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Everything posted by Trish

  1. Nope
  2. Yep..loved the creamer. And I worked at Ye Old College Diner. Had to send my cousin (she went there) sticky buns. Hated that place! Drunk students and drunk alumni!
  3. I used to say wooder (for water) too before I went to college. My dad and sister still say it and the kids laugh at them.
  4. I think that's central and western PA. I was just outside of Philadelphia. We all say soda. But when I went to college at Penn State lots of people said pop.
  5. Ha! I was just kidding! I also have a problem with killing everything my MIL gives me. Where SHE lives they survive the winter. Here...not so much. Why leave the horticultural industry?
  6. Nope..always soda. I snicker when people say pop. It sounds funny.
  7. That's awesome. I thought it was a bit early for all those plants t be blooming so well already. I don't really have a green thumb..but am trying. So do you have any extra greenhouses? I have been collecting some seeds but have nowhere to start them.
  8. I saw your pictures in your gallery. Beautiful garden! I can't tell what the flowers are. Are they annuals or perennials? Do you or your wife take care of the garden? Or both? Did you build your pond?
  9. Have you ever been to that awesome Christmas store in Pigeon forge?
  10. Soda. But before I moved to I moved to Tx I only drank Pepsi. The soda machine at work didn't have Pepsi so I drank root beer. Now I can't drink Pepsi...too sweet.
  11. About asparagus, pee or smelling up the bathroom?
  12. You're doing so great Jackie! Keep climbing!!
  13. If you could wish for one thing for yourself, what would it be? If you could wish for one thing for one other person, what would it be? If you could wish for one thing for the world, what would it be?
  14. Trish

    Ask RobF

    Boxers or briefs?
  15. No answers? WYE is mysterious!! :ph34r:
  16. He just calls me redneck bc I live in TX. I moved here from PA...and fell in love with a cowboy...not really but good story! Ha! I have always liked fishing but never really got to do it a lot, so was never really good at it. As kids, we always went down to the creek and caught salamanders and minnows. Then we took the minnows to the pond and tried to catch fish with a hook, rope and a stick. We didn't catch many fish. The last two years I've got to do some fishing with the hubby and kids. His son s big into fishing too. I never really got to go with them before bc I would have to work all the time but since I have been able to it's been so much fun. I like catfishing the best. I like fishing for perch too bc that's pretty easy. I don't like to eat a lot of fish though. Don't like perch. I really like catfish if it's fresh. After it's been frozen, it gets a fishy smell/taste to it and I hate that.
  17. Hey! I answered this the other day and it didn't go through....hate that. Technically I am Aquarius. But every once in a while I will find a publication that classifies y as a Pisces. Guess I am on the cusp. I think I like Pisces qualities better than Aquarius. My aquarius horoscopes and stuff always seemed boring to me.
  18. Thanks, Marti. Day 3 is going...well as day 3 goes I guess. It sucks right now ! I am shaking right now but you're right..I'm not dying. :) And No Mans Land...no not just your posts these past few days. I've seen similar posts from other people who were at about the same point you are over the last few months. It's my junkie brain telling me what's the point in putting yourself thru this again? You're just going to fail again. Even if you make it further than you did before, you won't make it through No Mans Land so what's the point? I need to learn to shut that voice up. Right now I am angry that I can't make my printer work...and this website will not display correctly in chrome on my laptop. I could use IE or Mozilla but I'm not. I'm just letting it make me mad and typing on my kindle...which I also hate to do. Think I am going to go get some work done outside. (Tried that earlier and the wind made me angry) :)
  19. Did you go to college? If so what did you study? I know you have a website. Is that how you make a living or do you have other work ?
  20. Exactly! And my face :D
  21. Itchy...

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Trish


      I am. :)

    3. Still winning

      Still winning

      Oh goodness really, I thought that had been just me! Aloe vera is really good to put on any bad itches if that helps! x

    4. Trish


      Thanks Marti. I will try that.

  22. Well done, Sarah. You are doing amazing!
  23. Hi Sandy. Sorry to hear about Shaddow. What's your favorite tv show? Favorite author?
  24. Trish


    I was thinking of Soozie as well. Hope you are well.
  25. Hubby talks about Lake Fork...but we have never been there yet.

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