For a while, I really missed stepping outside for some deep breaths, albeit nicotine-y breaths.
Stepping outside for a break,
or a look/see,
for what to do next,
for a Think.
Then, I said, 'go outside, you big goof'.
Go outside and take some good clean breaths...AND have a think.
It is taking me a while to separate a break from a 'smoking break'.
but, the ceremony of a break remains.
It is an important time, stepping away and now it is smoke free.
Smoking was also handy when I needed to get away from a group of people, a party or ?.
A small private time to gather my wits and often rewarded with a beautiful sky.
Now, I won't smoke but, I will still excuse myself for those moments.
This is in no way romanticizing the smoke. Smoking has nothing to do with it anymore.
Now, about creative pursuits.
Chrysalis said,
" For anyone involved in a creative pursuit where you have to
reach down inside yourself and express your emotions for the world to see..."
I don't think I do much of the 'reach down inside' part.
It is simpler for me.
I just want to be a 'painterly' painter, proficient in the craft
and I also want to look at pretty things.
I don't dig deep emotionally to paint.
At least I don't think so.
Ideally, I get in a sort of Zen space with not much thought or feeling at all.
Now, real life is a factor, of course, and if I am full of emotions they are bound to leak out
but, it is never a conscious thing.
I was avoiding painting because I was afraid I couldn't get in that zone without smokes.
Fear is paralyzing as usual, no surprise there.
Chrysalis said,
"You probably will have to push your way through it, force yourself to work when you are not feeling "comfortable" or "normal".
Eventually you will get used to your new normal and you will be able to work easily again"
And Paul said
"You are free, maybe you will see what your new better normal is on canvas"
That, right there is the ticket. Yep yep yep.
Forge ahead....
Oh ! Easy For Leonardo !!!
Thank you so much for helping me through this.
I love smart kind people.
Thank you.