You are not going crazy, you are going through a purge of nicotine and cigarettes.
Be kind to yourself, reward yourself for craves and triggers conquered and remember to Breathe !
Focused breathing will help you through the most gnarly of times.
Many people are highly emotional while quitting, you needn't fear this, it doesn't last long
and you can learn to change your mood to a kinder place. Changing your focus is important.
Find something beautiful to look at or listen to or remember and indulge yourself in beauty.
This will give you a shot of endorphins...even faking a smile will do this and then the smile becomes real.
On a deeper level, smoking hid many issues, instead of honestly dealing with these we often just went for a smoke in our avoidance.
These may surface and with your new freedom, your new trust in yourself, and with your new self awareness
you will have the tools to examine and deal with anything that pops up.
Here is a video from our friend, Joel Spitzer,
and there are many links The Importance of The First Three Days Of Your Quit that may be helpful for you.
You quit smoking !
and will never have to go through this again !
Hold tight to NOPE...Not One Puff Ever and you will succeed.