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Everything posted by Colleen

  1. 15
  2. Oh shoot, this is entirely my fault. Jimmy is expected to be here at 8 CST, 9 EST. I don't know how I managed to mess that one up, with my impeccable counting skills and all :) Really sorry about that...
  3. My shoulder clicks when I lift my arm over my head, it does not hurt and I am really not conscious of it unless it is repetitive. So, I asked a physical therapist I know what it was and she told me crepitus is the medical term. It refers to the clicking sensation caused by air in the subcutaneous tissue of the joint. If there is no pain, there is nothing to worry about.
  4. You get me wondering what the heck you mean. I insert 2 fighting cats.
  5. Colleen

    chicks or sticks

  6. 13
  7. 10
  8. Congratulations Wylie! You are doing great, just keep on waving that toothbrush and before you know it, six months will be here!
  9. Congrats Sarah! Keep up the great work!
  10. Congrats Hari! 6 months is fantastic!
  11. Congratulations Jackie! 4 months is awesome and so are you!
  12. Congratulations Melody! 6 months is fantabulous!
  13. Colleen

    chicks or sticks

  14. 4 Morning
  15. I'll bring some Shiraz in a box lol, so there will be enough to share.
  16. Welcome Gabby :)
  17. Happy Birthday Threes! Hope it's your best yet!
  18. While you are not entirely gone from the board, you are here less and less. I hope you will stick around at least until your year anniversary. I thought it best that I take this opportunity to say a few words, just in case I forget to nag you to check in ;) A text or email might have worked, but it wouldn't be the same. You have been a tremendous source of strength to me and to all of us here, I am sure. Not only have you been a great friend to me online/offline, but you have helped my quit more than anything else could. The fact that you were always one step behind me in your quit, kept me on my toes. Not to mention, you have a way of uplifting people with your kind words. It's a strange phenomenon, this internet friendship thing, isn't it? You graciously listened to whatever my crisis of the week or day was and always had a kind word and left me feeling uplifted and calm. Anyone else would have put me on ignore lol Anyway, I'll stop while I'm ahead of myself. You deserve a gigantic Congratulations My Friend!
  19. :bye:

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