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Everything posted by Sazerac

  1. I know a lot of people have had insomnia kick in when quitting smoking. It didn't for me, I was able to use sleep to escape some triggers/craves but, for those who are having this issue, here is our friend, Joel, addressing the issue. I would also suggest using simple remedies like meditation, chamomile tea, turning off screens prior to bedtime etc. Have y'all any tips about putting yourselves to sleep ? Video describes how sleep may become disrupted in the first days of nicotine withdrawal but will eventually return to a normal pattern. Sleep Adjustments Sleep can get pretty disruptive the first few days. Some people will get very little sleep, waking up every hour or not sleeping at all yet not feel tired. Others can sleep 20 hours a day and be exhausted during their waking hours. Whichever way it goes, sleep will adjust itself when you quit and eventually go back to normal. But there is a catch. You don't know what normal is. Normal is what it was prior to being a smoker with aging thrown in. Some people have not been normal for decades. Nicotine is a stimulant drug that once it wore off threw the smoker into a physiologically depressed state. To overcome this depressant effect the smoker would smoke again to stimulate him or herself. Soon it would wear off and the endless cycle would be repeated over and over. Blood sugar and hormone levels would skyrocket, only to come crashing down later. By the end of the day the smoker could be physically exhausted from this chronic stimulant/depressant roller coaster. They had to adjust their sleep around these effects. Without this chronic abuse, these ex-smokers may find that they can get by on less sleep after they quit smoking, sometimes knocking out hours of what they thought was needed sleep time. Others only minimize sleep by a short time period but it is very obvious when the alarm goes off they can jump out of bed full of energy and ready to go, or sometimes even wake up before the alarm with newfound energy. When they were smokers they were often exhausted upon waking, hating the alarm and needing cigarettes to pick them up and get them going. There are a smaller number of people who need more sleep when they are ex-smokers. These are people who often smoked heavily at the tail end of their days. Their bodies were crying for sleep but they kept pumping nicotine into their system to override the body's need. Without nicotine as a constant stimulant, they now have to listen to their bodies and go to bed when tired. They could take speed and get the same effects but normally realize that they wouldn't resort to a drug for this effect, yet they can rationalize that smoking was suitable for the exact same purpose. Well it wasn't. The schedule they were maintaining had a price attached and the long range cost for this "benefit" could be death. Anyway, don't panic by the amount of sleep you get for the first few days. It is not your normal amount of sleep as an ex-smoker, it is your normal amount of sleep while in drug withdrawal. These are not "normal" times, nor will they last long. Anyone experiencing such problems the first week or two after quitting probably is likely just having adjustment issues. But, a health care professional should evaluate disruptions lasting longer, especially beyond a month. Many other causes can be responsible for such disruptions including physical, psychological, medication reactions, etc. Blaming such symptoms of sleep disruption on quitting smoking for a few days in most cases is probably justified, but at longer periods the ex-smoker needs to be more objective and getting a professional medical evaluation is then warranted. Sleep will eventually settle in to a normal pattern for you as an ex-smoker. Then aging will exert its normal adjustments. Whether it turns out to be more sleep or less, you should at least sleep sounder knowing you are no longer under the control of nicotine and no longer posing such deadly risks to yourself by still smoking. To sleep happier because you know you are staying healthier and likely to live longer, always remember all the times you are awake to Never Take Another Puff!
  2. Aw, Ms V. You do need to be prepared for gnarly craves/triggers. I danced wildly around or went down to the tracks and primal screamed when the train passed by. The craving will be peaking and will abate. Hang in there and stick to NOPE. You will get through this, I know you will.
  3. Happened about 10 blocks away, dramatic, deadly. New construction (Hard Rock Hotel, ugh). Sorry for workers, my troops are fine.
  4. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    -2 hey reci !
  5. NOPE
  6. No, we haven't kept the BIG score. There are years of pages.
  7. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

  8. A few new wins to report, yawn. TRIUMPHANT...CHICKS.
  9. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    ha !! -20
  10. Ordinarily responsible youths
  11. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    -17 yes, Saz's Minions...where are they ?
  12. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    -15, oh Yes, I just saw that your were packing for camping. I love camping...it is joyous work, mostly. I am tired from a day in the courtyard. Moved a humoungous piece of slate....now need help to get it in permanent position. Where are my beautiful strong helpers ?
  13. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    -12 I had a v. busy garden day, my back is strained and tired but, I was so happy to be out in fine weather, Ms V, glad you are so good. hey, Abby....how are you ?
  14. Beloved's own opium kisses oops forgot the 's' on the end Beloved's own opium kisses seduce. Opium
  15. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    -5 Hey, Ms V How are you feeling ?
  16. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

  17. Liking voluptuous entertainment
  18. Try these threads, the first from our friend, Joel Spitzer, How To Do Nothing Without A Cigarette and Five pages of what helped us in the early days Your First Days Nicotine Free
  19. Here are the links to those Joel Spitzer threads I Don't Need To Smoke Isolation of The Widowed Smoker
  20. These videos and links are a great resource for those quitting and for those quit also. Day by day, You learn about Nicotine Addiction and what you may expect, what you are going thorough and, why. Joel's Quit Smoking Library: Daily Quitting Lesson Guide
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  21. Congratulations on your quit Katv. You say, "For me, I'd say it isn't that big of a deal..." well, It IS a BIG deal. It is addiction ! You must learn all you can about nicotine addiction, this will help you figure out 'what am I gonna do instead', read read read until your eyes bleed. Understand what Nicotine addiction is all about. Make a commitment to Not One Puff Ever (NOPE) and stick to it. This is a serious commitment....like life and death serious and the way you keep yourself from buying or bumming smokes. Take smoking off the table. You don't smoke anymore. That is that. Sure, you may have some gruesome moments but, these are nothing you cannot handle by breathing deep beautiful breaths of oxygen, watching your blood sugar, drinking water and distracting you brain while it heals up. Don't smoke, start reading and watching the scary movies and the informative videos. You may find this thread helpful 10 Ways To Effectively Use This Forum To Help Yourself Quit Smoking
  22. Sazerac

    chicks or sticks

    Triumphant Chicks ! BIG O
  23. You got it, Ms V. Compassion will replace envy before long. I remember well the addiction yanking my chain every 20 or less minutes and I obeyed immediately, groveling then grateful for the hit.
  24. AH ! Temps are under 90, 32c for the first time since May. it is only 67f, 19c this morning ! and only climbing to 75f, 23c today. What BLISS ! Windows open and work to be done in the courtyard

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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