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Everything posted by Sazerac

  1. Congratulations, PeaceTrain ! Eleven months is a solid amount of freedom on your side. Thank you for all your contributions.
  2. Spoken like a true addict. Of course, it controls your life ! You can't be around smokers, you can't drink around smokers. You adjust your life around it as every addict does. Once you honestly look at your addiction, I am sure you will find lots of other examples. Study up, Boater, knowledge is your ally. Addiction manifests itself in very individual ways to each individual. You are not more addicted or less addicted than anyone. You are an addict. We are addicts.
  3. Three months is a milestone. You may be getting to know yourself better and able to trust yourself better. You made a great decision and are living it. Congratulations.
  4. You can make the decision to never smoke again that is rock solid in your world. Other people smoking is not about you, it has nothing to do with you. The only thing that matters is your choice to never take another puff and deal successfully with your addiction. Learn more about addiction, the fantasy and the romance, you will learn, is ridiculous. It makes me happy that you are on your way because freedom is friggin delicious, man.
  5. Lots of artists dead that I miss, not many more than Marvin Gaye. I think I miss him the most deeply, especially now. His voice, his import is eternal. for me
  6. thinking here...(oh, there you go thinking again) possibly metaphysical...what was pig ? a figment of group imagination ? Ask me later, in an appropriate time zone, all I know is, pig 'aint here now and the ransom notes are bogus, Tits are not reliable, they'll talk to anyone. S
  7. Congratulations Ren ! One month of freedom is just grand and brings you big power. Yay !
  8. Congratulations ! Your first of endless months of freedom.
  9. Make sure you pay attention to your blood sugar, this can be the reason behind snappiness. Also, remember HALT, lots of craves or behaviors can be attributed to whether you are hungry, emotional, lonesome, tired or simply need a purposeful break. You are doing great, reward yourself, and your blog is splendid.
  10. Welcome ! You are right, quitting is an everyday effort, an everyday decision. Love your Tarot, Fool, avatar !
  11. Hi Jo, Are you 6 days into this ? Congratulations. You keep missing lunch, you might not 'feel' hungry but, may still be low on blood sugar. Remember to reward yourself, w/out VMite...I understand suffering occurs.
  12. Thinking of you and hoping for a speedy recovery
  13. Crow crow, hey there crow, The Crow that I think loves me, simply raiding nests.
  14. George makes me think of Buck
  15. Mine isn't longer, I have peasant feet. I read somewhere that when the toe next to the big toe is longer, it is a sign of royalty. Egyptian ?
  16. You can live through temporary discomfort. Pamper yourself through the gnarly times. Pay attention to your blood sugar, drink good juice and lots of water. Eat an orange. Establish a peaceful nighttime ritual ( no screens, a cup of chamomile tea, deep slow breathing) Even if you can only 'rest' and not sleep, your body will be able to do some repairs and you will feel at least a little refreshed. Meditate. Everything will get easier by and by. There may be bumps, you may have some wobbles but, nothing you cannot rise above and emerge the winner, the one free from nicotine. You are more powerful than your addiction. Good to see you posting.
  17. This is a clear description. ^^^^^^^^^ I'm trying to get this gif to work Joy ! It is working. and I am adding a link to a thread with information about How Smoking Changes Our DNA
  18. hey darling, I must stop you right here... "but I like smoking" you need to understand about your addiction to nicotine, it interferes and steals the 'feel good' receptors in your brain. The satisfying 'ahhh' moment with a smoke is just because you were crashing and needed to re-up your nicotine levels. You are an addict. We are addicts. Glad you are here, learn all you can about nicotine addiction. Education is the biggest tool in the tool box. Commit to never having another puff. Share your experience, it helps keep you keep current with yourself and helps others. Reward yourself, you are making a fabulous choice to be free of nicotine. The Significance of Rewards may be helpful to you
  19. Welcome, Sunny. Glad you found us. Education solidified my quit. I read here and there and watched Joel's videos until my eyes bled. Still, education is a constant for me, I'm hard headed and must be remain current with NOPE. That's Not One Puff EVER.
  20. Bienvenido Dragonfly (libélula ?), Congratulations on your quit today. Your old quit is gone, erase those old dates they don't matter anymore. Start clean, here and now. Commit to NOPE. Take a big deep clean, clear breath of oxygen. Learn more about nicotine addiction, you needn't be fooled again and you needn't ever feel shame. We are simply humans, addicted to nicotine. Tell yourself the truth, tell your mate the truth. Call out when you need some help. Stay close to the board. Share your story, help others. Think about returning to your support group, it may help you. There is no room for embarrassment, we are fighting a deadly addiction ! Celebrate, you don't smoke anymore!
  21. My cough went away as soon as my 'bronchitis' was over, about a week. Remember the pollen count is extremely high right now and that with air pollution affects us. But, everyone is different...every quit can be different. If you are worried, get it checked out. Your quit is going good, Opah !
  22. Two Great TIts just flew in with this message about our 'vacationing' pig, sending it to nosmokinjo for a translation but, Mister Titwank may be bilingual too.
  23. So happy you are having a life free from nicotine. Congratulations.
  24. Uh-Oh...I've heard a rumor, is it true ? The holiday is a ruse > Pig is being held and guarded by Boobies. The Coup d'état in Celebrations is a fait accompli Viva la revolución, Laissez les bons temps rouler ! We anxiously await a ransom note.
  25. Found this in the archives, love Bat's addition...ice cream ! I'd forgotten about broccoli...try it roasted with olive oil like cauliflower, it might change your mind.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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