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Everything posted by babs609

  1. babs609

    4 Weeks...

    oh it will be here and gone before you know it...so, try not to get too wrapped up in details and nervousness....just enjoy the day! and smoke free....a smoking bride is nasty nasty nasty....you can get hugs with confidence you'll smell as pretty as you look! So happy for you Gemma! Keep us posted when you can xo
  2. you've got this Michelle! Welcome Back! :)
  3. Always such a wonderful support! Thanks for being here RF....and congratulations on 7 months of freedom! Well done!
  4. Loved the way you worded that TEW. EXCELLENT!' Nixter--our smoking addiction is similar to ending a toxic relationship. Easier to leave it when you are fed up and disgusted. As time goes on--remembering the good times....forgetting the bad. When it comes to smoking, the good memory is just an illusion. if you were to smoke it would not be what you imagine because you are no longer a smoker. When I would find myself having similar thoughts I would immediately come to the board and read posts and watch videos to remind myself why I quit in the first place. Protect that precious quit Nixter. This feeling is temporary. I promise.
  5. babs609


    Love all you people. Quit train rocks
  6. There are no window lickers here! Well done Jess. Smoking is not an option. You non smoker, you.
  7. Happy birthday Joe. :)
  8. You are so right! I do need all of the above. I'm so tired still and achy. Oh and I also have a huge gash in an area that you can imagine if I say it kills me to do sit-ups. Ouch! It was the mudslide thing. TGIF! Going to relaxxxxx I think I'm still 25. My body says no u aren't. Lol
  9. babs609

    chicks or sticks

    -10 morning!
  10. haha...you guys are bad..poor Ava
  11. celebration time!! Yay!! Great job Dental Floss!!!! Welcome to the Lido deck!!
  12. It's really was a lot of fun! So scary at first....but with each obstacle I gained a little more confidence...especially the really high walls I had to climb over...I am afraid of heights and I did it! The Mud was crazy...thick...very thick..and people kept actually getting stuck. When you would help someone get their leg out because it was quick sand....then YOU would get stuck....that was the worst part of it.....you actually had to just "swim" in the thick mud to get anywhere...then Run with about 20 extra pounds of mud hanging on ya...lol....but I loved it and can't wait to do it again. Even though every day I wake up with a new bruise and I can't seem to shake this tired feeling and my back is hurting...haha.
  13. NOPE! All day long
  14. I went out a few weeks ago with friends and "tied one on"...actually...I tied a few too many one. Not like me to drink that much but the drinks were so good they didn't taste like alcohol and I was dancing and having a great time. My husband swears when I got home that I kept begging him for a cigarette. He's a smoker and also has a tendency to BS me. I am doubtful he's telling the truth but it scared me enough that I never want to drink so much that I'm not sure even if I did...or I didn't ask someone for a cigarette. That would really suck if I smoked. Drank waayyyy too much. NOPE! Keeping my light saber with me at all times
  15. babs609

    F it

    F it! Pain is even worse today but I will push thru it.....F it!
  16. MISSED THIS! Congrats to all 3 of you again! Fun poll! :)
  17. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  18. 50 push-ups 100 high knee step ups on tire 100 mountain climbers 50 squat thrusts 50 squats 100 jumping jacks 50 slam ball on mat 50 sit ups 1 mile run I'm tired
  19. You have to want to quit MORE than you want to smoke.
  20. life is great as a non smoker...no matter what. Love the freedom!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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