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Everything posted by babs609

  1. you said you would stop...but you haven't so I will address this publicly. If there was ever hard core sexual innuendos that insulted you...I really wish you would have reported it. It would have been handled by the moderators with tact and sensitivity. I am saying this to you..and to anyone as well. This site is respectable and our primary goal is to help people in their quit journeys. The best way to help us achieve that goal is feedback from the members. as for the second part of your statement..i have no idea what that means.
  2. wait....what? not sure what the heck this is about...I thought what I was doing was apologizing. Believe me...I will stop and taking it to PM won't help you if what I have to say causes you anxiety and jeopardizes your quit. So..let it end here please. Thank you
  3. 1--the first month (for obvious reasons) 2. the first month (it's when I became a non smoker) 3. no 4. no..I had anxiety....but I had it before. I knew, thanks to education...that my anxiety had nothing to do with quitting smoking. 5. hard to say because I was 30 lbs overweight before I even quit and then when I quit I gained another 40. 2 years into my quit I got serious and lost all the weight and then some...took me 11 months 6. Absolutely no change in sleep patterns for me....I was lucky i guess. 7. the first month (the first day) I knew I would never smoke again. No Matter What. Even if I struggled...even if I pulled all my hair out of my head..smoking was not an option. Period. 8. deep breaths when I'm stressed...meditation 9. no depression..I was elated...empowered 10. for accountablility--so I don't forget all the truths about nicotine addiction and let the junkie thinking back in my head. I also like helping people and paying it forward helps keep me at NOPE..and I love love love helping eradicate smoking 1 person at a time. Saving lives and the lives of those that love the smoker 11. Last smoking dream was about at 6 months quit 12. Freedom baby!! I don't think I had an easy quit because I am stronger than anyone...nor was my addiction weaker...believe me...I could not sit thru a movie without going outside for a smoke. I was hooked!! I think I had an easier time because I accepted the fact that smoking was not an option...and I left no wiggle room for it either. That's it in a nut shell. That's what made it easy peasy for me.
  4. i hear ya.....I just was clarifying because you put a question mark under his quote...usually that indicates lack of understanding. Truth be told cpk...earlier in your quit you jumped right in the social threads and said some kooky stuff...kooky meaning fun like you were trying to play along...so if people highjacked your serious posts...it was only because you acted like you were all in and being a good sport about it. I don't think there is one member here who would purposefully insult you or harm you in any way. If we knew you were seriously struggling...we never would have joked...but your demeanor at the time suggested otherwise. If I was a participant in your thread hijacking..I do apologize and realize now you are struggling more than I knew and will not be making any jokes at your expense from here on out....now that I know it bothers you.
  5. I think what bakon is referring to....is that this is the social section and totally meant for fun. If you want serious quitting business--that's on the quit smoking discussion forum. It's why we have separate areas. Cpk--I noticed the fun and games seems to annoy you, but what kind of lonely person would hang around a quit site only waiting around for newbies needing assistance? Just sitting there waiting. Tic tic tic goes the clock. Not many sane people would do that. So....in the meantime...we have fun. That's why there is always someone here. Without to socialization and fun...it would be a ghost town. It's why it works. :)
  6. Fantastic!! Congratulations!!
  7. do things that scare you
  8. haha...do we need a poll?
  9. funky cold medina
  10. Ahhhhhh. A woman. Explains it. Lol. Go get it Tom! I'm sure she is a non smoker. :)
  11. great advice for those who feel they may be tempted around smokers bumping
  12. bumping for newbies as cpk suggested.....she wants to hear from old phartes some substantial posts. Truth is.....most of us already had posted plenty already..but for us we feel like we are repeating ourselves after a while. So...here's a bump great post Lisa
  13. Joe did mention he was going to slip away a bit...his quit is solid he just needs to concentrate on life and said he would pop in now and again But Tom.....hmmmmmm..one minute he's playing with the sticks...and then after the race with DD he just disappeared
  14. burpees scare me more than marathons!! Only cause we do them so much in class but they are excellent for cardio
  15. you've got it this time.....no looking back!
  16. Indianapolis...takes me 10 hours to drive...will take you 9 Half Marathon in October
  17. i don't know...I'm reading that book 'Born to Run' and I'm getting inspired. Jen..we should do a half marathon...somewhere half-way from Jersey to Nebraska
  18. they are normal...I had them too...and I think they are an indication to how committed you are to your quit. Keeping your quit is important and your dreams are really a fear of ever going back.
  19. Recent stressors in my life...particularly this past sunday....I RAN...ran like the wind. But that's not realy chillin, is it? To be honest....I haven't "chilled" since returning from Daytona....Down there I was chillin on the beach. Love being on the beach. On a sunny day...like lounging just enough to dry off and get hot then it's back in the water for me. I also love the beach in the early morning...walking and looking for seashells....makes me chill and then the beach late afternoon...on a blanket with a good book...and the seagulls and waves are my soundtrack music Chillin'
  20. What should it be? Push-ups? Lunges?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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