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Everything posted by sharonsiff

  1. My girls clubbed together and purchased me this for my birthday, I love it! The best way I can explain it is it softens the skin and gives you the best skin finish ever. One of my customers noticed and remarked that I looked really well ( mind I have looked dreadful ..lol) and that I had glowy skin. No glitter...just a dewy best skin ever finish. I don't wear pressed powder so just wear it over my foundation. Have strongly hinted that I hope Santa brings me one for tanned skin...fingers crossed, and all that jazz.
  2. Exactly, you will still get there. Don't get hung up on Cold Turkey, as the best and only way, all ways lead to Rome. Even if it's only placebo the patch might take the edge off for you, while you get out of the habit side of reaching for a smoke, using them as markers to section your day. Do what you are doing, share you plans, thoughts and feelings like you have here. I can remember the feeling of not wanting to get up, in past quits, didn't see the point. I had undiagnosed clinical depression, not saying that you have, at all, am just saying though if you feel dreadful chat to a doctor. If I knew then what I know know I would have. You got up, you are getting on with your day...good for you. Keep busy, work up a sweat if you can, flood your system with happy excersise hormones (sorry can't remember what they are called) Keep your eye on how you feel and keep doing what you are doing...not smoking.
  3. At least you came back which is a good move, head down...eyes on the prize your sticky quit. Honestly if you just don't smoke you've got it. We will all cheer you on xx
  4. Aww that's a shame, although at least no one was hurt, but I can understand how you must feel. She did the job, was reliable and you trusted her to get you from A to B...I would feel just the same as you, no doubt about it. Just glad that you are all ok.
  5. Action sounds fabulous! Family filled, everyone still smoke free..perfect. Aww it will be your first Christmas as a parent too! So many wonderful years of that ahead. I must give you a tip now...in case I forget (which I may well do..lol) when she is about two pop some jingle bells down your underwear ( don't laugh!) as you kiss her goodnight, do a little wiggle, then you can tell her that you can hear Santas sleigh, he will be coming later, once asleep. I did that for years, girls loved it. Have yourself a perfect Christmas. You sound like you've got it all sorted Marti, cooking and drinking while cooking? (Wink)
  6. Yes, I think that she's mine too Marti.
  7. sharonsiff

    I am....

    Looking forward to a lie in, on Christmas Eve.
  8. Sounds lovely! No doubt that your day will have a brilliant birthday, with his family...priceless really.
  9. We watched this, Sky Premier, on Saturday night and really did enjoy it very much. Beautifully retold, gorgeous costumes and loved the quote ' Have Courgage, And Be Kind' Ten out of ten from the Sifford Clan.
  10. So Christmas week is here, again, doesn't seem two minutes ago till last years...can't keep up. What are you plans this week, where are you going, or are folk coming to you? Are you still working, or have you finished? Food all purchased or have you still things to sort? I'm working till Wednesday, off to MIL's Christmas Eve and coming home on the girls birthday, Sunday. No more food to purchase as I bought a bit here, and there, chocolate, crisps and peanut wise. Barb is feeding us so no food to purchase, I am supplying the drink ( cocktails) Won't see my mum and dad as they are in Tenerife for the next nine weeks, they rang me at 4:30 (phone cafe type place, dad doesn't like using his mobile..lol) and they are having a blast in the hot weather. Lovely to hear they are happy and enjoy Christmas their style. Or to you.......
  11. Hi Mike impressed that you've quit before Christmas, hats off to ya, I was the wait till the New Year old chestnut type...respect.
  12. Congratulations Runfree I can only imagine that you are grinning from ear, to ear. I find it tricky to add celebration images so imagine I have posted a picture of a fabulous firework display for you. Have a great day you fabulous non smoker xx
  13. Strawberry Mojiot, first time....won't be the last, delicious. If anyone has any to try cocktails please post...will enjoy trying new recipes and flavours.
  14. Good stuff, keep doing what you are doing...no matter what. I will look forward to your 3 month celebration post.
  15. Something else I have learned....it doesn't define you. You know, you think your identity is 'well I'm a smoker, and that's that' I have learned that it's not your identity, you are a person that has made the mistake of getting sucked into smoking. You are only a smoker when you make the choice to continue to smoke....once you decide enough with that crap you realise it was never really part of you, or your character at all. Time taught me that, quite a bit of time, but time non the less.
  16. Last night I had two, well they are only small, coconut Daquiri's. Delicious and made a change from the frozen strawberry ones. Just 35mls of white rum, 30mls lime juice and 35mls of coconut cream. Loved the burst of lime you got, after a moment or two of it being in your mouth. Tonight am going to make Strawberry Mojiots ....picked up some fresh mint when we nipped out earlier. Looking forward to sipping on this tonight and watching the new Cinderella movie on Sky. Hope you guys enjoy your drink, if you have one.
  17. I might well go and see this myself, be nice to see Han Solo and the old gang again. Glad that you enjoyed it xx
  18. Off to spend the £30 Brewers Fayre voucher Lee won on Twitter, lunch will taste even better being that it's free. The Thortons Chocolates have turned up, that he also won, so just waiting on the Christmas crackers to arrive. So all good....in our neighbour hood.
  19. The only problem is when you're up straight, and are all wrapped, you get roped in by hubby to now wrap his staffs gifts...cause I do it so beautifully he says...mmmmmm....still if he makes me a gingerbread latte, with spray cream and chocolate sprinkles I just might.
  20. Gutted for you about the freezer situation of all the times for it to happen.
  21. Don't worry Beth as I'll not read/follow this post because I'm so behind anyway, only popped on to say I'm a fan of it. You guys are currently season 6 I believe, I wonder how many seasons there will be?
  22. It has taught me that it really is never too late, to make the positive changes in your life. Taught me that life really is better as a non smoker, my husband was right all along.
  23. Have you ever tried a beer cocktail Bakon? Or is it that you just don't fancy it? On holiday one of the males in our party tried a brandy cocktail, omg he hated it...cost him €8 too! Mind, at least he tried it. I used to love beer but can't drink it now, just too fizzy for me.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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