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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. Did any of you guys catch this series? I really wasn't sure at first and all the flashing back and forth was a bit much for me, smoking has damaged a not too great brain! Anyway, I stuck with it and am so glad that I did I thoroughly enjoyed it. Not sure is there will be a second season but I do hope so.
  2. Tony well done...keep going. I have heard others say they have a tight chest so seemingly it could be part of the course. I don't know if you have a handy timeline or not Tony? So will post this one just in case you don't as it's a really good one. http://www.achoice2live.com/quit-smoking-quick-reference-guides/quit-smoking-side-effects-timeline/
  3. You know what Chrys I have never tried a pickled egg! I have seen them in the fish and chip shops but never thought to ever try one. I love pickled food, love the juice from the gherkin jar..I know, I'm strange..lol, so although I don't purchase take away food very often next time I do I'm going to try one.
  4. Pippa, this is a truly fabulous Actifry dish..seriously. It's Korean Sweet & Spicy chicken wings, although I used thighs... http://www.davidlebovitz.com/2010/02/sweet-and-crispy-chicken-wing-re/ I took a picture of them, last Summer, to pass on the recipe to a FB friend... Going to make these again soon as I'd forgotten about them!
  5. Pippa I'm glad that you like the actifry link, I have a recipe that I think you will really enjoy so will post it on the recipe thread. I have suggested a food forum (fingers crossed) as I have quite a few hints and tips on using the Actifry. If not though I'll add them to the recipe thread. Stalk me anytime Pippa ;) Tonight I made us cottage pie. I always add a squirt of tomato ketchup, a splash of Worcester sauce and a 1/2 tsp of Marmite to my mix...saw it on TV and it really does give the dish body. Hope my picture doesn't end up upside down ;)
  6. lol... Yes, he's the Man and I'm his sidekick Robin. Seriously though it's right side up on my pad... Wonder what the heck is happening?
  7. Hiya mods ;) Just wondered if you'd consider a food forum for those of us who enjoy cooking? We can post recipes, tips we've learned, recipe books we recommend and gadgets that we recommend, as we have more money now we are not wasting them on cigarettes.
  8. Congratulations Runfree... If this was a race, you v cigs, you're winning. ;)
  9. I agree Jen, and, it just goes t o show that not all the young crowd even enjoyed season 3. Lucy only watched 5 episodes and had, had enough. Too much like a chick flick, in her opinion, compaired to season 2. I hope she watches season 1 though... I enjoyed that one too. It's on in the UK tonight but too late for me, 11pm... Tomorrow I will be excited to watch it after your posts.
  10. So proud of you! Excellent... Reaching out is one of the best ways to approach chimp/junkie thinking/ insert own word. Once you you are then able to let the logic and facts flood your mind, good stuff Evelyn xx
  11. That was a beautiful thing you husband did, for you, Chrys... Good egg xx
  12. Is it showing up side down then? How strange as it's right side up on my pad? We look just as daft right side up or up side down ;)
  13. Congratulations on stopping smoking, and welcome. You vent all you like, and need, here with us ;) As you say if it does take you 7 weeks so be it, it's not a race and you are already tobacco free.. Well done xx
  14. Congratulations on day two already Wendy and keep this quit... :)
  15. Colleen that looks perfect for my tribe, thumbs up and thanks. I made this yesterday, Chicken Makhani, and it was delicious! A North Indian dish and it was very luxurious and aromatic. I'm sorry I forgot to take a photo and it's a lot of writing for a one fingered typer.. ;) so have found the link...big fat grin. http://www.hijackedbytwins.com/2014/02/chicken-makhani-52-cook-books.html
  16. Pippa glad you enjoyed the chicken recipe, I am going to try it with king prawns and prawns too. I also have an actifry and use mine nearly everyday... Have you seen some fab recipes on this link Pippa? http://www.afrecipes.net
  17. Good stuff, congratulations :)
  18. 3 months done and dusted, congratulations :)
  19. Congratulations 5 months already! Fabulous :)
  20. Colleen my Siffords would love that recipe too, can tell just looking at the ingredients. Let us know and if it gets your thumbs up will give it a go my end.
  21. It's lovely to read that those of us who suffer are at least finding ways to manage it, rather than just accepting it and putting up with it.
  22. Welcome Tony, stick close to the board and the QT family and you'll find it much easier no doubt.

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