Welcome to our jolly band of quitters, Christian.
The most important component to a successful quit is Education about nicotine addiction.
You must read, read, read and absorb the information.
This makes your quit easier too, because you understand what you are going through. Everything makes sense.
So, take the time and educate yourself.
Quitting is a matter of initially, short term physical withdrawals.
The real work comes in changing our patterns, re-programming our reward system, and learning to live FREE.
All this is a highly individual matter but, in general it takes about a year to weed through all the craves and seasonal triggers.
This isn't a year of full on craziness...just a year of consistently paying close attention to a commitment to NOPE (Not One Puff Ever).
Once you understand addiction, this makes perfect sense. We must always stay committed to NOPE.
I am a cold turkey quitter. I didn't want to prolong my suffering and didn't want to spend any more ducats on nicotine.
Stock up on fruit juices and small rewards.
You may find this post (and the many links embedded) helpful to you.10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Help Yourself Quit Smoking
I smoked for 40 something years. Addiction is addiction, nobody is more addicted than anyone else...or less addicted either.
There is no reason to continue to smoke, Christian.
Once you make the decision...GO FOR IT !
You will never regret quitting and your whole life will change for the better.