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Everything posted by buMbLeB

  1. Because smartphones aren't addictive enough. I'm waiting for the model with the retractable smack needle.
  2. Adding my thoughts for you and your family, this must be a rough time. I hope your stepdad gets better fast. As for my thoughts regarding the stupid chances you, me and we all took... ...yep
  3. Gonna be a party in the belfry.
  4. Wow. :(
  5. Wow. Listen, no offense, but how tall are you? HA!! Seriously though, I hope you finally learned your lesson - there is no such thing as "one cigarette", not for us, not anymore, not ever. Drilling that truth into your head, heart and soul is most of the battle, and this board is here so we can help remind each other. The more you can read, learn, participate and help others, the better your odds of this being the last time you ever have to go through this particular wringer. If you still haven't touched the e-cig I recommend you just forget about it, you need to get the nicotine out of your system sooner or later and the longer you drag it out (no pun intended, much) the harder you will make it seem. Welcome to the board!
  6. Sure, here's some: 1) accept that you're a nicotine addict, and behave accordingly. Once you quit, you can never have any nicotine again without re-igniting your addiction. Period. 2) Don't think about "forever" too much, it's daunting and unnecessary. You really only need to quit for today. Tomorrow never comes. 3) Educate yourself. Knowledge is power, and it makes all the difference in the world. Read and absorb, on this site, whyquit.com and books like Alan Carr's (which I never read but suggest by reputation). 4) Watch out for smoking friends, addiction makes us all do and think strange things, and they may resent or even try to sabotage you. Hang out here - we already like you, and we've been where you are now. 5) Drink lotsa juice and water, have things to chew, lower your caffeine intake and be careful around alcohol. Welcome!
  7. They should use it to print cigarette warning labels.
  8. I remember facing this. What really made a difference for me was to watch them. but focus on the ENTIRE experience of smoking, not the fantasy. Listen to the sublte wheeze or involuntary hacking cough even as a smoker lights another one. Wince in empathy as errant smoke gets into someone's eyeball, and remember how much that hurt. Read the expression on their face as they evaluate their dwindling cigarette and debate taking another pull before they burn the filter. Smell them. I think you'll be alright. Just don't get hammered.
  9. Still with us?
  10. Well how about that! Congratulations!! Who's a good boy?? Hoosagoodboy?!
  11. buMbLeB


    Billshut (it's a duck curse)! Unless you've suddenly developed a case of alien hand syndrome, you're in full control of your actions and choices. Whatever you do, smoke or keep quit, is entirely up to you, and at the very least you need to own that. Show yourself some respect. But I totally believe you otherwise, it's tough to even think at the start when the craves hit, you did well to post your SOS. So I'm gonna help you, and tell you what to do: nothing. Just sit there, embrace the suck and ride it out. Even an imbecile can just sit there, and you're clearly not one of those. The truth is, smoke or don't smoke, the crave will pass just the same. Or if you feel more ambitious you can click the link above and go read about alien hand syndrome. It's morbid and interesting, and by the time you're done I bet the crave is over.
  12. Way to go DD! I was about to crazy on the bad puns, but I decided against stinking up your thread. Two years is really fantastic!
  13. It`s probably already 2016 where you are, I really hope you made it across the line - that`s a big test to face so soon into a new quit, especially the dreaded day 3. Either way, let us know how you are.
  14. Just under the bar. Here!
  15. When I remember reading your SOS posts while I was still lurking, and compare that person to who you've become, I'm floored by your transformation. No one has earned their 1st year more than you, and I hope newbies and lurkers will take your example to heart. Congratulations.
  16. Poll made me think "runny egg" and I lol'd. Anyway bigfoot, congrats again on 1 year, it's super huge!
  17. I see what you did there. I was gonna send you a pm, but then I thought hey, why shouldn't everyone get to enjoy you?
  18. I saw him in Runfree's celebration thread! His profile says he quit today. I just want to say I'm pretty pleased about that, not least because this board can use another Canuck. Welcome back buddy.
  19. One free for Runfree! Congratulations.
  20. I'll celebrate that! Good work poptart.
  21. I'm a little confused about the backdrop.
  22. buMbLeB

    chicks or sticks

    Wow that's cold.
  23. buMbLeB

    chicks or sticks

    I never lost before. :(
  24. buMbLeB

    chicks or sticks


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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