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Everything posted by babs609

  1. Yep...that's exactly what happened...lol...
  2. don't beat yourself for having these thoughts evelyn...happens to the best of us. The problem would be if you listened to these thoughts. That's when you are no longer protecting your quit. Instead...you did what a nosmo warrior does...and that's come here and read..post...and watch the videos that re-enforce your quit. Another gold star for Evelyn (that's babs stars..they're good...not bakons :) )
  3. NOPE!! TGIF! GTQ!
  4. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  5. my rest day was yesterday...wahhhH!!!! I will do it tonight and at least tomorrow is saturday and I don't have class
  6. i like the idea of designing my own...my middle name is Rose so I always wanted one of them and the infinity sign-but everyone seems to have that so mine would be with the rose in there somewhere...a small, tasteful tattoo maybe on my ankle or my shoulder
  7. i live a boring life...hahaha. Truth be told....I came from a time when only biker chicks and bad girls had tattoos....of course...that's not true now...but I still have that in my head. (no offense to biker chicks and bad girls) cpk..your experience has "bad girl" written all over it Seems like everyone is "inked" ..it's not original anymore...so now I figured being a clean canvas is pretty cool and original..lol
  8. i don't have a single tattoo....only because I was always waiting for the right tattoo for me.....the one that would make me fall in love with it. Never found that love. I gave up. I will probably die a virgin.
  9. you go girl!! Keep at it! You are officially a nosmo warrior princess! xo
  10. title works for me! :D
  11. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  12. You'll always be jengirl to me. It's funny how a name starts to stick because I am used to calling you Ava now.
  13. 3,000 cigs by morning ....sounds like a country song lol congrats Jess!
  14. yay! A day from hell + NOPE = best day ever! Way to go!
  15. Thank you for the kind words! I wasn't offended at all! Just wanted to clarify the purpose of the different forums. It is a quit smoking site primarily. You can come to the quit train day or night, and there will be someone here. While we wait to give our assistance to those in need ...we have fun. :). That's what makes it so successful. But I know it's sometimes like watching a movie half way into it. Lol you'll catch up. But truly...no offense taken and I apologize if I came across as if I had.
  16. Lol. When you ask a question....be prepared for the answer. :) As far as quit talk....that's why we have different forums. Something for everyone. :)
  17. Oh dear. That's a lot of stuff to address so I will just say a few things. I not only "put up" with being an egg but I demand that it be known that I was his first. Why? Because we love bakon Rez and Tracey. Tracey was an egg. She lives on the island and Rez is in ohio. They were quit buddies and apparently started talking more than smoking cessation and they "hooked up". When it was time to make the big announcement many were shocked...but not me. I knew they were cookin something and it sure wasn't bacon and eggs. Marti came to visit the states a couple months ago and met up with bakon in Florida. He got her drunk. Elton is short for el bandito That should catch up the newbies
  18. This is awesome!! So happy you are doing the challenge. It's not a secret anymore. :) Wonder how many others are secretly doing it. Love it!! Thank you guys!!!
  19. babs609

    chicks or sticks

    -20 BOOM!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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