So, you had the best of intentions to quit smoking
but, you haven't.
You failed.
You continue to give your power away to your addiction.
I can imagine you feel disappointed in yourself, to say the least.
Maybe, you are saying, 'screw it, I don't care', 'it's too hard' or 'I can't'.
All of these are self-fulfilling prophesies...the voice of the addict. This isn't who you really are. You weren't born an addict. You choose addiction.
Maybe, you made it a few days, maybe not even that.
Maybe, you joined here and posted a little before you returned to nicotine addiction.
You may feel embarrassed.
You needn't. We all understand the gravity of addiction and how self-defeating it can make you feel.
Please, give yourself a chance again. It is a new day.
Commit to yourself. Stop the self-destruction.
You can quit. We quit and none of us are superior human beings.
Examine yourself and your reasons for continuing to poison yourself.
Then, learn all you can about your nicotine addiction, even if you think you already know enough. You never know enough.
Read carefully back through this whole thread and click on the links, listen to what successful quitters are saying.
Start with one hour, one day at a time and stand by your commitment to NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).
Build yourself a sturdy and successful Quit for you and your loved ones.