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Atomik Kitteh

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Everything posted by Atomik Kitteh

  1. Yay SanDar!
  2. Hey Chrysalis. I hope your mom is okay. I know what it feels like to see your parent in misery and can't do much of anything about it. I don't honestly know what might work. I have a constant fear of that very thing you described. I have started a box. In it so far I have notecards upon which I have written things to do, rather than smoke. I also wrote myself a list of WHY I quit and why it is important that I stay quit. I also put things in there to put in my mouth. Toothpicks, gum, mints... I want to put a case of beer or wine in it but it is too small. I'm waiting for mini bottles of Fireball Whiskey to come out (she stated hopefully). Then I will put that in there. Open to any suggestions as to what else I might include. I'm very glad that you haven't smoked. I don't know if it helps but you are one of the individuals to whom I look for strength, encouragement and Sense. Just reading your posts helps me. I hope that helps you
  3. Any suggestions? I like funny and news of the non-sensationalist type.
  4. I listen to/use some German ones for work. Never really think about them otherwise. I think I should find some for use in my car when I 'm driving long distances. I like audiobooks for that, I imagine podcasts would also be good. Thanks for making me think about it!
  5. Keep it going!!!!! Congratulations!
  6. What time zone is this board on?
  7. I'm with you, action. I've been going with tin. lol Whack. We have to take our recycling to a drop off place where it has to be deposited in the correct receptacle. We also take our garbage to a transfer station. We could get garbage pickup but not recycling. If we got garbage pickup, we'd still have to lug our container up and down our driveway which is too long and steep for that. So...we recycle as much as we can, compost organics, burn any paper stuff and lug garbage to the transfer station maybe 3-4 times a year. We try to avoid throwing away anything smelly because otherwise the bears will come.
  8. just laundry and tidying up today. Baby Q's garden has been left in the lurch for various reasons this past week or so :( I did walk to get the mail instead of driving. (our drive is a loooong uphill slog!)
  9. Congratz!
  10. next question. Bottle caps. The metal ones on glass bottles. Are they recycled with tin or aluminum?
  11. well, I did think a physicist could probably figure it out before I decided I wasn't one and looked online :girl_smile: Yeah, I have already drawn some pretty strong conclusions. Just want to see if there is any anecdotal evidence to support them.
  12. do countries other than the US have fundraisers for people who are facing medical procedures which will cost a lot? That happens in the US all of the time. I was wondering if it happened in other countries. I tried searching online but came up with zilch.
  13. hmmmm.... http://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,,-1244,00.html I also decided to wonder if there was some way to get all of your body, except your head, into an anti-gravity situation.
  14. Hi Dentalfloss! Welcome! ~AK 47 (formerly known as Abigail). Nice to see you here!
  15. Congratyoolayshahnz!
  16. Wiley ~ AK 47! LOL! Love! Makes me feel tough! Like I'm going to blast through this addiction like nobody's business!
  17. Thanks for that heading babs. I was just getting on here to whine about how tired I am of myself WHINING about not being able to smoke. In my head, but still. I didn't "want" to quit either, Ava. I had to because it is killing me. Slowly but surely. I used to hike all of the time. Now a set of stairs knocks me out. I couldn't walk a normal pace without getting out of breath. This is getting better. That is helping me keep going. Smoking was getting in the way of just being and doing normal things that before I wouldn't have thought twice about. The habit is the hardest, I think. I've helped myself a bit with "pretending". I dug out an old cigarette holder (very pretty silver thing) and I "puff" on that. It helps particularly when I am driving, which is a lot, lately. Filling those moments in which I used to smoke are a challenge as well. I used to lament "I miss being bored". Boy howdy, did bored come back with a vengeance when I quit! Now, I color (there are some fantastic coloring books out there for adults I discovered ~ creative haven, dover...), play Zelda, make myself tidy those "deal with it later" piles, boxes, bags, etc., do perler beads (having a young child means plenty of crafty stuff about), crochet, stretch, etc etc etc. I can't sit still for long. I used to spend hours at my computer. Reading news, catching up, stumbling upon things...can't go back to that yet. Kitteh does not play well with idleness, these days! I still get mad at smokers. I want to run up and kick them. Then steal their cigarettes. Brain and I still have some work to do.
  18. no probblehme...hehehehe Kitteh goez beddeh neow
  19. Thank you everyone. Your support means A LOT! I'm probably going to be a weekend warrior as I start back to work tomorrow. I'm a little worried about my first day without the "wake-up coffee and cigarette" routine. Which is stupid as I haven't done it for the past several weeks. But I've also been "sleeping in" until I felt ready to face the day. Can't do that now. Skip the coffee is my plan. Get some on the way to work, instead. Like a gallon or two as I haven't had to get up at 5 a.m. since June! AUGH!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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