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Everything posted by Sazerac

  1. Life would be so much easier if you were to include TIME ZONE signatures. It aint like I'm asking you to do the 24 hour thingy...7 pm = 19:00 o'clock a roony . I am Central Time, aren't you ? see, already I am suspicious. I will be working on Greenwich Mean Time for cocktails today. Not in the mood for Cava and going out to purchase a bottle of Cognac to have in Cafe. Call me when you need me. :) Tracey can work with GMT too ! Bottoms Up. Love, S
  2. This is fabulous, Becca ! I am really proud of you. Twelve Lbs seems like a MOUNTAIN to me. But, I will get motivated too, just like you. Breaking my leg and hoof AND quitting smoking made for a hungry and rebellious Sazerac Thank you for posting, bebe. Love, S
  3. I have a happy heart by nature and try to focus and arrange my days to incorporate as much Joy and Beauty as I am able. Art for sure, getting really dirty in the garden. But, sometimes cleaning my house until it sparkles give me the Bliss. You know that 'sunscape' painting, i've had for so long and never thought much of it until lately. glad I saved it. I will do a moonscape, Marti. Why did it take me so long to join the QTrain ? Well, I didn't want to join the 'other' place for obvious reasons and when i followed you here, I wanted to see you all get settled with eachother. It was a traumatic thing y'all went through (and rose like a spectacular phoenix, by the way) Then, time just passed and all of a sudden I realized, Man, I need to thank these people ! By nature, I am a loner...and this is one of the few groups I have ever been a part of. Very glad to be here. I am learning so much and having a blast with you wonderful people.
  4. Of course, this LOOKS real nice and friendly.... BUT, Wait a minute here ! Did you notice he didn't give me A TIME ZONE ! ? It will be 8ish in the UK in two hours for me (CST) WTF ?? are you living on Tulsa time or something ??
  5. Thank You REZ...! Thank you SO much. I was starting to feel completely L E F T O U T. I will probably crack open the Cava WAY before dark. Maybe someone should go check under the tables etc...let's have a nice clean start.
  6. I stayed up past my bedtime last night and slept late now, time changes are befuddlement. I would SO appreciate it IF Y'ALL WOULD TELL ME THE TIME OF THE PARTY. it's like your holding out on me or something ! look at that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ REZ says he will 'try' to make it... DOES HE KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS ? probably just making T's time.
  7. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    3 great song from The Hum...thanx for puter expertise, Doll. :)
  8. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    6 I am busy answering questions and posting blogs and saving lives fgs (as Chrispy would say )
  9. No nickname at bar...Sally Mae sometimes just Sally. Never acquired a nick name. Had a cb handle of 'shenanigans' oh, when I did radio out west, I was 'Roux' (after the Dr. John song, Mama Roux). I don't like the drunk chick much either but, no matter. you can learn to pronounce Sazerac or have a Sazerac Attack. :)
  10. Thanks Tracey ! Good Belly Laugh. Good. Thank you. :D
  11. JIMMY JIMMY ! Do tell us How Good it Feels ! CONGRATULATIONS !
  12. My dogs are European 41, American Ladies 10. I lied about BOB. I don't have one because they make TOO MUCH NOISE. I have big useful peasant hands. :) How can you quit smoking and not be a veritable farting Machine ? well, you won't be able to answer that question, silly me. I am plenty and extra fun, in the way you infer, when Sober. In fact, can't get my Big O when under the influence so, ummm.... 'I don't drink and drive', shall we say ? Back...way way back before it was a 'thing' back when I was young and beautiful :P I traded a very chaste glance for a Zulu Coconut. In fact, TWO Zulu Coconuts. It was funny, he turned out to be an undercover policeman and I thought I was on my way to Central Lock-up :o but, he was very sweet. A shame I couldn't find him later ...the crowds, you know. If it isn't going to be New Orleans...if New Orleans is no more... I would like a uninhabited island w/in 15 degrees of the Equator. I like mud bugs. Have you had soft-shell mud bugs ? good too, eat em up, yum :) ya see wha I don did der ? No, dawlin' no Yat. Hows yo Mama and dem ? My friend, 'The Woman Who Drinks For America' has a big loud Yat voice. :wub: I have picked up a few phrases but, not the swank of it. Remember I am an 'adopted' native.
  13. Doreen, you are The MOST Sacred Sister of Smut and I love you very much. I have, sadly, never been to your 'Pool. I have always done artsy fartsy stuff. Thank you for your compliment, Sister. I really work at the 'talent' bit...painting is very challenging to me. I like the shell I use for my avatar quite a lot and it lives with me still. It is one of the few that I can look at and not want to 'FIX' but, the 'favourite' remains a hope in a future work. Oh, Sandy ! I am crazy envious of friends with many filled passports ! My favourite places to live were 3 miles up a dirt road in a rustic cabin in coastal Sonoma County, CA and New Orleans. New Orleans always wins. I would like to visit EVERYWHERE on this beautiful earth. First on my list is Florence and Italy in general, and Mediterranean en todo.
  14. Four Days I am so grateful you quit, MQ.
  15. Our Nancy asked me to post this from my blog to 'Quit Smoking Discussion'. Thank you Nancy. Lifetime of Addiction I didn't want to hear this but, I am now facing this truth. Nicotine Addiction doesn't go away. You can put it to sleep. You can even put it into deep deep and deeper sleep for years ! but, it will awaken the moment you take one puff. One Puff. This is for your whole life. Mind boggling, huh !? This was the choice you likely didn't even know you were making all those years ago when you started smoking, I didn't understand the ramifications for sure. But, it is the truth. You will always need to be cognizant of your addiction even when smoking is a vague memory, because the moment you take a puff, the moment you take One Bloomin' PUFF, That's it ! It's all over and your enslavement will begin, again. What tenacity ! but, you need to understand, Nicotine is not as tenacious as You and Your Will. You can quit. I know you can. I quit and I am not a special snowflake, I am a Nicotine Addict, just like you. I have great resentment about my Nicotine Addiction. Damn....I didn't know it would be so invasive. I didn't know it was going to be a lifetime relationship. I am so angry about this and it is My Own Damn Fault ! But, my anger, it is a good anger. It is a righteous anger. It is an anger that will fuel my commitment to NOPE. Not One Puff EVER. Copping to the 'forever' part is a cold hard reality of the addiction. At some point, I had to quit fooling myself and accept it. It isn't just for today. It must be forever. If it isn't...I will continue to enslave myself. Some feel their addiction is so strong they cannot quit, This is wrong. You have the power. You always have the power to quit and you always have the power to stay quit. Make the commitment to NOPE ! As our friend, Sarge, says, 'Easy Peasy'. Easy ! not complicated ! This is not Rocket Science. If you make that commitment to NOPE...you will not fail. You Will Not Fail. The simplicity of it ! The Beauty of it ! Not One Puff Ever. Do it. You won't regret it. Love, S
  16. Dear Natalie, We are all stoked that you are working a successful quit. You are great and powerful and strong and you are having a lot of fun with us too ! What could be better ? ! Thank you for quitting, Natalie. and thank you for helping others quit too. You are a shining example of possibilities and grace. Congratulations on ONE month and many many more months of Freedom ahead ! Love, S
  17. Sazerac

