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Everything posted by babs609

  1. well done Gabby!! Bravo!!
  2. as in "sticky Quit" I hope
  3. amazing isn't it???
  4. Not am I...:::I am!
  5. I took it as acky....as in tobacco. Wacky tobacky.
  6. That was Lisa, of course. Happy birthday Frez Who practices self love all the time -already knocked his wife up 4 times or 5. I lost count. Self love is safe. Lol
  7. Good job Michelle. You've got this!! I say....go to the gas station. Get that shit out of the way. Stare that trigger down. Ps. Not sure if it's just a rumor, but I heard they actually have gas at gas stations. :)
  8. Warrior. This will pass but if you continue to fantasize about that 1 cigarette you are just torturing yourself. That 1 cigarette---it's an illusion. You are craving that feeling it gave you when you were in withdrawal but if you were to smoke that cigarette you would be disappointed because you will not achieve that feeling that you crave. You are not in withdrawal. You are associating the feel good feeling with the cigarette itself and this is the lie. Good news though. There are other ways to get that feel good feeling. So many more and work better than any nasty puff of a nasty cigarette...and right now you are learning what those other ways are. You never really did because you always turned to the cigarette for comfort. Feel good moments that mimic the feeling you are craving. (Remember, it's not a craving for a smoke. It's a craving for a feeling. A sensation. Relief of tension or boredom or anxiety) Cardio exercise. Get your heart pumping. Run walk fast swim bike jog - whatever it takes to get your heart pumping. Endorphins yes. Yes yes. Orgasms. - I'm not trying to be funny. It's science. Having an orgasm releases a flood of natural chemicals produced by your body including dopamine, oxytocin which is s natural tranquilizer and pain reliever, serotonin - feel good feeling. Laughing - another activity that releases endorphins. Meditation/relaxation techniques -. You tube or audio apps. Deep breathing-- focusing on your breath, on the moment. An activity you can take anywhere. Can't always have sex or run but you can always deep breath. Those are my 4 favorite things. There are so many other healthy feel good "go to's" to discover. Your job now is to figure out which ones suit you. All that because you quit smoking! You got too much to do. Ain't nobody got time for puffin. Yuck. No going back only forward. Besides. You are a warrior. And warriors don't smoke.
  9. this is true....but to make sure you don't eat yourself into a belly ache... . always have a bottle of water with you to grab constantly when you have that restlessness. pack with you healthy snacks...carrot sticks, apples, grapes, strawberries, broccoli with hummus.--nobody says you gotta give up eating...just try to lean towards healthy stuff....if you only do this 25 percent of the time..it's still better than NOT. .
  10. Believe me.....I tried it the other way around for YEARS and it never worked. I always said...."I'll quit smoking when I lose 30 lbs" never happened but then I quit smoking...yes....temporarily gained weight...but then BAM!!! complete lifestyle change....and the exercising is so much better when you can breathe. lol you got this girlie!! Pop a chocolate in your mouth and smile....LIKE A BOSS!! Like a "nonsmoking" boss!! :)
  11. don't overthink....rule #1. I was 30 lbs overweight when I quit smoking...and gained some more after I quit... I had diabetes and high blood pressure I am now 3 years quit and diabetes and blood pressure under control and 10 lbs from goal weight so....weight gain isn't really necessary...but I tell everyone who is in hell or heck week....screw the diet.....eat everything and anything. You might gain 10 lbs...but no more. Meanwhile you are making plans to walk and exercise and eat healthy after the 2 weeks is up....because this is your new life...the new you...and you will be able to breathe and smell and taste and enjoy without guilt...LIFE. don't overthink just don't smoke....just for today
  12. remember michelle....a crave is not a command to smoke. You are a non smoker but your addiction needs time to catch up to that. Trying to fight that addiction with willpower is fruitless. Fighting the addiction with knowledge and education....SUCCESSFUL!! You've got this. Each time you beat down a crave....it makes the addiction weaker..and YOU stronger!! woo hoo!
  13. cheri, are you sure you aren't sarah? you sound an awful lot like her I do have a stripper pole in my office btw......come work for me :)
  14. welcome back Tyme.....relapse sucks and the thought of starting over sucks...but...keeping your head in the sand and smoking until you are dead is worse. So...kudos to you for recognizing! Hello sticky quit!
  15. Scottinpa Who just returned and has 4 days quit?
  16. Woo hoo! Get it girl. For the last time. No more window licking for you. Welcome back!!
  17. grrrrrrrr....as a person who tries to see the positive side of a situation...I will reluctantly share in the autumn enthusiasm...grrrrrr too soon for my Spring countdown?
  18. I thought it said erection in the title.
  19. Nope!!!
  20. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  21. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  22. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  23. babs609

    chicks or sticks

    13 Hi Bat :)
  24. babs609

    chicks or sticks


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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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