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Everything posted by babs609

  1. running after work tonight got another 5k race this saturday (my 4th one--guess it's time to bump up to 10 k or 5 miler) I love running
  2. wooooo hoooooooooo!!!!! That's how its done...doesn't matter how many scary moments, or SOS posts...as long as the end result is that you did not smoke...that's success! well done!!! :)
  3. and you have 7 days....huge as well! :)
  4. exactly Evelyn.....I also wanted to add...you may be tempted at that moment....but how about the other moments when the smoker wakes up and starts the merry go round all over again...after they coughed up a lung and proceeded to light their first nasty cigarette of the day? Or when they are facing the truth and promising for the thousandth time they are gonna quit....only to turn around and buy another pack? Or when they are in a situation where they can't smoke and get fidgety and grumpy and they look at you all calm and serene... See.....there really is NO SUCH THING AS 1 CIGARETTE...you smoke that 1 cigarette you are craving...and the thousands are coming right behind it...it's unavoidable...like aging. Can't stop that either. But aging as a non smoker...that's divine. :)
  5. yay!! that's all that matters here
  6. Yep....that is when I found peace in my quit. When a craving/urge would come.....I would welcome it....not fight against it...for it gave me an opportunity to learn something about myself and also gave me an opening to use my awesome coping strategies I had picked up along the way. When I looked at it like an exercise....a challenge...it was so much easier. Above all...no matter what...I was not going to smoke. No. matter. what
  7. hold on Evelyn...change your thinking right now My husband smokes...and when I look outside at him smoking...i am not tempted...I am sad. that's all...that's the emotion. Tempted to do what? Kill myself? slowly? ingest poisons into my body? no....not tempting at all.... tempted to put the shackles back on my wrists?? UM>...NO!! Screw that....you are way way way way way way way beyond that.
  8. I have thought about this topic all morning and thought about how i'm not much of a screamer...not sure why. Mostly cause...it hurts for me to scream. I don't believe i've ever screamed in my life. My throat just doesn't work llke that. Hard to explain. BUT...... Every week...on Friday's to be exact...I do Cardio kickboxing and man oh man.....do i ever LOVE unloading on that bag....feels so good. All my pain, anger, fear, disappointments....every person who ever pissed me off that week is getting punched in the face on Friday morning at 5 am! Best therapy ever!
  9. babs609


    i vote for BOOMER BOOM--diagnosis....life changed forever BOOM!! treatment....Mrs. B did it....she had great support with Mr. B....one day at a time.....Horrible days...horrible nights..she's a warrior.... BOOM! Mrs. B Kickedass!!!!!
  10. then i must be a californian at heart because I say awesome all the time! haha
  11. personally I don't care what you do...as long as you don't stick things in your mouth and light them on fire...scream, yell, laugh, cry, bittch, moan, complain, celebrate, masturbate, shop, eat, run, walk...as long as it's not harmful to you or others...go for it.
  12. Happy Birthday Stuart!! xo
  13. Welcome to the forum Toni...and a big congrats to you on your 30 days of smobriety!! Sounds like your head is in the right place but you are smart to come here. This forum is a great place to come for accountability, celebrations, and support when needed. Great job and welcome to your new life as a non smoker. Awesome!
  14. Awesome Marie! Stick around...keep reading and absorbing all that you can. The more prepared you are for your quit...the easier it is. Believe me...you won't need to wait to be 2 + years to feel your own "aha" moments and see benefits to quitting. They happen right away....just get stronger as time goes on.....things become clearer and clearer. I think all this came about since my trip to Daytona...being around so much smoke I actually had a few moments where I felt a little left out...like I was missing something. We are talking only moments though...seconds..and not even to a level of concern that I was going to smoke. Just that automatic thought that comes out of nowhere. The next morning I would wake up and think about them same smokers I slightly envied....and imagined them waking up coughing and with their hoarse voices and scrambling to find their cigarettes to go with their morning coffee.... Me? I was out running on the beach :) Welcome to the forum Marie..and be sure to introduce yourself here...http://www.quittrain.com/forum/3-introductions-about-us/ So many wonderful people here ready and willing to give you support.
  15. excellent Gabby!! Exactly how I did it too...quitting smoking was top priority and then I moved on to losing weight and getting fit. The skills you learn on your quit journey and the confidence it has given you will help you in this area tremendously. There is always a modification for exercise. Just make sure you move...for at least 30 minutes...5 times a week. Start with walking. 30 minutes. See if you can go a little faster as time goes on and go a little further in that 30 min. So that eventually you are raising your heart rate a bit during your walk. Then at least 2 times a week...some strength training...get a pair of dumb bells and find videos online for exercises. Same for abs...if you tighten your core..that may help your back issues...along with the weight loss. You can do this Gabby!! One day at a time :)
  16. Yes!! That's how it's done! :) Well done Michelle!!
  17. yep....your automatic pilot is still trying to go through the motions as usual but Michelle isn't having any of that! The stronger you become thanks to your knowledge and determination to see thru this smoke free.....the weaker that inner voice becomes. Bravo Michelle!!
  18. who's holding out on the porn??
  19. One of the many things I learned on my post smoking journey...is that putting them damn cancer sticks down has made me stronger than I ever thought I could be. I do believe, now more than ever, that being a smoker weakens you. Horribly. More than I ever realized. Seriously drags you down and beats the crap out of you every single day while smoking and the longer you smoke...the weaker you become...the stronger the addiction...the more important the cigarette becomes in your life...can't live without it...can't ever see myself enjoying a day or a moment without my trusty "friend" What BS!!!!!! It truly is like a very dysfunctional, abusive relationship but you don't really see it until you are able to look back at it and say WHAT THE **** WAS I THINKING?????????????????????? Crazy crazy stuff. I still can't believe it. I can't believe I was a smoker but most of all..I can't believe how much of a slave I was to that damn addiction....that bully...that manipulator. It's amazing...really AMAZING how powerful the mind is and you really can convince yourself that something is true for you...when it isn't. Makes me question all my thoughts and all my beliefs and everything I ever learned in my 47 years of living because lets face it....just because I learned it...doesn't make it true.... Geez...I have a lot of inquiry to do....gonna take some time. Good thing I quit smoking because I have a better chance now of being around long enough to do all this questioning and searching. :) Big WOW moment for me today....BIG!!
  20. awwwwww...Lisa, that sucks! I am sure Bakon would blame the flip flops...lol 1 hour cardio kickboxing done!!
  21. was extremely pressed for time this morning so after my cardio class I ran for a mile only....I wanted to go further but time would not permit it.
  22. haha....i was wondering about the bubble bush myself...actually i did not even know what it was at first...Sarah? Explain please Babs is back.....I didn't get arrested.....so it was a good week :) and yes...wasn't sure about the penquin's love songs either...I thought maybe he had a girlfriend here he was wooing
  23. Oh gosh! Gas is such an issue when quitting...so much that I am surprised it hasn't been brought up on the QT until now. Yes...what an inconvenience but....trivial compared to the effects of continuing to smoke would do to ya. When you really think about it...the symptoms we all have/had when we quit....were not in fact due to quitting. They were due to the smoking in the first place. You have gas/bloating because you were a smoker and will be relieved once it's all out and your body returns to it's natural state.......to 40 years ago before the smoking. Welcome to the quit train!! Great having you here and Congratulations "BIG TIME" on your beautiful quit. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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