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    Aug 22 2014

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  1. Okay Okay... I see the light. No more puffs. I guess i answered my own question. And I guess i need you now more than ever ! What are these games everyone is talking about? I love games..
  2. Great points. Am I happy not smoking? Absolutely. so delighted that i dont have to run to the store and throw $10 on something that is killing me because i am addicted. The smell of cigaretts does indeed repulse me now. Even the few odd puffs I have taken were not enjoyable. But they were in the time of convenience.. like yeah let me see what the hell that felt like. I hope to god I dont ever go back to a pack a day or even one a day. I remember before i quit I had a friend that could have a pack of smokes last him 2 weeks. i envied him so much. and in fact thats where i wanted to be. because i guess you guys may be right. There is the 1 out of 1,000 cigarettes that I did in fact enjoy... Danger zone or what????
  3. See there you go. slapping labels on it! quitter, abstainer.. haha jk. I have probably had the equivalent of half a cigarette in 3 months. just to see what i was missing i guess. i guess whatever the technical term is for what im doing is far better than where i was in Aug. but the point of what i was trying to say is that Alcoholic Anonymous meetings would probably drive me to drink.
  4. Hi All, Just a quick update from your buddy.. I have been smoke free since i joined this board on sept. I will admit i did have a few puffs a couple times. But the simple fact that i can go throughout the day obsessing and thinking about it is huge. I know what my most serious triggers are (my parents house, car in the morning) and those seem to be the time when im thinking about it most. Im reminded of when i used to enjoy it. Which brings me to this question. Does this forum trigger anyone. I find that it makes me think about it more and thus seems to be a trigger. I feel the more casual i am about the quit..the easier it is. Like when i did have a puff 2 weeks ago i was kicking myself and thinking back to the book and this and that..and i think it just made it worse. i took a puff. big shit. i havent since.. just my thoughts :)
  5. haha thanks..your turn.
  6. As per every ones request... I splurged on a pair of sunglasses last night, because damnit I deserve nice things!
  7. Colleen: Haha. I know the feeling. Im taking the MBTA because it forces me to walk at least a mile to each stop. Which i could sit in front of my house and wait for the bus.. but idle hands...you know the rest. you should see the driving traffic when all the lovely students come back if you hate the MBTA. i would drive a sane man to do awful things. Chrysalis: I do notice a lot of differences. As far as health I do notice a change in stamina already. I rode a 50 mile cycle tour on Sunday, Ive done them before. but never in the time i finished. And i felt much beter after.. to your health!
  8. Walking, whiskey, and cooking not in that order
  9. Hi Everyone. Just here to say that I am officially at my one month. The beginning was the easiest for me. It wasn’t until maybe after the 3 week that I was having the odd craving. Usually after a meal. Usually when im home alone just watching tv. I did not give in. I walk a lot more now. On purpose. Taking public transit to work (by choice) forces me to walk at least 2 miles a day. And I feel great. The demons are still there. They come and haunt me from time to time. But honestly just knowing how terrible I don’t feel weekend mornings after a pack of cigarette night is all I need to remember to shut them up. I look at people smoking and am 10% envois and 90% disgusted. The best feeling is that I can sit in my company’s weekly 3 hr meetings without the urge to rip my own face off :) That’s all. Happy Tuesday.
  10. I think my tipping point was losing a pack of cigarettes on my brothers beach house. Store was miles away. The whole family was there having a blast, and I was walking around like a madman trying to find my cigarettes. When my niece asked what I was looking for I told her a stupid lie. Its right there when I realized how foolish these things are making me.
  11. You could actually buy a bottle of half decent wine here in Mass for the price of a pack. $10.50 for Marlboro Reds
  12. Thanks guys. i hope this is the beginning of something great. Hi Coleen!
  13. not looking forward to the odd cravings i have been hearing about.. But just the fact that I do not have a pack of cigarettes on me and am totally okay with it is HUGE for me right now.
  14. I had just posted something in the introduction section. I had the same fear of what would happen if i went out and drank. That is in fact what i did to give my self "the ultimate test" before i embarked on this journey. I think after 3 nights of drinking the only thing i do in fact regret is the 12am slices of pizza that I had... which in recent past would of for sure been followed by a Marlboro Red. I was pleased to say that did not happen.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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