Oh, I so wanted to say something to the woman with the cough, you know the kind of cough I mean. If she only knew, she could lose that cough in a few days. Is it just me or do noises bother everyone after quitting? Maybe if it were just one noisy person, but there were several. Somebody next to me kept cracking their knuckles, then somebody was chomping on ice behind me/shaking the cup full of ice, somebody else kept trying to make music with pen clicking. lol Did smoking affect my hearing too? OMG, I thought I would go off the deep end..good thing I didn't. Composure kept intact somehow :wacko22:
I was a little stressed to begin with, got news that the location was changed to the client's site at the last minute. More traffic than I anticipated, got lost etc. I was almost late, which never ever happens. Add that to first day jitters!
I knew I would have thoughts of smoking, which I do here and there...But this? No, unexpected. Especially during lunch and what not. A good example to keep your guard up. I am sure once I can keep busy, it will improve. It probably would help if a company wanted to train somebody on their software systems, they would use actual computers to do so, but maybe that's just me too?? Do I complain a lot or what?! Anyway, thanks for the support, you all are awesome :)