crossed, according to local news. Keeping everything crossed in hope that's the case.
  12. I can imagine caffeine stimulating and not helping Evelyn. Please remember though there's no saying it will be two years! So don't go telling yourself you're stuck like this for two years. I naturally cut my coffee down dramatically and I feel much better for it. Mind you I didn't try,nor plan it, just noticed it sort of happened...but I feel much calmer and relaxed for it, truth be told. So if you do get a panic attack maybe this train of thought might help... Only happening because I used to smoke, thank goodness I got off that ride! If I get one, I get one... Won't be forever and a small price to pay for total freedom. You seem in a good place Evelyn... Do everything you can to stay there. Xx
  13. I had to check out London Broil Colleen... Yummy! Love very rare cooked meat. Do you add French Mustard? My mouth is watering. Tonight we had pork fillets, cooked in the crockpot with a can of cherry coke added. Once ready I just pulled apart, added to bbq sauce and chucked into the actifry to seal in the bbq sauce. Popped on brioche buns.. Baked spud and sweet corn. Job done, plates empty.
  14. Hello and welcome Michele xx
  15. At that price Wendy it would be rude not to ;) Funnily enough I noticed an advert for it on TV, last night. For a fiver I might take a chance... Can give to our Lucy if I get itchy eyes.
  16. Excellent news! At least now the worry is over and full steam ahead to recovery. Huge relief no doubt for both Beth and her loved ones.
  17. It's so wrong!... Yet so right... He he he Have watched a you tube clip of your version and fabulous casting of Frank! Once you've watched your version watch our version... He, he, he.
  18. So glad it has given you piece of mind Evelyn. At least now you know it's not in your head, your not imagining it and seemingly for some of us it's just part and parcel of it. Like you say by focusing on the here and now when it does strike you at least know it's only because you once did smoke, and not because you want to smoke and can't. You are doing fabulous by the way and if I was a betting woman I'd bet this really is your final quit. Xx
  19. Sorry Wendy I don't have any Champix info, just popping on to say hi and no doubt Marti & Chrys (sorry if I forgot anyone) will see this before long. I understand your impatience and I would no doubt be the same. Sure others will see this soon xx
  20. Oh yes! We had those two in our version too. If you haven't go the McGuire's yet you have them to look forward to.. Rofl...
  21. I can imagine you are... Grin.. ;) Enjoy. In your version do they live next door to the McGuire's?
  22. I'm not a doctor so am only guided by the link I posted, it would seem it falls under the emotional bracket Evelyn yes. Although if you take meds, for other things, the anxiety could be that too/also? Sorry if I'm being vague my friend. I suspect yes but I'm not a doctor so don't know for sure. If it is PAWS at least it might only come in waves, no and again, rather than a constant won't leave you any peace feeling.
  23. And look at you now my lovely, eh? You really did do the walk of life... A life to freedom xx
  24. Wendy I checked out the reviews for the mascara, and they do a waterproof version- which I need using a steam iron most days. Sadly I read it made someone's eyes itch. That put me off as I had to bin my Bourjios one due to the very same problem, felt burning and itchy... Gutted.
  25. I also hope no news is good news Doreen xx

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