    Lifetime of Addiction

    Lifetime of Addiction I didn't want to hear this but, I am now facing this truth. Nicotine Addiction doesn't go away. You can put it to sleep. You can even put it into deep deep and deeper sleep for years ! but, it will awaken the moment you take one puff. One Puff. This is for your whole life. Mind boggling, huh !? This was the choice you likely didn't even know you were making all those years ago when you started smoking, I didn't understand the ramifications for sure. But, it is the truth. You will always need to be cognizant of your addiction even when smoking is a vague memory, because the moment you take a puff, the moment you take One Bloomin' PUFF, That's it ! It's all over and your enslavement will begin, again. The tenacity ! but, you need to understand, Nicotine is not as tenacious as You and Your Will. You can quit. I know you can. I quit and I am not a special snowflake, I am a Nicotine Addict, just like you. I have great resentment about my Nicotine Addiction. Damn....I didn't know it would be so invasive. I didn't know it was going to be a lifetime relationship. I am so angry about this but, it is a good anger. It is a righteous anger. It is an anger that will fuel my commitment to NOPE. Not One Puff EVER. Copping to the 'forever' part is a cold hard reality of the addiction. At some point, I had to quit fooling myself and accept it. It isn't just for today. It must be forever. If it isn't...I will continue to enslave myself. Some feel their addiction is so strong they cannot quit, This is wrong. You have the power. You always have the power to quit and you always have the power to stay quit. Make the commitment to NOPE ! As our friend, Sarge, says, 'Easy Peasy'. Easy ! not complicated ! This is not Rocket Science. If you make that commitment to NOPE...you will not fail. The simplicity of it ! The Beauty of it ! Not One Puff Ever. Do it. You won't regret it.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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