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Everything posted by babs609

  1. So proud of you Rez. Congrats!
  2. Lie: I have too much stress in my life right now. Not a good time to quit. Truth: there is always gonna be stress in my life to some degree. It's life. But the crazy thing is...I was never more stressed than when I was a smoker. Going through withdrawal no less than 20 times a day...I would say that's pretty stressful.
  3. This morning as I was driving to work I thought about that stupid excuse I used about some BS about needing something to do with my hands.....what the heck kind of BS is that? What to do with the hands?? Well...if your driving..how about just driving? Why do you need something else to do with your hands? They are plenty busy. It truly amazes me...the lies we told over and over and were totally convinced they were true! Tell me more lies......and expose why they are lies...GO!
  4. great thread! I just feel great....physically, mentally, spiritually...life is good...and just keeps getting better.
  5. huh?? no....really. True story I was 8 :)
  6. Happy Birthday Crispy!! :clapping: :party2: :give_heart: :party: :dance2:
  7. haha!! You are such a trouble maker :) last time I was up in a tree, I got stuck and my uncle had to help me down I'm even getting tired of the back seat...need to change it up :wub: :D :P :pleasantry: :music: :good3: :flirt: Happy Saturday!!
  8. welcome dave! Like Nike says....Just Do it!! congrats on your wise decision
  9. see .....your own words. Read them back to yourself absorb what it says If you were offended by anything that any one said about you being offensive...I do apologize. Not for how it made you feel....because I can't control that right? lol....it is funny how the world is just a mirror image of ourselves. I love that! anyway..... we are used to this type of ranting from a newbie...and we sure don't take offense. I certainly am not offended by your ******* stars....and I didn't get any ******* reports from any one else as far as i can ******* tell. Use the ******* stars if it makes you feel better. Post away with your ******* thoughts and express your ******* self. Go to town. Have at it. Just don't ******* smoke or find an excuse to ******* smoke either
  10. the ones who relapse are the ones who either argue with everyone looking to make an excuse to leave....and then smoke or....stay quiet for fear of being judged for struggling...and then finally caving in to the voice inside their head That's not you...you are here...you are in it to fight....you won't smoke, I am sure of it!! Having the struggle and working through it is a sign of strength...not weakness. You are a warrior TEW!! Stay here and post all you need! :)
  11. Tew. You better not smoke!!!! Stop fixating on that one cigarette darling. You are driving yourself insane. Obsessing. Enough! Smoking is it an option! Make it not an option.
  12. NOPE!! great seeing Evelyn here. Where are the newbies? Michelle? Cheri??
  13. we love ya Evelyn!! Keep hanging in there.... and You are welcome! :)
  14. I don't want to die a smoker...regardless if I die from an illness that was caused by smoking (chances are good that I will) because for the last 3 years...I have been free....and there's no better feeling in the world than freedom...NONE. I am grateful each day I open my eyes and can get out of bed..and breathe, walk, workout, run, laugh, cry, reminisce, work, love.etc etc. Actually life is pretty darn good...and believe me...I have no particular reason to say that....except that I love WHAT IS NOW.
  15. babs609

    chicks or sticks

  16. will have to check it out :)
  17. wait.....i see you are still up! I was going to put him in eye candy thread but this thread needs it more :) yes....he is young enough to be my.....son...probably....dammit..don't judge me. he's a lovely distraction
  18. Thank you Michelle. I love this!! Print this..make copies..carry it around with you...memorize them. Great stuff right there....yes!! I slept all the time in the beginning of my quit. Once my head hit the pillow I knew I got through another day. You are doing so well! sleep good and seep you tomorrow in the NOPE thread for tomorrows pledge. :)
  19. Of course you are. To me and many others. But not so much that you need to take on the problems of the world here honey. Scale it down just a tad.
  20. Oh gosh no!! Post 10000 times a day if you need to!! No I meant lately I've been doing the tough love thing. Usually i mix up nice nice with tough...But it's necessary in your case to tough love it. Lol. My goddaughter/niece has a sister who is in her early 40s and dying from gallbladder cancer and its all I can think about. That's hard. Dying. Refraining from sticking nasty sticks in your mouth and lighting them on fire isn't hard. We thought it was. You still do. But it's a lie. A damn lie. Nope. One day at a time. And post post post!! Just don't smoke. Ever.
  21. I feel like I'm being a thorn in your side...but you need a reality check...just like many of us did too when we first quit want to know what's hard? Lung Cancer Emphysema Heart disease Stroke Blood clots to your lungs Pancreatic cancer Liver cancer Bladder cancer gallbladder cancer mouth cancer Losing a loved one too damn early because of smoking losing your teeth living with oxygen 24/7 hmmmm...did I miss anything?? Michelle...everything associated with quitting is temporary...but the results of quitting last a lifetime :) Hang in there!
  22. Lol. Good one
  23. :)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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