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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. Hi JKPK, welcome! 20 years uhh? Read all you can, NOPE daily. Stay with us, we´re a fun and will help you no doubt. There me, pig lover, bakon , mammy and all the other loonies, AND lolcats! What more do you need? Lets do this.
  2. Stewie

    chicks or sticks

  3. Love that dude.
  4. These gifs keep getting better by the month lol. NOPE!
  5. I think pig lover made a good summary. Look, there is only one way to do it i believe. Read all the information, it will be your most important ammo for the fight. Then find the nerves and NOPE daily. It is really a simple process, you dont put a cigarrete in your mouth, and then you repeat it the next day. Lady justice will bring you confort eventually.
  6. That may be in the top 10 most amazing things i ever saw. LOL! NOPE!
  7. Just one more month for our sweet Dee to reach the lido deck. Respect.
  8. Great Jackie, keep ati it lad! :D
  9. Writting english makes my brain hurt so ill just say this: yes, you CAN quit smoking, anyone can. Hell, there was a time i thought i was doomed to smoke forever. Then i quit, i was climbing walls for 5 months straight but i did it. You gain resistance in every single day you stay off the smokes, plus excitement to last just one more day. You have all the information here, thats 90% of what you need, the other 10% is in the nope pledge section. Sleep well, wake up, turn on your computer and put that nope pledge online. Then endure it like everyone else did. At the end of the night you might want to revisit the nope pledge and leave your thoughts, we´ll be there for you, plus a nice picture of a lolcat from me, everyday, because im a nice guy. Grind through that motherfucker nicotine monster one day at a time and rid yourself of this horrible addiction that will no doubt kill you if you let it. You got this!
  10. I hope you had a great day too. Respect.
  11. A fine day to say NOPE!
  12. Stewie

    chicks or sticks

    0 booo chicks go home! go sticks!!
  13. The lad is 44 today. Happy birthday! :)
  14. Stewie

    chicks or sticks

    Bad Nancy! Naughty Nancy! 0
  15. Stewie

    chicks or sticks

  16. Halloween is not really a thing in Portugal so im good, im set, no need for candy. Candy is good though. :)
  17. Good lord this thread is giving me the chills! :( NOPE!
  18. Stewie

    chicks or sticks

  19. Just another great day to say NOPE!
  20. I tell the truth, the reason i not take another puff is thinking of those vapours getting into my beautiful lungs. Its funny, i did it for 8 years and never really care but now i couldnt possibly do it. God no.
  21. Stewie

    chicks or sticks

    -3 ha! big momma i aint scared of you!
  22. Since im online now and love my babe dearly i might as well start this thread already. I might be abducted by aliens tommorow, i hate when that happens. Mr piggy, know from his rap stage name The Notorious P.I.G. is 9 months free on the 29th! Well done babe. You are a great friend here on these forum and your contribution is top-notch. I wish you suceess and all the good things in life. In 3 months we´ll have a party for you here, stick around. Stay awesome. oink!
  23. Stewie

    chicks or sticks

    -3 not so fast new chick, if you wish to participate you must endure some oposition first. we sticks we rule and will surely smash you understand? now go, put your petty number after mine whahahahaha
  24. Sound interesting. Look, sometimes we just have to endure, no other way around. Working a stressfull job and quitting smoking is a sure recipe for stress but theres no tricks that i know, the only way to do it is to ******* do it. Stay strong and keep pushing. Respect.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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